• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The party of no hits a new low. Repukes at it again!!!


Well-Known Member
Wait wait wait, I thought the only reason the republicans were voting no was to make all democrats get their panties in a bunch, you know just to be a bunch of dicks or something. Now it comes out that they have a vested interest in protecting 30+% of their assets? How many Democrats are also voting no becasue of this very thing? You also seem to have missed the point that when companies are fined or incur more costs those costs are not borne by the company, but by the customer of those products or services. Companies don't really pay for things out of their own pockets, you do.

I understand that you want to make sure that anyone who enjoys a higher standard of living than you needs to be punished by having their money taken away and redistributed to those who aren't rich. Am I correct?


Well-Known Member
Wait wait wait, I thought the only reason the republicans were voting no was to make all democrats get their panties in a bunch, you know just to be a bunch of dicks or something. Now it comes out that they have a vested interest in protecting 30+% of their assets? How many Democrats are also voting no becasue of this very thing? You also seem to have missed the point that when companies are fined or incur more costs those costs are not borne by the company, but by the customer of those products or services. Companies don't really pay for things out of their own pockets, you do.

I understand that you want to make sure that anyone who enjoys a higher standard of living than you needs to be punished by having their money taken away and redistributed to those who aren't rich. Am I correct?
Being wealthy is quickly becoming the great crime of our time. WTF happened to "the American Dream, the land of opportunity" and all that shit? This whole attitude that redistribution of wealth is the key to making the world the "Kumbaya" place we all want is troubling to me.:-?


Well-Known Member
Being wealthy is quickly becoming the great crime of our time. WTF happened to "the American Dream, the land of opportunity" and all that shit? This whole attitude that redistribution of wealth is the key to making the world the "Kumbaya" place we all want is troubling to me.:-?

QFT... I have already scaled back on business and investing plans due to the direction of the federal government. By the look of the unemployment rate, so have alot of Americans.

Obama thinks he can tax us into prosperity...


Well-Known Member
QFT... I have already scaled back on business and investing plans due to the direction of the federal government. By the look of the unemployment rate, so have alot of Americans.

Obama thinks he can tax us into prosperity...
Funny how that has NEVER worked, yet some politicians NEVER seem to learn!:dunce:


Well-Known Member
HAHA so it was the Democrats who caused this to fail by using a different procedure that requires not just a Majority vote to pass, but a 2/3rds majority vote. Ok you all can start blaming the Donkeys for this screw up. They do it on purpose knowing a full 2/3 is untenable so that they can blame the bill’s failure on the GOP, accusing it of petty—and unpatriotic—obstructionism. You will start to see more and more of this as November elections near, and you will get it from both sides.


Well-Known Member
The problem is the Dems will take a worthy bill and load a bunch of nosense in it, and the repuks are doing the right thing. I think its funny the dems control EVERY branch, not able to get all their folks to agree, they blame it on the repuks. They all need to get voted out if they do not stand there ground against more spending! They need to quit loading these bills with pork trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes and they would get some cooperation. The goverment is in real trouble....people are paying attention and this good ole boy shit is not going to pass as representation any more.


Well-Known Member
Being wealthy is quickly becoming the great crime of our time. WTF happened to "the American Dream, the land of opportunity" and all that shit? This whole attitude that redistribution of wealth is the key to making the world the "Kumbaya" place we all want is troubling to me.:-?
it's not a crime. it's just simple economics: economies based on a middle class are a lot more stable than those dependant on the spending habits of a few wealthy individuals.

a noted economist:

The data may be a further sign that the U.S. is becoming a Plutonomy–an economy dependent on the spending and investing of the wealthy. And Plutonomies are far less stable than economies built on more evenly distributed income and mass consumption. "I don't think it's healthy for the economy to be so dependent on the top 2% of the income distribution," Mr. Zandi said. He added that, "In the near term it highlights the fragility of the recovery."


Well-Known Member
The problem is the Dems will take a worthy bill and load a bunch of nosense in it, and the repuks are doing the right thing. I think its funny the dems control EVERY branch, not able to get all their folks to agree, they blame it on the repuks. They all need to get voted out if they do not stand there ground against more spending! They need to quit loading these bills with pork trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes and they would get some cooperation. The goverment is in real trouble....people are paying attention and this good ole boy shit is not going to pass as representation any more.
there is no nonesense in that bill.

the only "nonesense" is closing a tax loophole for foreign companies operating within the United states. most tax experts agree that closing this loophole will not cause companies to leave the united states market in swarms, like repukes would like for you to believe. it will also help the never-ending drug war, because this tax-loophole is also used by large drug cartels use this loophole to funnel drug money.

repukes voted no not because the bill was 'flawed' but because obstructing the normal legislative process needed for the country to move forward has become part of their platform. they vote things like this down, while parading the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck in front of cameras, experts at spinning the truth, persuading, and fear-mongering.... their base probably don't even know that it's the repukes fault this didn't pass.

did you guys see Fox News after the bill didn't pass?? there was no outrage, unlike when financial reform, or health care reform passed, when my tv almost flew off the table.....

The only criticism i saw on FNC was the footage jon stewart showed, where the "Fox News Contributor" who was brought in as an expert to discuss how it failed to pass, admitted she didn't read the bill, she doesn't know the particulars, and she doesn't know why the guy was screaming and it was "Such a turn-off.."

repukes are disgusting. they only care about big business....


Well-Known Member
it's not a crime. it's just simple economics: economies based on a middle class are a lot more stable than those dependant on the spending habits of a few wealthy individuals.

a noted economist:

I realize it's not a crime but there is this wave of popular sentiment that people with money and status are the cause of all of our problems. The middle class is still the engine that keeps this country afloat. If the progressives have their way, that won't be the case for much longer.:cry:


HAHAHAHA "If the progressives have their way, that won't be the case for much longer"

On a day when you have a free second to do actual research (that means "thinking time" spent away from rush limbaughs limp dingdong) check out middle class savings and job creation numbers under Bush.

The republicans are oily corporatist bastards who support tax havens.

Are you freedom lovers arguing for corporate tax havens?

Are you for escalating the drug war?

Are you for growing the millitary industrial complex?

Are you for multibillion dollar deals between government and contractors like Haliburton and Blackwater?

Oh you are? That explains why yuou like republicans so much...


Well-Known Member
repukes voted no not because the bill was 'flawed' but because obstructing the normal legislative process needed for the country to move forward has become part of their platform.
You are constantly spouting unfounded crap... This was the series of events and even John Stewart pointed out the HYPOCRACY on both sides of the aisle...

The democrats used an OBSCURE rule to bar any EMBARRASING amendments the republicans might have proposed. By doing this they increased the needed votes from half to two thirds. The democrats would have had enough votes to pass if they used the NORMAL LEGISLATIVE PROCESS to allow amendments.

I get sick of people like you that are so partisanly blind that you completely ignore the obvious parts of the situation to just lay blame on 1/2 of the politicians who DO NOT CONTROL CONGRESS...

FFS, when are you going to realise that you are being played for a fool? That your side (whoever that is) is just as guilty of wasting taxpayers time and money as the other side. Until we stop talking about sides and we start talking about us ( you know, we the people?) and them (the politicians) they are going to continue to steal you liberty and money...

Keep drinking the coolaid kid.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA "If the progressives have their way, that won't be the case for much longer"

On a day when you have a free second to do actual research (that means "thinking time" spent away from rush limbaughs limp dingdong) check out middle class savings and job creation numbers under Bush.

The republicans are oily corporatist bastards who support tax havens.

Are you freedom lovers arguing for corporate tax havens?

Are you for escalating the drug war?

Are you for growing the millitary industrial complex?

Are you for multibillion dollar deals between government and contractors like Haliburton and Blackwater?

Oh you are? That explains why yuou like republicans so much...
I'm not a republican my friend. Ya know, not everybody fits into your little "box". I don't like what Obama and the progressives are doing to the country. Let me ask you this. What are Obama and his ultra left-wing cronies doing about any of those things you mentioned? Oh, that's right. They're doing Jack shit!!!! Oh,they are letting the tax cuts for the rich expire. Great! What about all that other stuff? Quit assuming shit and pull your head outta your ass!:finger:


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA "If the progressives have their way, that won't be the case for much longer"

On a day when you have a free second to do actual research (that means "thinking time" spent away from rush limbaughs limp dingdong) check out middle class savings and job creation numbers under Bush.

The republicans are oily corporatist bastards who support tax havens.

Are you freedom lovers arguing for corporate tax havens?

Are you for escalating the drug war?

Are you for growing the millitary industrial complex?

Are you for multibillion dollar deals between government and contractors like Haliburton and Blackwater?

Oh you are? That explains why yuou like republicans so much...
What point are you arguing? Doc11 said NOTHING in defense of republicans. I think you might be completely blinded by your avarice towards anything but your point of view.


Well-Known Member
it's not a crime. it's just simple economics: economies based on a middle class are a lot more stable than those dependant on the spending habits of a few wealthy individuals.
Exactly right, and wealth distribution does nothing to the truly wealthy, the truly wealthy do not pay shit for taxes. Wealth distribution takes from the middle class and gives to the poor and the wealthy alike. When you use a food stamp debit card people believe they are getting taxpayer money for food? Hell no, JP Morgan gets 1% of EVERY SINGLE FOOD STAMPS TRANSACTION for their fee for providing the card and the network. Yeah you got it right, you tax the wealthy and give to the poor enriches the wealthy even more than it does the poor. The poor will get to eat, but JP Morgan gets even richer. Especially now with 40 million people on food stamps. Food Stamps average $2.50 per person per day, so figure 40 million x 2.50 x365 =36.5 billion x 1% = 365 million for JP morgan. they are not trying to save the middle class, they are trying to destroy it.


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about food stamps?? food stamps are given to the members of society who need it.

it's not a program designed to enrich JP morgan, in fact, JP morgan figured that the food stamp system is not unlike a DEBIT card system, it was just being run differently, and capitalized on the idea. the government benefited because it actually SAVES TAXPAYER MONEY to have JP morgan handle parts of the program, instead of the government having to establish accounts and infrastructure to handle these types of transactions...



Well-Known Member
what are you talking about food stamps?? food stamps are given to the members of society who need it.

it's not a program designed to enrich JP morgan, in fact, JP morgan figured that the food stamp system is not unlike a DEBIT card system, it was just being run differently, and capitalized on the idea. the government benefited because it actually SAVES TAXPAYER MONEY to have JP morgan handle parts of the program, instead of the government having to establish accounts and infrastructure to handle these types of transactions...

He didn't say it was designed to enrich JP Morgan. That's just an added benefit for them.;-)


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about food stamps?? food stamps are given to the members of society who need it.
this is completely wrong thinking, the government gives food stamps to those who can SHOW a need. You can be a billionaire, as long as you make no income and don't personally own anything of value you can get on the program. Its not like they follow you home and go through your stuff to see if you are really poor or not. Food Stamps biggest problem is fraud.


Well-Known Member
this is completely wrong thinking, the government gives food stamps to those who can SHOW a need. You can be a billionaire, as long as you make no income and don't personally own anything of value you can get on the program. Its not like they follow you home and go through your stuff to see if you are really poor or not. Food Stamps biggest problem is fraud.
wikipedia defines billionaire as:

a billionaire is a person who has a net worth of at least one billion units of a currency, usually the United States dollar, Euro, or Pound sterling. Forbes magazine updates a complete list of U.S. dollar billionaires around the world every year.

if we follow the link of net worth, we see that:

In personal finance, net worth (or wealth) refers to an individual's net economic position; similarly, it uses the value of all assets (long term assets) minus the value of all liabilities.

so, in your mind you can be a billionaire, but don't personally own anything of value and make no income.

how do I say this... THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.


Well-Known Member
how do I say this... THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
Ask all those people who pay no taxes yet live a very comfortable lifestyle how they do it. Just one example would be An IRA, but a special one called a Open Opportunity IRA. In This you can set up a company in another country and make it an LLC, you would make your self the director of the company and any profits you make would not be considered income and would not be taxed. Wala your in control of money but you don't actually have any and more importantly you won't pay any tax. There is no end to what you could do.

Do many people do this? No, less than .5% even know of these investment/tax/retirement vehicles, but they are there and they can legally make it appear that you have no income.