The Path to Hemp in Texas.

Man idk whats going on but things are tanking I hear. "texas hoped hemp would bail them out, but the crop has not yet delivered." I need hemp seeds and the license money still.

They just banned smoking the flower. I want to tell you to stay and wait. but we need more.

SO they pulled a Cuomo on you... That's what he did in NY, "ohh you can have medical marijuana, but, only in joint form and it has to be crushed so there is no buds, and must be inspected for such."

There were rumors that he was going to legalize it recreationally in NY, but then ban the smoking of it. LOL!

Also here in NY, hemp was huge at the first year, they were talking 38-48,000 an acre.... The "market" got flooded before the harvest and the price bottomed out, now in my area of southerntier of NY, I see the former hemp farms their farms are either in foreclosure, or being sold. Their hemp plants were left in the ground, and only grew like 2 foot tall. That was like 3 years ago. The farms all still sit on the market. They originally were all beef farms raising cattle for "Steak-ums".... But that in itself can be a hard business.
Didn’t read all this thread but Texas hemp lic is exactly that hemp. No female plants only male. No thc. So if you wanna get in the hemp rope buisiness then go for growing hemp in Texas
I'm subbing to this thread.

I'm following along to see how all this will unfold and very excited about it. Other than Lubbock will there be any locations in Texas to process hemp? I saw a company called Cherokee Hemp Corp who mentioned they have a facility in Comanche, Tx. Anyone familiar with this?

I'm completely new to hemp but I've been in agriculture a long time and would love to give this a try.
Comanche is right by Lubbock
Didn’t read all this thread but Texas hemp lic is exactly that hemp. No female plants only male. No thc. So if you wanna get in the hemp rope buisiness then go for growing hemp in Texas
Texas sucks and I'm a native. Their medical marijuana program is only for patients suffering a specific seizure disorder. THAT'S IT! Most backward thinking state in the country. Run by asshole Baptists and right wing cucks. I mean they elected Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert and they keep reelecting them.
They actually added a lot more on to the med program this year but it's still a complete joke. House Bill 1535.

"Thousands more Texans can now be prescribed medical cannabis oil with low levels of THC, the ingredient that gets people high.

House Bill 1535, which went into effect Wednesday, expands the state’s compassionate use program to people with any type of cancer and those dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder.

The law also doubled the THC limit allowable under the program from 0.5% to 1%."

Alright New update! We've Decided to continue to with the license procurement. Seriously. And I would love to hear from anyone else in this great state/ outcomes, cautions, numbers of anyking(we love numers)
And I got a new phone number, being we're doing this legally I dont mind sharing any information as well.
Alright New update! We've Decided to continue to with the license procurement. Seriously. And I would love to hear from anyone else in this great state/ outcomes, cautions, numbers of anyking(we love numers)
And I got a new phone number, being we're doing this legally I dont mind sharing any information as well.

ok ya go

100 for the license
100 for the lot
100 for the facility

so that's 3 bills

my problem is the testing part before harvest.......wait what???
Lubbock has years of experience with cotton ginning. Most of the gins are pretty much shut down. The cotton is picked and packed into modules. These are basically shipped to where regulations don’t exist and labor is cheap. Should be a good pool still of gin workers. I used to live in Lubbock. Frigging bud was $20 s gram in 2009.
Times sure do change, I lived in round Rock in the mid to late 90's, Mexican brick was 100-120 per QP.
Update, we've started prototyping hemp extracts for dabs. Also landed some contacts to sell everything produced. Now looking for loans to meet demand.
this guy was super excited...i could do hemp on my acreage but i don't know...that whole testing for less than .03% THC or kill the crop has me gunshy on the whole idea. I wonder if this guy has email notifications on that's why im posting...see if i can ping him in the netherworld and see if he returns to continue the convo.
And we are still super excited because of the txcup program and I found other loopholes around the testing we can dilute the oil after extraction to meet state requirements