The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

you made a declarative statement about what AOC said, and it was a lie.

please apologize for lying now, or we can never trust a word you have to say, she-nazi

And, for the record, do you REALLY think I care if You trust me?

Yep, can't say that I blame him. He probably did want to punch him in the face.

Guess what separates the Men from the Animals?

He didn't punch the guy in the face - which, is more than what I can say for the "peaceful" protestors.

Ahhh, what was that, that you all just said?

Fight fire with fire? ......

The double standard is strong, and the crap is deep.
Yep, can't say that I blame him. He probably did want to punch him in the face.

Guess what separates the Men from the Animals?

He didn't punch the guy in the face - which, is more than what I can say for the "peaceful" protestors.

Ahhh, what was that, that you all just said?

Fight fire with fire? ......

The double standard is strong, and the crap is deep.
mrs. violence hater is suddenly ok with violence as long as her cult leader calls for the violence.

what a two faced see you next tuesday
Looks like you will all be able to deal with this "on your own" LOLOL.

Good luck.

Even your fellow Oregonians are sick of the crap.
Yes, we have problems with fascists on other police forces too. It's a society wide issue, hence the protests against police brutality in every major US city. We have to clean them out and ensure they never come back. Send all of your kind back to where you came from.
Yep, can't say that I blame him. He probably did want to punch him in the face.

Guess what separates the Men from the Animals?

He didn't punch the guy in the face - which, is more than what I can say for the "peaceful" protestors.

Ahhh, what was that, that you all just said?

Fight fire with fire? ......

The double standard is strong, and the crap is deep.
Because Trump is a spoiled brat who never had to work for anything thank to daddies money (until he lost it anyways and had to start washing foreign dictator money to fund his con). He is too much of a pansy to do what his cultists will do for him.
i will pray that your husband or the pool boy or even just some homeless dude you find can actually show you what an orgasm feels like
Thanks for your concern. I've got this covered.

We can't all be as lucky as your boyfriend.

But, glad you care about me enough to show it!!
Looks like you will all be able to deal with this "on your own" LOLOL.

Good luck.

Even your fellow Oregonians are sick of the crap.

So trump says we need him to send in the Feds to get things under control. From the article you linked:

In a statement, Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts wrote:

“Had Governor Brown discussed her plan with my office, I would have told her it’s about changing policy not adding resources. Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder. The only way to make Portland safe again, is to support a policy that holds offenders accountable for their destruction and violence.”

The Clackamas County Sheriff knows more about law enforcement than trump ever will and knows that more bodies won't change a thing. So trumps stupid "send in the troops" is pure bullshit and just one of his latest campaign slogans that's as pathetic as his "Lock her up!" crap.

As for Oregonians sick of this crap. Oregon is a big state and unless you're near one of a few locations you wouldn't even know anything was going on. I've already stated that us Portlanders sick of it. Both Antifa and the far right need to get the hell out of here. You're preaching to the choir about that.

Bottom line is that if trump claims the cities are burning then why doesn't he be a leader and work on putting out the fires instead of pouring gasoline on them. Reason: trump isn't a leader. He never has been and he never will be.

We'll be just fine in Portland without trump. Last time he sent people here all it did was cause more violence. But if he does send them again anything that happens because of it will be his fault and everyone will know it.

trump is a failed President on the way to being a one term failure and he knows it. He can't run on policy or his vision for America because he doesn't have any. All he has is fear and hate and he's hoping that he can scare enough people that the boogeyman is coming to get them to win which he can't so he's going down in flames. He's such a piece of garbage that if he can't win he wants to do as much damage to the country as he can before he's evicted from the White House.