The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

I don't buy into the people who are painting these protests as violent are anything other than mostly white supremacists and radicalized online domestic terrorists, regardless of what 'brandname' they fell into believing.

Are those the rioters or the protesters setting the fire? I don't see (outside of the length of time) this as being much different than many other times in our nation that inexcusable violence has occurred during protests, it is just that we are not able to escape seeing it.

It seems that it is one giant circle of radicalization you have going on in Portland. And everything that occurs gets used and spammed in a way to people to further radicalize and divide up people. Bad cops going too far on peaceful protests create fuel for people that see it as wrong and push back, which is spammed to people who then radicalize against the anti-police protestors and on and on until we get to today where people are looking for a fight and getting murdered on the street just to get shot up for a minute by police because Trump asked for it.

This shit needs to stop, we won't be able to come together until the Russian and any other countries attack on our citizens using online propaganda to divide us is occurring.

Good grief. It is possible that people other than white supremacists can levy some criticism on these late night "protests" where violence and looting take place, you know.

Seriously dude, do you actually believe that foreign trolls reach more people than your domestic ones like fox news and shit? This bullshit about Russian propaganda affects how many people? Seriously? Its fucking ridiculous, Russians hiding behind every digital tree just waiting for some moron to stumble onto their web of lies. You sound like a rubber room nutjob. What percentage of the population had their vote compromised above and beyond the influence of your stupid entertainment "news" programs? Both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the dumbing down of mainstream media and the divisions between uncooperative political extremes.
Good grief. It is possible that people other than white supremacists can levy some criticism on these late night "protests" where violence and looting take place, you know.

Seriously dude, do you actually believe that foreign trolls reach more people than your domestic ones like fox news and shit? This bullshit about Russian propaganda affects how many people? Seriously? Its fucking ridiculous, Russians hiding behind every digital tree just waiting for some moron to stumble onto their web of lies. You sound like a rubber room nutjob. What percentage of the population had their vote compromised above and beyond the influence of your stupid entertainment "news" programs? Both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the dumbing down of mainstream media and the divisions between uncooperative political extremes.
Do you not see the youtube propaganda that Fox is pushing out, what makes you think that everything they are doing is not getting impacted by the Russian/Saudi/etc foreign military trolling? People getting paid on paypal to troll even if they are here in the states can be doing the work of the Russian military too.

I could give a shit less what you think I sound like if it gets people to take notice of the very real attack that is going on in our democracy.Your diminishing their impact is telling when you continue the way you did in this post and shows how naive you want to at least pretend to be. The Russian military had over 2 billion interactions with approximately 127 million Americans in just the last month on just Facebook leading up to the 2016 elections. At 12 cents per post that would be about the equivalent of dumping over 240 million dollars on just Facebook in one month, while being able to lie and look at exactly how to lie to get what response you want form people based on their online data profiles.

Im sorry if your shit post doesn't stop me, because it is not like it is original, its been shown that the Russian military talked the same kind of shit when they get called out on the trolling too. I would ask yourself why you are using the Russian militaries talking points if I was you.

And lol at your 'both sides' bs with the 'mainstream media'.
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Bro this is all propaganda its political duh you cant say that this is Trump fault imma Melanin brother straight frm the Trenches foreal and I voting for Trump the Democrats want us a socialist country Biden racist than a mfr fr Biden on integration "I Dont want my kids going to school in the jungle wit monkeys" so miss me and he a pedophile fuck Biden but his BP is sexy
Is that how Russians think black people talk?
both parties in all levels of government have cheated in elections. we can be honest people still right?
Again like I can admit their are some nut jobs over here bro. I can also admit that this country just watched shit tons of liberal cities get looted and burned. That's some nut job shit in my books. but because both sides have a shit ton of nut jobs we can all pretty much agree that something stupid as fuck will happen from an individual or small group that is entirely too invested in upholding a form of control over the other nut jobs. China released a bioweapon and the russians meme us to death worlds all janky seems like it always has been.
Humans can be corrupt sure, it doesn't matter which side. I call bullshit on 'all levels have cheated in elections on both sides' at least since the 70's, feel free to prove me wrong on that.

I would question what you think you know about the 'looting' in our cities. The propaganda spam about all the 'rioting' I looked at throughout this thread can be seen that this is not anything widespread or common, and a lot of the proven criminality has been done by domestic terrorists like the white supremacists trying to trick people like yourself into thinking otherwise.

Show proof that China released a 'bioweapon', because you are spreading propaganda right there with that. Shit Russia could have easily spread the virus to the Chinese wet markets themselves after their research lab blew up. And regardless it is bullshit that Trump needs his cult to buy into for any chance at them to not see him for the shitty lying cult leader he is. With Trump filling our intel agencies with his trolls we won't know what happened until proper investigations can happen.

And if you think that being able to collect all of your online data (courtesy of Snowden smuggling Putin our NSA data files with the help of Assange) and use it to produce real time propaganda that is personalized to impact you and your friends/family in ways to get the most socially destructive response is something entirely new in the last couple decades.
Humans can be corrupt sure, it doesn't matter which side. I call bullshit on 'all levels have cheated in elections on both sides' at least since the 70's, feel free to prove me wrong on that.

I would question what you think you know about the 'looting' in our cities. The propaganda spam about all the 'rioting' I looked at throughout this thread can be seen that this is not anything widespread or common, and a lot of the proven criminality has been done by domestic terrorists like the white supremacists trying to trick people like yourself into thinking otherwise.

Show proof that China released a 'bioweapon', because you are spreading propaganda right there with that. Shit Russia could have easily spread the virus to the Chinese wet markets themselves after their research lab blew up. And regardless it is bullshit that Trump needs his cult to buy into for any chance at them to not see him for the shitty lying cult leader he is. With Trump filling our intel agencies with his trolls we won't know what happened until proper investigations can happen.

And if you think that being able to collect all of your online data (courtesy of Snowden smuggling Putin our NSA data files with the help of Assange) and use it to produce real time propaganda that is personalized to impact you and your friends/family in ways to get the most socially destructive response is something entirely new in the last couple decades.
I've watched hours of it live stream and I went and parked my car in a parking lot and watched it in my own city. Definitely saw at least 50-60 people here who couldn't have been white supremacists who were heavily involved in smashing and burning.
Yep sure russia put the virus in the chinese wet market that is by the virus lab. works for me either way I shouldn't/should wear the mask according to the government.
You ever notice how if you google something then you start getting ads related to it? The government won't stop data collection for advertisers how could they stop it from another government when it's openly bought and sold? like this site makes money doing that and helping the ad companies profile potential customers. welcome to the internet.

how do you beat propaganda while maintaining the 1st amendment? that is what I would like to know.
I've watched hours of it live stream and I went and parked my car in a parking lot and watched it in my own city. Definitely saw at least 50-60 people here who couldn't have been white supremacists who were heavily involved in smashing and burning.
Ive watched a lot of hours of these films too. And almost all of the damage can clearly be seen to have been done by mostly white people.

And you are right it is not just white supremesicts. Anyone and everyone is under attack in our nation. There is no question that the Russian military has been pushing the hate propaganda for years to every community and using that to trigger the people who align on the 'other' side of any issue.

A lot of the videos I have seen are just right wing propaganda. But I am willing to learn more about this, so feel free to show that 50-60 people you say are clearly not white smashing and burning. Because the actual damage has been pretty low for the 100+ days of protests that the rioters use as cover to do violence when you compare it to
You ever notice how if you google something then you start getting ads related to it? The government won't stop data collection for advertisers how could they stop it from another government when it's openly bought and sold? like this site makes money doing that and helping the ad companies profile potential customers. welcome to the internet.
Naive. The Russian military dumped the equivalent of $240 million in our elections in just one month on just Facebook to get Trump elected. That shit is illegal. And Trump allows it because it got him elected. Cat fishing over a 127 million American citizens (even little kids on their video games) is not the same as a computer program selling you cat litter in a online ad because you looked at a cat video on youtube.
how do you beat propaganda while maintaining the 1st amendment? that is what I would like to know.
Same here, but if we have had a real POTUS instead of Trump, our citizens could have at least been warned.

But unfortunatly there are not a '1st amendment' when it comes to internet platforms a
Ive watched a lot of hours of these films too. And almost all of the damage can clearly be seen to have been done by mostly white people.

And you are right it is not just white supremesicts. Anyone and everyone is under attack in our nation. There is no question that the Russian military has been pushing the hate propaganda for years to every community and using that to trigger the people who align on the 'other' side of any issue.

A lot of the videos I have seen are just right wing propaganda. But I am willing to learn more about this, so feel free to show that 50-60 people you say are clearly not white smashing and burning. Because the actual damage has been pretty low for the 100+ days of protests that the rioters use as cover to do violence when you compare it to

Naive. The Russian military dumped the equivalent of $240 million in our elections in just one month on just Facebook to get Trump elected. That shit is illegal. And Trump allows it because it got him elected. Cat fishing over a 127 million American citizens (even little kids on their video games) is not the same as a computer program selling you cat litter in a online ad because you looked at a cat video on youtube.

Same here, but if we have had a real POTUS instead of Trump, our citizens could have at least been warned.

But unfortunatly there are not a '1st amendment' when it comes to internet platforms a
I literally saw it though also saw the guy mag dump his draco and the crowd scatter in front of the police station. I completely agree lots of rich white kids who really feel their pain from the suburbs went to poor neighborhoods to participate in tearing them down. I didn't take any pictures because I'm not a dick head. they wanna do things so be it. other people want to do things to them because of what they have done so be it. the circle continues and I'm sure the police aren't any closer to walking off their jobs and kneeling or whatever the crowd wants to happen and since they won't quit might as well rob the weave store.
right and all the rioting for injustice people only burn and loot the low income neighborhoods. really makes you wonder if it's all some kind of bamboozle going on doesn't it?
I call bullshit on your claim that the rioting has anything to do with the actual protestors. Trump has been pushing this shit hard, seems like it has stuck with you.

I literally saw it though also saw the guy mag dump his draco and the crowd scatter in front of the police station. I completely agree lots of rich white kids who really feel their pain from the suburbs went to poor neighborhoods to participate in tearing them down. I didn't take any pictures because I'm not a dick head. they wanna do things so be it. other people want to do things to them because of what they have done so be it. the circle continues and I'm sure the police aren't any closer to walking off their jobs and kneeling or whatever the crowd wants to happen and since they won't quit might as well rob the weave store.
Im saying that it is more likely that those white kids are actually not taking part in the protests and are only there to riot to make the protests look bad. There is a lot of actual proof of this occurring.

On and on.

I am more worried about the cops that are actively encouraging the violence.

I dont question that looting is taking place and that it is not apart of the domestic terroism that is taking place in the majority of the rioting and being done by the people in those communities, but the majority of the damage that has clearly been coordinated is being done by white people over and over again. And it is being pumped into people like you's Youtube page to paint it as the actual protestors are the ones doing the violence. It is not and has even been admitted to by Chad Wolf in his hearing.
I call bullshit on your claim that the rioting has anything to do with the actual protestors. Trump has been pushing this shit hard, seems like it has stuck with you.

Im saying that it is more likely that those white kids are actually not taking part in the protests and are only there to riot to make the protests look bad. There is a lot of actual proof of this occurring.

On and on.

I am more worried about the cops that are actively encouraging the violence.

I dont question that looting is taking place and that it is not apart of the domestic terroism that is taking place in the majority of the rioting and being done by the people in those communities, but the majority of the damage that has clearly been coordinated is being done by white people over and over again. And it is being pumped into people like you's Youtube page to paint it as the actual protestors are the ones doing the violence. It is not and has even been admitted to by Chad Wolf in his hearing.

the white people are the "antifas" and if they aren't "antifas" the "antifas" need better control of their group because it clearly looks like antifas and not white supremacists. to me getting arrested. I'm sure some people have been agitators but really you're just playing coy. you know that portland and seattle and anyone that calls themselves "antifa" are clearly not Trump supporters. Or are you saying that all the crowds of rioters are for trump and also all the people against them are for Trump so basically either way it's a landslide victory already cuz ol Trumpalso has a damn homeless junkie army? idk man sounds pretty deluded.
the white people are the "antifas" and if they aren't "antifas" the "antifas" need better control of their group because it clearly looks like antifas and not white supremacists. to me getting arrested. I'm sure some people have been agitators but really you're just playing coy. you know that portland and seattle and anyone that calls themselves "antifa" are clearly not Trump supporters. Or are you saying that all the crowds of rioters are for trump and also all the people against them are for Trump so basically either way it's a landslide victory already cuz ol Trumpalso has a damn homeless junkie army? idk man sounds pretty deluded.
You are falling hard for Trump's trolls branding huh.

You know there is actual proof this is bullshit right?

You put a few white racist young males in black cloths and toss in a 'Antifa' flag and you can never tell the difference. Especially the people who get 'antifa' branding on all these right wing Youtube'ers painting everything as 'Antifa'.

Over and over during these protests it has been shown that the people are actual agitators are just blending into the protesters to create the rioting.
You are falling hard for Trump's trolls branding huh.

You know there is actual proof this is bullshit right?

You put a few white racist young males in black cloths and toss in a 'Antifa' flag and you can never tell the difference. Especially the people who get 'antifa' branding on all these right wing Youtube'ers painting everything as 'Antifa'.

Over and over during these protests it has been shown that the people are actual agitators are just blending into the protesters to create the rioting.
Yes that is the problem with the protests is they keep turning into riots. that's the main problem people are having with them as far as I can tell. the ol false flag attack was made popular by Alex Jones so it probably isn't real since he talked about them before.
Yes that is the problem with the protests is they keep turning into riots. that's the main problem people are having with them as far as I can tell. the ol false flag attack was made popular by Alex Jones so it probably isn't real since he talked about them before.
I think I read it is like 8% of the protests have had any 'rioting' in them. You are just falling into the propaganda trap that paints it like they are all rioting because that is what all of the right wing propagandist on places like Youtube and Facebook try to get people to get you to believe so Trump can sell his hate mongering re-eelction platform.
I think I read it is like 8% of the protests have had any 'rioting' in them. You are just falling into the propaganda trap that paints it like they are all rioting because that is what all of the right wing propagandist on places like Youtube and Facebook try to get people to get you to believe.
8% of protests in multiple cities for over 100 days is a lot of rioting. much more than last summer.
I think I read it is like 8% of the protests have had any 'rioting' in them. You are just falling into the propaganda trap that paints it like they are all rioting because that is what all of the right wing propagandist on places like Youtube and Facebook try to get people to get you to believe so Trump can sell his hate mongering re-eelction platform.
Do you think Biden and Harris will put an end to idiots getting their "news" from social media or is that something that would infringe on 1A? I gotcha your point is other people made my mind up for me. We are the true NPC's. Do you have a facebook? I don't. too many russians spreading their propagandas.
8% of protests in multiple cities for over 100 days is a lot of rioting. much more than last summer.
And mostly done in cities like Portland and Minnesota where these little racists can skew those stats by invading from their suburbs.

Do you think Biden and Harris will put an end to idiots getting their "news" from social media or is that something that would infringe on 1A? I gotcha your point is other people made my mind up for me. We are the true NPC's. Do you have a facebook? I don't. too many russians spreading their propagandas.
I don't think they will encourage them like Trump has clearly did with his little photo shoot stunt clearing peaceful, lawful protestors in DC so he could play little dictator and walk to a church that called him out for it. Trump has been fanning the flames ever since he encouraged protesting early in the year.

I never opened a Facebook account. And the naiveness of thinking any forum is not infested with trolls is a big part of the problem. Where ever it is that you talk to people (guessing this is not your first forum if you are immediately coming in here).

Everything is being trolled. There are fake 'local' propaganda sites designed to look like local news. There are very popular ones like 'OANN' for the right, and 'the Hill' for the left trolls. There are journalists that are also pushing Russian propaganda in different news organizations. Click farms to push stories/youtube videos/etc into the national conversation. And shit, like you mentioned earlier Trump himself is using the full power of his office to push the lies too.

It is inescapable, and hitting everyone from every side of every issue.
And mostly done in cities like Portland and Minnesota where these little racists can skew those stats by invading from their suburbs.

I don't think they will encourage them like Trump has clearly did with his little photo shoot stunt clearing peaceful, lawful protestors in DC so he could play little dictator and walk to a church that called him out for it. Trump has been fanning the flames ever since he encouraged protesting early in the year.

I never opened a Facebook account. And the naiveness of thinking any forum is not infested with trolls is a big part of the problem. Where ever it is that you talk to people (guessing this is not your first forum if you are immediately coming in here).

Everything is being trolled. There are fake 'local' propaganda sites designed to look like local news. There are very popular ones like 'OANN' for the right, and 'the Hill' for the left trolls. There are journalists that are also pushing Russian propaganda in different news organizations. Click farms to push stories/youtube videos/etc into the national conversation. And shit, like you mentioned earlier Trump himself is using the full power of his office to push the lies too.

It is inescapable, and hitting everyone from every side of every issue.

How do you know you havn't been trolled into think Trump is a Hitler? and the Russians aren't manipulating you into having ant american sentiments but you think they are pro american? sounds like a weird midlife crises man. I'm glad you can filter all the trolling and you're a watch dog for all the dummies who can't make the correct choices you've came to from filtering out all the russian and only russian influence.
How do you know you havn't been trolled into think Trump is a Hitler? and the Russians aren't manipulating you into having ant american sentiments but you think they are pro american? sounds like a weird midlife crises man. I'm glad you can filter all the trolling and you're a watch dog for all the dummies who can't make the correct choices you've came to from filtering out all the russian and only russian influence.
I don't know if Trump is Hitler or not is why I am pretty sure I am not brainwashed to think that. But he is a liar, and has appointed liars and trolls to the very important positions throughout our government. Have you seen his judges?

"Only the best people" my ass. Trump is an idiot spoiled rich brat who has never had to work for anything in his life. And he is caught and going to face charges when he is no longer POTUS, so I do think he is dangerous, but only because of the megaphone that comes with being president and it's ability to trigger mentally unwell people into hurting our fellow citizens.

The rest of your post didn't make sense.