Well-Known Member
I don't buy into the people who are painting these protests as violent are anything other than mostly white supremacists and radicalized online domestic terrorists, regardless of what 'brandname' they fell into believing.
Are those the rioters or the protesters setting the fire? I don't see (outside of the length of time) this as being much different than many other times in our nation that inexcusable violence has occurred during protests, it is just that we are not able to escape seeing it.
It seems that it is one giant circle of radicalization you have going on in Portland. And everything that occurs gets used and spammed in a way to people to further radicalize and divide up people. Bad cops going too far on peaceful protests create fuel for people that see it as wrong and push back, which is spammed to people who then radicalize against the anti-police protestors and on and on until we get to today where people are looking for a fight and getting murdered on the street just to get shot up for a minute by police because Trump asked for it.
This shit needs to stop, we won't be able to come together until the Russian and any other countries attack on our citizens using online propaganda to divide us is occurring.
Good grief. It is possible that people other than white supremacists can levy some criticism on these late night "protests" where violence and looting take place, you know.
Seriously dude, do you actually believe that foreign trolls reach more people than your domestic ones like fox news and shit? This bullshit about Russian propaganda affects how many people? Seriously? Its fucking ridiculous, Russians hiding behind every digital tree just waiting for some moron to stumble onto their web of lies. You sound like a rubber room nutjob. What percentage of the population had their vote compromised above and beyond the influence of your stupid entertainment "news" programs? Both Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the dumbing down of mainstream media and the divisions between uncooperative political extremes.