The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

That's spot on.

Those creepy 50 violated a court order to stop using teargas and rubber bullets days that order was issued. They beat and harassed peaceful protesters while coddling Proud Boys and cooperating with violent right wing terrorists. And they do not recognize any limits on what they can do.

Portland has a problem with fascists in city government and on the police force. They are still there and this is not over.

Yeah it sucks how many redneck idiots there still are in a nice place like Oregon.
Another branding exercise of white people LARP'ing in the park as their favorite Nazi vs Anti-Facsist propaganda gang names.

Russian TV is pushing the narrative still.

These idiots watched too much tv growing up.
Proud Boys have been reserving the park on Friday for the past few weeks.

That will end when Proud Boys are designated a terrorist organization.

Props to the antifascists who made their little party uncomfortable.
Fuck george Floyd. Dumbshit criminal would still be alive if he wasn't such a dumb fuck and didn't resist...
Fuck george Floyd. Dumbshit criminal would still be alive if he wasn't such a dumb fuck and didn't resist...
Fuck the cop who killed Floyd.

They are lining up to do just that at the prison where he'll be housed.
Fuck george Floyd. Dumbshit criminal would still be alive if he wasn't such a dumb fuck and didn't resist...
Slow morning on Stormfront?

I would say that he wouldn't have died if he did not have a criminal murder him by kneeling on his neck for over 9 minutes.

Do you think that this guy got shot because of something that he did?
"More than 7,000 deaths" from police crashes 1996-2015. We need to do better. Drones > Cop cars. Shot 2021-07-07 at 6.38.20 PM.png
Darnella Frazier, the teenager whose cellphone footage of Derek Chauvin murdering George Floyd last year sparked a racial reckoning in the United States, said Tuesday that her uncle was killed in a car crash involving a Minneapolis police vehicle that was pursuing a robbery suspect.

Leneal Lamont Frazier, 40, was in his car when it was struck by Minneapolis police while they were in a high-speed chase with another vehicle on the north side of the city. The victim, who was later identified by Darnella Frazier as her uncle, was not being pursued by police, authorities said.

“MINNEAPOLIS police Killed my uncle. … Another Black man lost his life in the hands of the police!” she wrote on Facebook. “Minneapolis police [have] cost my whole family a big loss … today has been a day full of heartbreak and sadness.”

The Minnesota State Patrol announced that it is investigating the incident. As part of the inquiry, the force will look into whether the police car followed department policy and activated its emergency lights and siren during the chase.

“When completed, the State Patrol [will] turn its findings over to the county attorney for review,” Bruce Gordon, a spokesman for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, told The Washington Post.

Around 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, police were pursuing a driver in a stolen vehicle who had been linked to several robberies and carjackings, Minneapolis Police Department spokesman John Elder said to The Post. As officers attempted a traffic stop, the driver fled, police said, leading to an eight-block pursuit on a residential road.

When a police car entered the intersection at 41st and Lyndale avenues north in the Camden neighborhood, the vehicle collided with a car that Darnella Frazier says was driven by her uncle. Three cars were involved in the wreck.

Resident Michael Ganzer told WCCO that the crash “shook” his house as he was watching television.
“It was just a big, loud bang,” he said.

Leneal Frazier was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. A photo shared by his niece on Facebook shows his mangled Jeep after it crashed into a tree.

The officer involved in the crash was also taken to a hospital but was later released with non-life-threatening injuries, Elder said. The suspect being pursued by police, who was not involved in the crash, remained at large as of early Wednesday.

Leneal Frazier’s daughter, Lanesha Frazier, told KMSP that her father was on his way to see his girlfriend at the time of the crash.

“This is not fair, not right,” she said. “I didn’t expect that to be my father.”

Although there are stoplights at the intersection, police would not say who had the right of way at the time of the crash.

More than 7,000 deaths were the result of fatal crashes during police pursuits between 1996 and 2015, according to a 2017 report from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. Seventy-two happened in Minnesota during that time period, the report found.

Darnella Frazier was 17 when she recorded the video that captured Floyd under Chauvin’s knee, showing Floyd’s dying moments as he pleaded for his mother near the Cup Foods convenience store in May 2020. The video from Frazier, who later testified in Chauvin’s trial, significantly contradicted the initial police account, which asserted that officers “noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress” after they handcuffed him and that he died in a hospital after being taken there by ambulance.

The video, which was described by one legal analyst as “the strongest piece of evidence I have ever seen in a case against a police officer,” sparked outrage in Minneapolis and around the world. Chauvin was convicted of murder and manslaughter in April and sentenced to 22½ years in prison last month.

Frazier, who was awarded a special citation by the Pulitzer Prize board last month for “courageously reporting the murder of George Floyd,” said she was shattered when she found out her uncle had died. She questioned why police were involved in a high-speed chase on a residential road.

“We went to the spot he was killed at and put beautiful flowers and candles, but even that’s not enough to bring him back,” she wrote. “It’s not fair how the police can just go around killing people.”

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She shared a GoFundMe page created to help pay for her uncle’s funeral expenses. He had six children and one grandchild, according to the fundraising page, and was remembered as a “protector” who loved family, friends and barbecuing.

His sister, Cheryl Frazier, is also looking for answers.

“He was a very good person. He would help you if you needed help. He’ll give you the shirt off his back if he had to,” she told WCCO. “He was always that type of person.”

Amia Lovelady, who said her mother was his girlfriend, said she did not know he was the one who died until hours later.

“It’s just so sad because we literally just talked to him. It’s just so crazy,” Lovelady told KMSP. “The car was just so smashed.”

In her Facebook post, Darnella Frazier shared a photo of her uncle as well as an image of an exchange of text messages between the two in which her uncle said he missed her and loved her. She wrote that had she known that their most recent time together at the beach would be their last, “I would’ve hugged you so much longer, told you I love you way harder.”

“It’s just hard for me to accept I won’t see you again,” she wrote.
Fuck george Floyd. Dumbshit criminal would still be alive if he wasn't such a dumb fuck and didn't resist...
Ever watch the video of derek chauvin being convicted of murder? I watch it and nearly cum

Then i switch iver to ashli babbit getting killed and i do cum


It is crazy that the GQP is trying to pretend like this lady is a martyr.

(timestamped at 27:11 Babbit and Proud Boy crew busting down door to get to the evacuating congress members right before she got shot)
Nice to see some more of that white supremacist graffiti finally getting removed.
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CHARLOTTESVILLE — Nearly a century after it was first erected, and almost four years after it prompted a deadly weekend of violence, the statue of Robert E. Lee sitting on horseback in downtown Charlottesville was hoisted into the air Saturday and carted away on a truck.

The removal had been a long time coming.

“I don’t have much to say other than this is well overdue,” said Zyahna Bryant, who started a petition while in high school in 2016 to remove the statue. “This should have happened a long time ago.”

After the Charlottesville City Council voted to remove the statue in 2017, a group of residents sued, prompting a years-long court battle over its future.

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Later that summer, white supremacists descendedon the city in defense of Confederate symbols. One man drove his car through a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

How a rally of white nationalists and supremacists at the University of Virginia turned into a “tragic, tragic weekend.”

The Lee statue had been the subject of anguish and tension in the community, vandalized with paint and graffiti and caught up in legal battles — even over whether it could be shrouded in black cloth after Heyer’s death. Conservative lawmakers hosted rallies there, and as a candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden discussed the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally as he kicked off his campaign.

On Friday, the city of Charlottesville announced it would remove the statues of Lee and fellow Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson. Officials said the statues will be placed in a “secure location” on city property before the council votes on their future.

Early Saturday morning, a green crane lifted a pair of workers onto the side of the Lee monument, where they tossed red pulls and chains in front of and behind the statue.

They wrapped the ropes around the horse’s legs, preparing to hoist the figure upward. As they lifted the statue into the air just after 8 a.m., a small crowd of residents cheered from the side, watching Lee and his horse float away from the stone pedestal that had held them since 1924.

Lena Jones, a 63-year-old health-care worker and lifelong Charlottesville resident, said she wanted to be part of a positive development in the city’s history — even if she was sorry it had taken so long.

“We just don’t need things in Charlottesville to intimidate some people,” she said, “because we all have to live together.”

A few feet away from her, Kevin Cox, 68, said he was excited to see Lee placed on a tractor and taken away.

“It symbolized one thing when it was put up, and it came to symbolize a more intense concentrated version of the same racism.”

As the truck began rolling away from the park, people began celebrating even more loudly.

“Roll out!” one man yelled.

“Don’t forget the base, too,” another added.

About two hours later and three blocks away, William Taylor raised his camera to snap pictures of the Jackson monument as workers chipped away at the base.

“I want to keep this thought forever,” the 54-year-old custodian said. As a crane grabbed the approximately 7,000-pound bronze figure, Taylor said he could feel a similar kind of weight being lifted off his shoulders.

A friend of Heyer’s, Taylor said he had spoken to her the day before she was killed. So he knew he had to make the hour-long drive hour from Nelson County to watch the monuments come down.

As the Jackson statue was strapped onto a flatbed with thick yellow bands, Taylor kept snapping photos. He said he would share them with his sons, Xavier, 18, and Rico, 2, to show how the city had righted the wrongs of August 2017.

“I’m feeling a little relieved, but there’s a long way to go,” he said. “This is just the beginning of what needs to change in our society.”

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Federal prosecutors in the District filed a motion to dismiss charges against a protester who was identified using facial recognition technology and was accused of assaulting police officers as they swept demonstrators from Lafayette Square last summer.

The case against Michael Peterson Jr. was one of a number in which authorities have used the controversial technology to identify protesters accused of violence during demonstrations over the murder of George Floyd.

Facial recognition software used to identify protester at Lafayette Square

It was also the first known instance in which authorities disclosed the existence of a powerful facial recognition system that had been used in thousands of cases across Virginia, Maryland and the District. It was discontinued earlier this month.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Washington did not give a reason for filing the motion to dismiss, and the office declined to comment. It came days after Peterson’s attorney filed a motion to suppress his client’s identification by the system known as the National Capital Region Facial Recognition Investigative Leads System (NCRFRILS).

Glenn F. Ivey argued in his motion that facial recognition software has not been shown to be scientifically reliable, that it has a higher error rate when identifying Black people, like his client, and that the procedure followed to identify Peterson was flawed.

“I’m glad this is over and I can move on with my life,” Peterson said in a statement.

The motion to dismiss still has to be approved by a judge, but that is typically a formality.

Peterson was accused of punching one U.S. Park Police officer in the face and wrestling another as law enforcement agencies forcefully cleared protesters from Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, ahead of a widely criticized photo op by President Donald Trump at a nearby church. Authorities alleged that Peterson then fled the scene.

Peterson was arrested days later after investigators found a photo of him on Twitter and ran it through NCRFRILS, which returned him as a possible match.

NCRFRILS, which was a project of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, had been used more than 12,000 times since 2019 and contained a database of 1.4 million people. More than a dozen local departments and federal agencies had access to it.

Civil liberties and technology groups had called for an end to NCRFRILS, saying that the public did not have adequate input on its creation and that such systems are prone to misidentifying women and minorities at higher rates than White men.

Coalition of groups calls for end to facial recognition system

The program was ended after Virginia enacted one of the nation’s toughest laws restricting the use of facial recognition technology. The law took effect July 1.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office found last month that six federal agencies used facial recognition technology to identify people during the protests, riots and unrest related to George Floyd’s murder.
Is Mr Peterson wealthy by chance?

Using software to find potential suspects then using evidence to back it up isn't unreasonable, is it?
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SEATTLE — The Seattle Police Department needs to find a better way to interact with anti-police demonstrators, including allowing officers to express solidarity with protesters marching against police brutality and racism, according to the first in a series of detailed critiques of the department’s response to Black Lives Matter protests in downtown Seattle.

At the same time, the city’s Office of Inspector General for Public Safety, in the first of its “Sentinel Event Review” reports on local demonstrations that arose after the May 25, 2020, murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, said the department needs to do more to ensure officers at protests don’t show contempt for the people whose rights they’re supposed to be protecting, regardless of fatigue and stress.

The review committee, made up of SPD representatives and community members, found that officers who were sympathetic to the protesters and condemned Floyd’s death felt constrained from saying anything by the department’s code of conduct that requires political neutrality on duty. That silence was interpreted by the crowd “as an alignment with, or at least a refusal to refute, the police brutality that was the source of the protests.”

Meanwhile, Carmen Best, former SPD chief, and Mayor Jenny Durkan decried Floyd’s death. Had officers felt they could have done so, tensions could have been eased, the OIG said.

“The Panel felt that ‘taking a knee’ or standing publicly against police brutality … was a show of support for fair and just policing, and something SPD officers should do without reservation,” the OIG found.

In all, the OIG panel offered 54 recommendations in a granular, 122-page critique of the department’s response to the first of what the panel identified as five distinct waves of heightened violence during protests that rocked Seattle during the summer and fall of 2020. This first report focuses on the response to the first three days of demonstrations downtown, May 29-June 1, when officers used pepper-spray, tear gas, batons and other less-lethal weapons against thousands of mostly peaceful protesters after vandals in the crowd broke windows, looted and stole guns from burning police cars.

The OIG specifically stated the department should move away from the concepts of “crowd control” and “crowd management” to one of “crowd facilitation and crowd safety.”

During those three days, the OIG identified a series of overarching contributing factors that fueled the protests in the wake of Floyd’s death, the primary one being decades of unanswered police violence in communities of color. Discussions of institutional racism and community grievances were a fraught and difficult topic for panel members, according to the report, and proved a “substantial hurdle” to consensus, the report said.

Other factors that contributed to the chaotic clashes between protesters and police included the unexpected size and spontaneity of the protests, leading to an overwhelmed department, stressed officers and failed communication.

“The damage that has been done — the damage that caused these protests in the first place, and the overall inability of SPD as a department and the City of Seattle to immediately craft particularized responses to the needs of peaceful protesters while addressing threats to public order and safety — is deep and lasting,” the OIG report concluded. “However, acknowledging the underlying contributing factor of institutional and systemic racism was critical to being able to move forward as a group.”

Within the three initial days of protests, which the OIG review refers to as “Wave 1,” the panelists identified five “pivotal moments” — all amplified by social media — that directly led to escalated violence, conflicts and arrest, as well as public outcry.

They included incidents on May 30, when police pepper-sprayed a 7-year-old boy in the crowd; when vandals set fire to police cars, leading to the theft of several patrol rifles and a significant public safety threat; and an incident in which an officer placed his knee on a suspect’s neck during an arrest. The panel also reviewed the violent arrest of a pedestrian by a bike officer on May 31 and the high-profile incident in which an officer struggled with a protester over a pink umbrella.

The incident involving the bike officer exemplified the divide between SPD and the communities it serves more than any other, the OIG concluded.

“Some Panelists reflexively sided with the SPD officers and felt strongly that an individual had assaulted an officer” after the officer and pedestrian became entangled and fell to the sidewalk, the report said. The officer claimed the man punched him, although video of the incident does not clearly show what happened.

Others on the panel “saw this event as the most salient example of a regular practice of SPD officers misusing force, abusing their power and defending it through a transparently false post-hoc rationale,” the report said. “For them, it underscored the reasons the protests were necessary and further eroded SPD legitimacy.”

Everyone on the panel agreed, however, that a single officer’s “snap decision” transformed a peaceful march into an angry clash that could have been easily avoided.

Inspector General Lisa Judge also called the department out for its officers’ disdain for the protesters, which did nothing to soothe tension. She noted that SPD policy prohibits “profanity directed as an insult or any language that is derogatory, contemptuous, or disrespectful toward any person,” regardless of their behavior.

“Despite this, panelists witnessed numerous instances in which this policy was not followed,” she wrote. “Instances in which officers exhibit disrespect, frustration, or anger to members of our community — even after repeated extra-long and extra-stressful shifts in which they have been subjected to lengthy and repeated verbal assaults — simply cannot be tolerated, as they further undermine trust and underscore the divide between the community and the police that it is essential for the community to heal.”