The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.



Your bullshit right wing lies are not going to stick, because they are lies. Dear Leader fucked up and got caught. Are you an American? Because it should piss you off to no end that Trump gave the Russians our voting data to use to attack us and our families.

nope..a bounty on our soldiers heads? nope.
I must have missed this response at the time because it was hard to read. But it seems some thought was put into it.

Until you get to the last word/words you have a point, but you try to flip it like it is the people saying that racist/misogynist don't exist. The problem is that how they would be oppressing white men? How is having schools and voting locations on a proportunant scale to the populations size in communities that were subjected to redlining and other tactics such as lending practices to keep minorities in specific areas until very recently, oppressing white men?

That is the power of data analysis and the ability to pinpoint propaganda in a way that is very impactful to people on a individual level. Whatever their vulnerable to is teased out of the data and spammed to them to like you said brainwash people.

I think 'race war' is just the hype that is being pushed to get everyone so worked up. Because just by getting people to think that everything is burning down around them, look at what we have done to ourselves. You are right about the 'side' who believes the propaganda can't win, the problem is that both (all) sides are getting spammed with whatever it is that they think, but amplifying it to make it seem like it is so much more than it really is.

It is easier to get people to believe that there is a race war, than to actually have a race war. All it takes is amplifying the extremely rare occurrences to the right audiences.

Nobody (sane/in office) is talking about an 'anti-white' campaign in America.

It is easier to just get the people to be mad about something that if it were true might be worth getting that worked up over. I am guessing you have seen many 'left-trolls' if you think there is a 'anti-white' way of thinking. Everyone is getting spammed from every side of every issue. Getting people worked up is the goal, as people become more vulnerable it is time to re-assess how to nudge them based on what traps they are falling for.

So by pushing the vulnerable people online who the Russian military have found to be willing to do violence to infiltrate the peaceful protestors and do violence, enough get triggered enough to do damage inside of our country. It is just like the telephone scam that people would pull on the elderly by calling landlines until someone picks up and tell them their behind on their water bill. But on a massive and dickish scale.

Nobody but the racists are in power to try to pull something like that off on a governmental level. Nobody else is even talking about that stuff on any serious platform, and I am guessing if you think they are that you should check what you think you know on the AP.

The subtle difference is this spam attack we are all under is not that antiquated. Computer programming allows every person to place themselves in a nice little box, and claim everyone not in their box as 'them'. Once you get to that point, it is pretty easy to nudge people to vote for their candidate or to not vote.

The people 'pulling the trigger' are ones with serious mental issues and are being exploited generally by people in hate groups and foreign militaries to attack their own. There is a reason the Russian military is attacking our nations children on their video games, and it is not to benefit anyone in America.
This is a very well written response and I appreciate it. You make good points and I thank you for not "trolling" it up. I think I am also guilty of living in a box, as I am sure we all are. And you are right about it being a different situation due to technology and the bombardment that happens there. I feel like we could all do so much better but with years of viewing all the terrible shit I just don't have as much hope as I used to. Thanks again for your response. I will read it again several times. Cheers!
This is a very well written response and I appreciate it. You make good points and I thank you for not "trolling" it up. I think I am also guilty of living in a box, as I am sure we all are. And you are right about it being a different situation due to technology and the bombardment that happens there. I feel like we could all do so much better but with years of viewing all the terrible shit I just don't have as much hope as I used to. Thanks again for your response. I will read it again several times. Cheers!
Democrats want to expand health care to everybody

Republicans want to deprive health care from millions.

Democrats want to provide a path toward peaceful citizens who brought here as children and are as "American" as anybody

Republicans want to strip them away from the only home they've ever known and deport them into danger.

Trump's ignorance of science has killed tens of thousands of US citizens while wrecking the economy. The list of punitive, violent and dangerous policies goes on and on.

Would it be trolling by me if I said that your years of viewing all the terrible shit were wasted because you didn't learn a damn thing?
This was a important read. Especially now that Trump is sending Feds to beat up and obtain American citizens (who knows what happens when they collect someone who might not be in their sweeps) in our own cities.

Asia Cruz, 24, attended the protest in Oakland on Friday night with her fiancé and a friend, and said it began as a peaceful march through the streets. Then she noticed “a group of maybe 12-15 white men” dressed in black, carrying hammers and crowbars.

They ripped down boards covering a Chase Bank, smashed the windows and set off a firework inside. They then moved to a Walgreens across the street and did the same before moving towards Oakland City Hall, she said.

I was at Downtown Oakland protests a little while ago. Let me say something; the people breaking glass, breaking into windows & starting fires were WHITE men wearing all black. They had hammers and walkie talkies. They were organized. BLM protestors did not start the violence!
— Asia (@AsiaJannelll) May 30, 2020
“I noticed each time, once they were in and protesters began to move in, the men dressed in black left almost immediately [and] did the same thing.”

In Denver, activist and Denver School Board member Tay Anderson said white men were “purposely there trying to infiltrate and destroy things that we did not ask for.” He said he’d seen white protesters spray painting, handing out golf balls to throw and breaking windows.

“We don't want to get blamed, as black people, for their actions,” he told The Daily Beast. “We do not claim these people.”

Below you can see this 'antifa' (described in the twitter video title) from doing damage at a peaceful protest. I call bullshit on him being 'antifa' outside of maybe he said he was when he got caught being a dick. But it looks like Trump's branding of ANTIFA is sticking.

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It is really hard to see the people in the police video of this attack on them during the protests.

I am trying to find pictures of this protest and while it is hard to tell, every one that I can see has these white guys popping out as the ones with the bikes and plastic pipe (like the guy below). Also in the part of the video where the attackers who were changing clothes before the attack all looked pretty light skinned to me.


And while I am all for taking down the Columbus and other statues of mass murderers and traitors in our country.

I don't condone a bunch of white people (who are radicalized online by mostly right-wing militarized trolls) using cover of these peaceful protests to cause violence in our cities so that Dear Leader can use it as a re-election campaign.
So I have always wondered. This breed of "new" thought, who's believers think they are superior, demand more rights than anyone else, think certain groups of people are beneath them and are deserving of oppression, yet all the while claiming to be the victims and calling everyone who doesn't agree with them racist/misogynist etc etc. Obviously this is not a new line of thinking. It's been used before, just never with this group of people and with this exact detailing. And I think its obvious that it has been drilled into the current social climate, people have been brainwashed into thinking/believing it, a certain type of people (not race specific) which again is not a new thing. Well what I have wondered is, what the end game of this really is. Create a race war? For who to win? Because its not possible for the side who believes this propaganda to win. Too few numbers and the fact that it lacks ANY LOGIC makes it impossible. Try going to china and creating an anti Chinese campaign. Same as creating a anti white campaign in America imo. It seems like its more fitted to making regular people, who were not racist or have at least very little opinion about it, to become willing to end the people who are on the side of this pushed propaganda. As in, which powerful group of humans, who wanted to eliminate people of a certain type, mainly the type that are the current followers of this current social justice/BLM/anti white line of thinking. Who would you say was the most current group of people who had that specific goal? And wouldn't it suit that "solution" quite well if the majority of the country, the majority of the money holders, the majority of the blue collar workers, the VAST majority of the police officers/military personnel and basically any group of people within America who obviously don't prescribe to this new line of thought, became now WILLING to STOP these people with any means necessary. Ever wonder how exactly they got the German population to hate the jews? Because before they trained them into hating them, the majority of them probably didn't care about the topic too much. They probably were not willing to pull a trigger because of how much they HATED THEM, before they were TRAINED to hate them. Maybe much like we are being trained to hate now. And it's working, dont you think?

P.S I WONT be responding to anything about this because I find it all more comical than anything else and really don't give a shit about you or your thoughts. Classic privilege I guess lol. And also I am not white so there you go have fun.
Exactly my thoughts on the matter so I'll just bump this one and add...
Yeah, what he said ^^^^
Trump's goon squad causing property damage in the cover of these protests.
Ya know one of the dangers of secret cops dressed in unidentified military uniforms is it's so easy to screw them with staged outrageous events. I mean liberals can buy this gerar and stage simply breathtaking incidents for photos posted online, devisitating propaganda in such a situation. I believe that was a cop slashing tires and law breaking though, it will make the fakes believable for sure...

All things are fair in love and war and they chose to fuck with the truth and reality, I don't advocate it, but it will happen, people have imaginations and if I can think of it... Trump's secret police will be used as a weapon against him, this is but one method and there are many, Trump and Barr doing this shit left themselves wide fucking open. They are lawless and unworthy of respect, no liberal would give it to them.

"War is the remedy our enemies have chosen, I say we give it to them".
Sherman (another liberal, though from a different era)
"War is the remedy our enemies have chosen, I say we give it to them".
That's a very apt quote right there I think.
The blacks are actively seeking war and blaming the white man for it.
So in turn a lot of white people are thinking fuck it. Why not. It's them that want it so bring it on.
Blacks are not only creating a reason for white people to become more racist, they're giving them the perfect excuse to justify it.
I just can't get my head round Why?
What do they stand to gain from turning the majority race against them?
That's like us burning down London to get borris johnson on our side.
Absolutely no logic in it whatsoever.
There is no logic in racism though so its hardly surprising.
Hopefully it all simmers down before they get themselves all killed.
Only time will tell I suppose.
The blacks are actively seeking war and blaming the white man for it.

Blacks are not only creating a reason for white people to become more racist, they're giving them the perfect excuse to justify it.
What time is your virtual KKK meeting today? I’d love to be a fly on the wall
”hello I am a dumb racist and black people asking not to be killed by cops makes me even more racist. thank you, bye”
Yes I realise you are a dumb racist. That was pretty apparent from the get go. No need to explain yourself though mate. You'll just get a headache trying.
Black people aren't asking to not be killed by cops iether.
There very aggressively claiming that all black people only get into such situations because all white people are racist.
If a cop arrests a white guy it's because he broke the law.
But according to black people if a cop arrests them it's racism.
They're claiming that they are poor because white people are racist.
Last time I checked when a white guy is poor it's because he's too fuckin lazy or stupid to do anything about it.
But if I say that black people must also be lazy that's somehow now classed as racism.
The vast majority of white people couldn't give a fuck less what colour people are.
It's all black people base their lives on though so who's really the racists in this polava?
Cos so far all I've seen is black people shouting abuse at everyone. Rioting, destroying towns and burning police stations.....and calling anyone who doesn't agree with these practices a racist.
Fuck that shit.
That's 100% racism and it's disgusting that so many people are blindly supporting it thinking it's ok.
If a white guy marches about destroying shit shouting about how all blacks are bad then he's a racist fuck that deserves to be shot.
And If a black guy does it he deserves exactly the same treatment.
Racism is not ok so stop trying to justify your warped beliefs that blacks should be allowed to do whatever they please and live above the law.
Yes I realise you are a dumb racist. That was pretty apparent from the get go. No need to explain yourself though mate. You'll just get a headache trying.
Black people aren't asking to not be killed by cops iether.
There very aggressively claiming that all black people only get into such situations because all white people are racist.
If a cop arrests a white guy it's because he broke the law.
But according to black people if a cop arrests them it's racism.
They're claiming that they are poor because white people are racist.
Last time I checked when a white guy is poor it's because he's too fuckin lazy or stupid to do anything about it.
But if I say that black people must also be lazy that's somehow now classed as racism.
The vast majority of white people couldn't give a fuck less what colour people are.
It's all black people base their lives on though so who's really the racists in this polava?
Cos so far all I've seen is black people shouting abuse at everyone. Rioting, destroying towns and burning police stations.....and calling anyone who doesn't agree with these practices a racist.
Fuck that shit.
That's 100% racism and it's disgusting that so many people are blindly supporting it thinking it's ok.
If a white guy marches about destroying shit shouting about how all blacks are bad then he's a racist fuck that deserves to be shot.
And If a black guy does it he deserves exactly the same treatment.
Racism is not ok so stop trying to justify your warped beliefs that blacks should be allowed to do whatever they please and live above the law.
What time is your virtual KKK meeting today? I’d love to be a fly on the wall
Your another one. Can't handle the truth and lack the basic intelligence to be able to process it so you just walk about like a drone calling everyone a racist.
Does it make you feel good?
Do you think that's the best way for someone to get a point across. Put your fingers in your ears and just shout racist racist racist in the hope it finally sticks.
Hitler told the Germans the Jews were evil often enough and that finally stuck...Then the Germans got fucking slaughtered for it.
Learn lessons from history man.
Your all poking the sleeping tiger thinking it'll never wake up.
Bear in mind in the states it's not a tiger iether. It's an angry bunch of white guys that are all armed to the fucking tits and getting tired of people refusing to educate themselves and trying to pass the buck.
Hitler told the Germans the Jews were evil often enough and that finally stuck...Then the Germans got fucking slaughtered for it.

i think you are forgetting something here in your crack analysis

and by crack analysis, i don't mean smart analysis. i mean you are apparently on crack
Ya know one of the dangers of secret cops dressed in unidentified military uniforms is it's so easy to screw them with staged outrageous events. I mean liberals can buy this gerar and stage simply breathtaking incidents for photos posted online, devisitating propaganda in such a situation. I believe that was a cop slashing tires and law breaking though, it will make the fakes believable for sure...

All things are fair in love and war and they chose to fuck with the truth and reality, I don't advocate it, but it will happen, people have imaginations and if I can think of it... Trump's secret police will be used as a weapon against him, this is but one method and there are many, Trump and Barr doing this shit left themselves wide fucking open. They are lawless and unworthy of respect, no liberal would give it to them.

"War is the remedy our enemies have chosen, I say we give it to them".
Sherman (another liberal, though from a different era)

that would be a bingo..!
i think you are forgetting something here in your crack analysis

and by crack analysis, i don't mean smart analysis. i mean you are apparently on crack
Go on then. Inform us all which part of that statement is incorrect.
Again, can't think of anything useful to say so just spouting utter pish.
Give yourself a slap mate. Splash some cold water on your face. Maybe have a coffee and a chocolate biscuit then come back and have another go.
Fuck me it's not often you actually have to help people troll you. You really suck at this man.
Go on then. Inform us all which part of that statement is incorrect.
Again, can't think of anything useful to say so just spouting utter pish.
Give yourself a slap mate. Splash some cold water on your face. Maybe have a coffee and a chocolate biscuit then come back and have another go.
Fuck me it's not often you actually have to help people troll you. You really suck at this man.
how much crack have you smoked today, racist?