The Perfect Hydro Medium (Allegedly)


Well-Known Member
Yes it is, and it is also the most unforgiving. The only problem I have with ur grow Stink is the yield otherwise I am a big fan. ABF gets about 2 lbs evedry 2 weeks with the same watts and he uses Rockwool as the medium. U claim a pound every three, so in a 6 week period u harvest 2 pounds and he harvests 6. Why is he killing ur yields if no medium is the way to go? One view I have is that u are set on plant position and he can adjust his accordingly. Another is, a properly trimmed SOG will yield u much more than an unpropperly trimmed SOG. Don't get me wrong, I'm not dissing ur grow, I love it! In fact I was building one similar and u helped me out with my design about 9 months ago.. Then I saw how easy Flood Tables were and I switched everything w/o even giving my Aero setup the time of day...
When I first started the thread I was averaging a little over an ounce per plant.

I'm actually harvesting over 2oz. per plant with the strains I'm running now. Some of my new strains are producing colas the size of my arm.

Check out the thread now and you can see the success others are having. Everyone is harvesting way more than planned. Even without CO2!

Just becaue the title of the thread is "Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks" dosen't mean you can't harvest a lot more.

I just harvested a Blueberry plant that yielded 3oz. of the dankest buds you could ever imagine. That was from just one plant.

I run 14 plants per three week cycle.

Al runs an 8 week cycle. We can too if we want to harvest the buds early. 9 weeks will give you better tasting bud though. You can also run bud with a little more Sativa and it will still finish.

Buds harvested at 9 weeks taste better than buds harvested at 8 weeks. Try it and you will agree!

I learned this from the master grower Soma (of Soma Seeds fame). He says wait until you think the plant is finished, then give it another week. I tried it and he was right, the bud tasted better! I've been doing it ever since.

Al dosen't flush his bud, we do. Two weeks! Flushing makes your buds taste better.

Al dosen't use organic nutes. We do. Organic buds taste better than synthetic.

Al runs another whole room just for his mother plants. I could run a whole system in that same amount of space and harvest another 2lbs every 9 weeks on top of my normal harvest.

We don't need any space for mother plants. My cloner and veg unit only take up a 24"x36" space together.

We can run over 20 different strains without having to keep 20 mother plants going.

The flower system is just part of the whole picture. The aerocloner is the by far best way to clone. You can't get any better than a 100% success rate.

Having a veg system instead of running mother plants works perfect. I always have plenty of plants to take clones from. I also don't have to deal with constantly flowering the mother plants because they get so big.

I don't see Aeroponics as less forgiving. I harvest every three weeks like clockwork. I never have any problems.

I shouldn't say that... I always have so much bud I can't find enough medical patients to give it to.