the pipe shop tried to LOW ball me ........................................

are you missing you're eyes??

it most definetly resembles a penis and accompanying testicles.

anyways, just for my amusement,

the one on the bottom left of the pic above, the one rite next to it. a blue/white line thing...

how much for that 1???

ahahaha I don't see it either . .. may want to go talk to a counselor or something LOL jk bro . . .
are you missing you're eyes??

it most definetly resembles a penis and accompanying testicles.

anyways, just for my amusement,

the one on the bottom left of the pic above, the one rite next to it. a blue/white line thing...

how much for that 1???

this one on the right is 30 plus 5 shipping, ............ 014.jpg

it's smooth and round like a penis. :mrgreen:
I think he may have been talking about the color . . . like white blue?

or he may be talking about the sand blasted glass for the glass on glass pieces?
show me some spoons,,,,,,better yet,,,show me one you would reccommend,,,,I'm makin oil outta 4 jars of weed,,,,,and I'm gonna need a spoon,,,,and a lil glass to heat up and burn my oil with as well,,,I will not low ball you bro ;-))
i went around town today and hit up a few more shops. i've sold about a third of my case so far. i have 2 more shops to go to yet. one tonight and one tomorrow. so far i've sold glass to all the shops i've visited. one shop has offered me a display case in the front window to display items for sale on commission. now i just have to make something big enough to fit in it. :cool:
i have no oil spoons right now. :(

Yeah let us know when you make some more oil spoons...i can wait too :)

I got 2 and my cousin has one. They hit awsome. Word of advise, a map gas torch works best but becarful cause you'll warp the shit out of the glass rods. By the way FDD nice Job on the oil pipes they hit great. Oh and the vapor globe. I have to clean it, cause I have to heat it just to sepperate it.
I got 2 and my cousin has one. They hit awsome. Word of advise, a map gas torch works best but becarful cause you'll warp the shit out of the glass rods. By the way FDD nice Job on the oil pipes they hit great. Oh and the vapor globe. I have to clean it, cause I have to heat it just to sepperate it.
cool NL thanks for the advice, im just looking forward to a simpler way of smoking goo's and fm's.
i prefer the pipe over the dome. i don't make domes anymore because i think you get a lot of waste. i think the pipes are most efficient. :cool: