the place you live in

Brick Top

New Member
We have 52 lakes in a 20 minute radius...small ones, but you get the idea.

I only have one lake, in a larger radius, but it's 50,000 acres so in this case one is enough. If I go out to about 50 miles in several directions I have five more, all large, but none as large as what is behind my house.

Pat the stoner

New Member
When I moved here I lived in the country and loved it . Now I live in the small city and don't like it . I've seen and learned more about this place - the more I learn the less I like it. Mostly I really like people - just not the way a lot of them are here . The country is nice here and less people but too much risk for mj here . After all this I want to move not sure where .


Well-Known Member
well make legal state one of your options. im sure every state has the rhetoric list of styles of citys from but fuck no where to major city.