Well-Known Member
Since another planet entering inside the orbits of other planets would exert gravitational attraction that can be measured, I would say, no, there is not another planet the size of which is being talked about. If 2012 is the year it will affect Earth, then it must be extremely close making it visible to the naked eye. The fact that this planet remains invisible to astronomers including the millions of amateurs with high powered telescopes, in spite of how large and/or close it must be to cause such destruction on Earth makes me put this hypothesis as very improbable.
If you are so sure, what exactly are you doing to save yourself? Making any progress with your astral projection?
BTW, your copy & paste of 'facts' are hardly that. Considering they are accepting the myth of the biblical flood as fact stretches their credibility but the
'fact' that all of those cultures pointed to 2012 as the end of days is purely rubbish.
What bloodline are you from?