The Plant, The Creator & Some Aliens??

Since another planet entering inside the orbits of other planets would exert gravitational attraction that can be measured, I would say, no, there is not another planet the size of which is being talked about. If 2012 is the year it will affect Earth, then it must be extremely close making it visible to the naked eye. The fact that this planet remains invisible to astronomers including the millions of amateurs with high powered telescopes, in spite of how large and/or close it must be to cause such destruction on Earth makes me put this hypothesis as very improbable.

If you are so sure, what exactly are you doing to save yourself? Making any progress with your astral projection?

BTW, your copy & paste of 'facts' are hardly that. Considering they are accepting the myth of the biblical flood as fact stretches their credibility but the
'fact' that all of those cultures pointed to 2012 as the end of days is purely rubbish.

What bloodline are you from?
Why H. erectus? Are you sure they didn't interfere earlier in human evolution? What exactly do you think the term 'missing link' means? Do you honestly believe that term is still applicable? Maybe you don't realize that the term was coined before the discovery of 95% of hominid fossils. The current chain intermediates between modern humans and Australopithecus is appears pretty complete. Where would the "missing link" go and what exactly would it explain that somehow evolution doesn't explain? What is the great mystery that needs the application of supernatural or highly advanced science interfering with evolution to explain? You end up with a problem in that your hypothesis doesn't actually explain anything. I really don't understand why a non-religious person would invent explanations that are not necessary and have no empirical evidence to back it up. Before you link me to youtube videos, I will remind you that Sitchin's work has been soundly criticized, not because of the content but his methodology, incorrect/ incomplete translations among other things.

First of all mindphuk let me say as far as the annunaki goes, it makes alot of sense to me, im not saying i believe in them, but im not saying i dont believe in them. As far as skepticism of Sitchin goes, i understand that, im not one to ever look into something and not look into the counter argument. Ive visited as well and looked at alot of other opinion's on translation, the picture of the "planets" and including Nibiru in it etc, im not saying Sitchin is right, i just think its an interesting view on biblical text's etc. He probably see's alot of things the way he want's to see him... He has book's for sale and money to make, i take all this into account.

As far as evolution and the missing link goes, its obvious that by your post you clearly understand it alot more then i do, i really havnt looked into that side of the spectrum to much and clearly you have smashed the missing link theory to the ground, thats fine, its good to learn something new everyday... Im glad you brought it up though because im going to look into that deeper.
First of all mindphuk let me say as far as the annunaki goes, it makes alot of sense to me, im not saying i believe in them, but im not saying i dont believe in them. As far as skepticism of Sitchin goes, i understand that, im not one to ever look into something and not look into the counter argument. Ive visited as well and looked at alot of other opinion's on translation, the picture of the "planets" and including Nibiru in it etc, im not saying Sitchin is right, i just think its an interesting view on biblical text's etc. He probably see's alot of things the way he want's to see him... He has book's for sale and money to make, i take all this into account.

As far as evolution and the missing link goes, its obvious that by your post you clearly understand it alot more then i do, i really havnt looked into that side of the spectrum to much and clearly you have smashed the missing link theory to the ground, thats fine, its good to learn something new everyday... Im glad you brought it up though because im going to look into that deeper.
Good, I'm glad to see you have at least looked at criticisms. Just don't play lip service, really examine it. As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. There have been many authors that make things sound good, plausible, etc. until you look deeper, like the Bermuda Triangle. There are some legitimate mysteries in life and about our history. It is just bad science to make connections because they sound good while ignoring evidence to the contrary. Some of these guys are pure charlatans, duping the credulous public's thirst for these intriguing and wishful ideas. Others have deluded themselves and fall victim to their personal bias. I think some others are really nutcases.

Glad to hear you want to learn more about transitional hominids. You might want to look here
If you are more visual, you might like <---- this is really cool. Everyone interested in human origins should watch this
Good, I'm glad to see you have at least looked at criticisms. Just don't play lip service, really examine it. As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. There have been many authors that make things sound good, plausible, etc. until you look deeper, like the Bermuda Triangle. There are some legitimate mysteries in life and about our history. It is just bad science to make connections because they sound good while ignoring evidence to the contrary. Some of these guys are pure charlatans, duping the credulous public's thirst for these intriguing and wishful ideas. Others have deluded themselves and fall victim to their personal bias. I think some others are really nutcases.

Glad to hear you want to learn more about transitional hominids. You might want to look here
If you are more visual, you might like <---- this is really cool. Everyone interested in human origins should watch this

Yeah i agree, lots of author's do that... Like Erich Vondanikan, Although i loved chariots of the god's it disturb's me to know that he was found to be a fraud on some of the pottery. When asked why he did it, he said something along the lines of "if i didnt do it then they wouldnt believe me", its a stupid excuse because in all honesty he could have still argued his point without the pottery.

Another character is David Icke, im sure you have looked into him lol, i mean i still read some of his stuff and look into it because again, i find it interesting. But some of his reason's for coming up with his explanation's are ridiculous, i remember reading this thing about how he secretly decoded the queen's grand childrens names and according to him it said something like all hail the serpant's, or something like that. Well when you actually look into his translations, he makes things appear the way he wants them to, takes out important components that completely change the context.

But thanks for posting those links, i was going to ask for some but i was alittle tipsy and forgot haha.. But thanks Mindphuk..

Hey by chance have you ever looked into the wingmakers? I recently started looking into that, i mean their really is no hard evidence or anything other then a story but i found it very intriguing.