People like Trump and Moore have become politically viable because people aren't happy with the politicians in office
People aren't happy with the politicians in office because the politicians in office tend to favor the interests of those that fund their political campaigns
You are just regurgitating Sanders faction liberal ideology as if everybody has the same viewpoint. Trump, Trumpism, white identity politics are different. These concepts are what drove Trump's win, not dissatisfaction with corporate control of whatever it is you think they control. Listen to what Trump preached at his conventions. It was the wall, Mexicans taking your jobs, even TPP was couched as foreigners unfairly stealing jobs. Grab her by the pussy, Muslim invaders. Remember the stuff Pie said? It was mostly racist bigoted shit.
What you are repeating is Sanders liberal political points that have little effect on Trump's supporters. These talking points are important to you and it's my guess the people you talk to but not in Alabama and not most of Trump's supporters.
This from a NY Times article on the subject.
In the graphic below, the kinds of questions used to identify how respondents felt about their white identity are described here:
The survey, they write,
asked four questions that captured dimensions of white identity: the importance of white identity, how much whites are being discriminated against, the likelihood that whites are losing jobs to nonwhites, and the importance of whites working together to change laws unfair to whites. We combined those questions into a scale capturing the strength of white identity and found that it was strongly related to Republicans’ support for Donald Trump.
A quote from the article:
Ashley Jardina, a political scientist at Duke,
puts it this way:
When the dominant status of whites relative to racial and ethnic minorities is secure and unchallenged, white identity likely remains dormant. When whites perceive their group’s dominant status is threatened or their group is unfairly disadvantaged, however, their racial identity may become salient and politically relevant.
What you talk about are issues important to you but that's only a small part of what is affecting red state politics. Your "corporate control" and economic issues are race neutral. The Trump voter is not race neutral. Not one bit.