The Politics of Truck Drivers Urinating in Public..

I'm sure @schuylaar was a cutie pie when she was much younger, but life and age was not nice to her. Now she hides behind tons and tons of makeup. I wonder how well she can clean a house though ?
I think the inability to accept her age and overcompensating with cheap makeup just makes the situation worse. It seems to be a leitmotif for her... ask her about her six figure income and three homes in gated communities.
So let's talk about Joe Biden's wealth? Turns out he's got a lot more under the mattress than Bernie.

You're a pathetic clown. Worse, you've got nothing left but this site. It's the only one you haven't been kicked off of yet.

Everyone should put that piece of garbage on block, why convers with it ?
Just feeds it , let it die .