The Pot Copters Are Out.


Well-Known Member
haven't even seen one this year,last year either but we had a
Hurricane right before harvest.I have a feeling its going to be hard to find any mexican herb.Thats my $ maker but I will not go without.I'm jarring up my Quality buds for myself.Not selling shit this harvest.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Got an outdoor grow?
Who doesn't have an outdoor grow?

I don't see why anyone wouldn't have one?
It's low maintenance
Free sun
Free air
Free water
All you have to do is check up on them every once in awhile to see if they've been eaten by the wildlife and to fertilize.

As long as the copters don't find any of my locations, I should have a very, very, good winter. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i dont have an outdoor grow...

mainly because i dont feel like getting arrested... being that it isnt legal in my state...

im cool with running an indoor grow... where shit is hidden...


Well-Known Member
i dont have an outdoor grow...

mainly because i dont feel like getting arrested... being that it isnt legal in my state...

im cool with running an indoor grow... where shit is hidden...

I agree, indoor is nice because it's put away and no one knows about it.

But what's the worse that can happen if the cops find your outdoor grow. Unless your there when they find it, (which is highly unlikely because I do all of my own maintenance at night).
The cops are just gonna chop it down and burn it.
Plus, when's the last time you've heard of cops stomping through the forest at night to chop down a bunch of pot plants?

But if they raid your house.
Your gonna get arrested.
Your gonna get your whole house searched and possibly seized along with any assets.

I think it's highly unnecessary to explain the benefits of growing outdoors. Since that's where it all started in the first place.

I grew indoors for over a decade.
Got tired of the risk.

My last grow indoors was the 320 clones I grew.

After this outdoor grow I have is done, I'm gonna quit growing for good.


Well-Known Member
sadly around my areas our cops have hard ons for outdoor grows...

i do agree there is an ease factor to it.. much less risky...

but not to long ago there were a few large field grows that were found and tore up..

of course no one was implicated... but its a shame when that much work is destroyed...

to each their own... if i could set up a green house i would love it tho..