The Potcast

He has contributed more to the cannabis scene than just about anyone else. Him, RCC, Nevil. These are the pioneers of cannabis. Everything you smoke today has been made from one of those guys strains.

Don't start with the DEA agent BS either because that's a damn myth. Stupid internet rumors.
He has contributed more to the cannabis scene than just about anyone else. Him, RCC, Nevil. These are the pioneers of cannabis. Everything you smoke today has been made from one of those guys strains.

Don't start with the DEA agent BS either because that's a damn myth. Stupid internet rumors.

There is a thread on rollitup where they talk about Sam the Skunkman, and someone who had actually paid to get the official court documents and posted them, proving that Sam wasn’t the DEA narc that he was reported to be. The actual person was on here, getting chastised for it too. Th documents can be googled too. They were also spoken about in a Potcast (maybe one of Todd McCormicks?)
There is a thread on rollitup where they talk about Sam the Skunkman, and someone who had actually paid to get the official court documents and posted them, proving that Sam wasn’t the DEA narc that he was reported to be. The actual person was on here, getting chastised for it too. Th documents can be googled too. They were also spoken about in a Potcast (maybe one of Todd McCormicks?)
The info on overgrow says the opposite. Idk who's right, I'd just like to hear the interview
How about the latest Pot Cast?

The guy names himself Blockhead. Smh Chimera made that strain like 20+ years ago and this dude has never even smoked the original or use it in crosses. That's like starting a soda company and naming it PepsiCo.

Or B Leaf releasing a clone called Chimera. Nothing to do with the man actually named that.

Chimera is taking it from all sides lol

The blockhead dude says, I don't like to get too stoned. I don't like potent pot. Ha wow that's not going to sell seeds.

I love the show but we need to get some better guests.

Sam the Skunkman please..
He's also a retard. He did a pollen chuck that made for potent bud and now he talks like he's a master breeder, able to breed terps and characteristics into bud at will, talking commercial viability and having a keeper in every pack. The phrase walk before you run comes to mind with this guy, I just don't like his vibe whatsoever.
He's also a retard. He did a pollen chuck that made for potent bud and now he talks like he's a master breeder, able to breed terps and characteristics into bud at will, talking commercial viability and having a keeper in every pack. The phrase walk before you run comes to mind with this guy, I just don't like his vibe whatsoever.

Made a mistake...edited
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Who else would you guys want to see? I wouldn't mind: Sin City, Mountain Organics, The Rev, Skunktek, Bloom, Archive (but he doesn't want to be interviewed I think)

Some new episodes I'd love (because so much has happened!) would be Bodhi, Mean Gene, ABF.
Who else would you guys want to see? I wouldn't mind: Sin City, Mountain Organics, The Rev, Skunktek, Bloom, Archive (but he doesn't want to be interviewed I think)

Some new episodes I'd love (because so much has happened!) would be Bodhi, Mean Gene, ABF.
Apart from what you mentioned...

Akbb and Professor P top the list for me

The guy who runs JBC seeds would also be a great interview
Who else would you guys want to see? I wouldn't mind: Sin City, Mountain Organics, The Rev, Skunktek, Bloom, Archive (but he doesn't want to be interviewed I think)

Some new episodes I'd love (because so much has happened!) would be Bodhi, Mean Gene, ABF.

Check out the Breeders Syndicate, a lot of those guys have been on that podcast and really good interviews. I like Notsodog, he sounds like James Hetfield when he talks lol.

I would like to hear interviews with Sam, RCC, Shanti, Kangativa, Charlie Garcia, Relentless for sure.

Swerve and Berner (for entertainment),
Some of you might want to look into who got holding plants to make seeds in holland shut down and the people behind it 96/97. While a big company got set up with dea backing and a licence to export seed at the same time and the beginnings of gw pharma. Tod likes to distract people and make a lot of things up. He has been pulled on multiple blatant lies and making stuff up to look like a expert in things and history. Its one of the resons he dont come on the boards no more.
The info on overgrow says the opposite. Idk who's right, I'd just like to hear the interview

I found this on This is copied and pasted directly from a comment made by user a claiming to Todd McCormick himself. The quote also includes links to the official court documents. Here is the link to the actual thread. The comment is in reply to a comment made by a user in August ‘19 (you’ll have to expand the comment reply). The following is the copy/paste:

”And FYI, for a long time Nevil did not even know it was Raymond Anthony Cogo, his own seed sender in the US, who turned him in, as it was from June of 1989, till Raymond Anthony Cogo gave his affidavit in January of 1994, that the DEA was hiding him as the informant, because the case was sealed until 2003, when Nevil’s case was finally dropped.
But until his case was dropped in 2003, and the documents became public, Nevil did not really know who turned him in, and for a while, he was blaming Sam, which was baseless BS.
I received the court documents below from a guy in Colorado named Adam, who was arguing with me about Sam being a DEA agent and all the BS (which like you, he initially believed) that Nevil was saying before Nevil really knew who turned him in. Well, Adam went on and pulled the court documents to Nevil’s case and then after reading them, he wrote me and apologized for spreading rumors about Sam, when it was clearly this guy Raymond Anthony Cogo who was working with the DEA and not Sam.
I am attaching the documents right here, read them for yourself. There is no Sam the Skunkman, or David Watson mentioned anywhere in the filings against Nevil.
Again, the truth ruins the story, but oh well, let the truth me known.
For the record, I also knew Mario Lapp, from the days I lived in Amsterdam, he has since passed away, but was responsible for spreading the misinformation with Nevil about Watson being DEA, which was total baseless BS, and was just made up by jealous Dutch seed merchants who did not understand the complexity of what Watson and Clarke were doing in the Netherlands. I know that Mario Lapp and Nevil had no freaking clue what Hortapharm was all about in 1995/1996, I sat in on conversations with Mario when he was trying to figure out how two Americans came to the Netherlands and got a license to grow cannabis when no such licenses were being issued to any Dutchman (which was what was pissing off the Dutch seed merchants).
Had those Dutch seed merchants actually understood medical cannabis, which they waaaaaaay way way did not, they too would have been able to apply for license to research cannabinoids, but the Dutch seed merchants were like ants standing next to a skyscraper when looking up at Watson and Clarke, unable to comprehend what was going on in the penthouse.
I know how daft the Dutch cannabis seed makers and coffeeshop owners were to medical cannabis, as I was with Wernard when he started putting together the Medi-Wiet program, to educate the other coffee shop owners about the advancements in medical cannabis, and sadly, most of the information about medical cannabis that Wernard presented fell on deaf ears to the other coffeeshop owners at the BCD, (the Dutch coffeeshop union) meeting, and that was winter of 1996! Many coffee shop owners and seed merchants who I was friends with, still though my medical prescription was just an excuse to smoke weed. Like I said, ants next to a skyscraper.
For those who don’t know, Watson and Clarke started the world’s first cannabis pharmaceutical company; Hortapharm B.V.; and their company was the first legally registered cannabis cultivation company in the Netherlands. Haters will hate, but their goal was to make generic THC that would be on the market as a cheaper version of Marinol. Their work, from; Marijuana Botany, to Hemp Diseases and Pests, to the International Hemp Association, to HASHISH!, to Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany, has been some of the most useful information offered to the cannabis cultivation community. To say that the DEA would allow their agents to publish such incredible information that was positive about cannabis, in the face of the millions of dollars they were spending in propaganda against cannabis, is just downright stupid.
Please put down the Kool-Aid and pick up one of the books I just mentioned, the last one might be a little heavy for you considering it took Clarke and friends 17 years to write and consists of 350,000 words, and was published by the California University press of Berkeley, but give it a try, if you love cannabis, you’ll love their work, I just hope it’s not too expensive for you, because it does cost more than $20 of book.
If you really want to know what happened to Nevil, instead of just gossiping about people you don’t even know, read the two indictments and the affidavit of the witness:
The rat/snitch Raymond Anthony Cogo, who turned in Nevil and started Operation Green Merchant:
1994 Affidavit of Anthony Ray Cogo Nevil Snitch.pdf (2.3 MB)
The 1990 Indictment:
1990 Affidavit of Prosecutor.pdf (589.6 KB)
The 1994 Indictment:
1994 Affidavit of Prosecutor.pdf (410.7 KB)
I found this on This is copied and pasted directly from a comment made by user a claiming to Todd McCormick himself. The quote also includes links to the official court documents. Here is the link to the actual thread. The comment is in reply to a comment made by a user in August ‘19 (you’ll have to expand the comment reply). The following is the copy/paste:

”And FYI, for a long time Nevil did not even know it was Raymond Anthony Cogo, his own seed sender in the US, who turned him in, as it was from June of 1989, till Raymond Anthony Cogo gave his affidavit in January of 1994, that the DEA was hiding him as the informant, because the case was sealed until 2003, when Nevil’s case was finally dropped.
But until his case was dropped in 2003, and the documents became public, Nevil did not really know who turned him in, and for a while, he was blaming Sam, which was baseless BS.
I received the court documents below from a guy in Colorado named Adam, who was arguing with me about Sam being a DEA agent and all the BS (which like you, he initially believed) that Nevil was saying before Nevil really knew who turned him in. Well, Adam went on and pulled the court documents to Nevil’s case and then after reading them, he wrote me and apologized for spreading rumors about Sam, when it was clearly this guy Raymond Anthony Cogo who was working with the DEA and not Sam.
I am attaching the documents right here, read them for yourself. There is no Sam the Skunkman, or David Watson mentioned anywhere in the filings against Nevil.
Again, the truth ruins the story, but oh well, let the truth me known.
For the record, I also knew Mario Lapp, from the days I lived in Amsterdam, he has since passed away, but was responsible for spreading the misinformation with Nevil about Watson being DEA, which was total baseless BS, and was just made up by jealous Dutch seed merchants who did not understand the complexity of what Watson and Clarke were doing in the Netherlands. I know that Mario Lapp and Nevil had no freaking clue what Hortapharm was all about in 1995/1996, I sat in on conversations with Mario when he was trying to figure out how two Americans came to the Netherlands and got a license to grow cannabis when no such licenses were being issued to any Dutchman (which was what was pissing off the Dutch seed merchants).
Had those Dutch seed merchants actually understood medical cannabis, which they waaaaaaay way way did not, they too would have been able to apply for license to research cannabinoids, but the Dutch seed merchants were like ants standing next to a skyscraper when looking up at Watson and Clarke, unable to comprehend what was going on in the penthouse.
I know how daft the Dutch cannabis seed makers and coffeeshop owners were to medical cannabis, as I was with Wernard when he started putting together the Medi-Wiet program, to educate the other coffee shop owners about the advancements in medical cannabis, and sadly, most of the information about medical cannabis that Wernard presented fell on deaf ears to the other coffeeshop owners at the BCD, (the Dutch coffeeshop union) meeting, and that was winter of 1996! Many coffee shop owners and seed merchants who I was friends with, still though my medical prescription was just an excuse to smoke weed. Like I said, ants next to a skyscraper.
For those who don’t know, Watson and Clarke started the world’s first cannabis pharmaceutical company; Hortapharm B.V.; and their company was the first legally registered cannabis cultivation company in the Netherlands. Haters will hate, but their goal was to make generic THC that would be on the market as a cheaper version of Marinol. Their work, from; Marijuana Botany, to Hemp Diseases and Pests, to the International Hemp Association, to HASHISH!, to Cannabis: Evolution and Ethnobotany, has been some of the most useful information offered to the cannabis cultivation community. To say that the DEA would allow their agents to publish such incredible information that was positive about cannabis, in the face of the millions of dollars they were spending in propaganda against cannabis, is just downright stupid.
Please put down the Kool-Aid and pick up one of the books I just mentioned, the last one might be a little heavy for you considering it took Clarke and friends 17 years to write and consists of 350,000 words, and was published by the California University press of Berkeley, but give it a try, if you love cannabis, you’ll love their work, I just hope it’s not too expensive for you, because it does cost more than $20 of book.
If you really want to know what happened to Nevil, instead of just gossiping about people you don’t even know, read the two indictments and the affidavit of the witness:
The rat/snitch Raymond Anthony Cogo, who turned in Nevil and started Operation Green Merchant:
1994 Affidavit of Anthony Ray Cogo Nevil Snitch.pdf (2.3 MB)
The 1990 Indictment:
1990 Affidavit of Prosecutor.pdf (589.6 KB)
The 1994 Indictment:
1994 Affidavit of Prosecutor.pdf (410.7 KB)
My bad I got him confused with congo
How about the latest Pot Cast?

The guy names himself Blockhead. Smh Chimera made that strain like 20+ years ago and this dude has never even smoked the original or use it in crosses. That's like starting a soda company and naming it PepsiCo.

Or B Leaf releasing a clone called Chimera. Nothing to do with the man actually named that.

Chimera is taking it from all sides lol

The blockhead dude says, I don't like to get too stoned. I don't like potent pot. Ha wow that's not going to sell seeds.

I love the show but we need to get some better guests.

Sam the Skunkman please..
I was in agreement with you until the last sentence lol
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I appreciate everything the guy has done for cannabis and don't believe all the nonsense out there. I've watched many a Hash Church and talked to Sam. One thing is apparent and that is he loves cannabis and his passion is undeniable.

I would definitely like to hear Heavy Dayze ask him a few questions. Same with RCC.