New Member
Uhhh....the civil war was fought over states rights as opposed to federal rights.... guess who won.... it wasn't the states.
The War Between the States started the ball rolling that's for sure. It settled the question of secession.Johnny, You can spill the constitution about these things, but by the constitution the D.E.A is unconstitutional. Federal Drug laws are unconstitutional. Because it is up to the states on howto regulate this. My point is. You can spill about how federal takeover of healthcare being unconstitutional, but how is it we have federal regulations on drugs, chemicals etc. All of this should be delegated to the states. Which means our country is unconstitutional. With that it is legit to resist and depose the government. ( Obviously, there is many more constitutional violations ). This is why the Civil war was fought. This shows the Hypocrisy clearly in our government, and amongst our citizens.
If you want to fight against taxation of tobacco. Then we need to create co ops distributing tobacco freely amongst the members of the co ops. Get rid of the profit and get rid of the taxation.
The pack of smokes does not pay the tax. The individual purchasing said pack pays the taxes. Ergo, Obama's tobacco tax increase affected individuals who use tobacco.CrackerJax:
The fact that it eludes you is precisely the goal of the government. Stealth tax.
We are in almost full agreement here, it is a great way for them to collect more money from people, not sure how stealthy it is. I certainly realize that I am paying $5.89 for a pack of smokes nowadays, instead of $3 or so.
But tobacco is not an individual. It is a product. My point is simply that Obama did not break his promise about not taxing indivduals earning less than 200K or families earnig less than 250K. He signed off on putting a tax on a harmful product that costs even those who do not smoke in the end. And like I said, there are many ways to avoid paying this tax, unlike your 1040. You can quit, buy online from abroad, or go to a reservation. Again, this is one promise he did not break. I am pissed he has broken so many others, but no dice in this arena.
Who said a plant fills out a tax form?You might see in my post I have no problem admitting when Obama breaks a promise.
I do have a problem with people who think plants fill out 1040's in a stubborn effort to support a statement that was foolish in the first place.
By the way, buying cigarettes online is not tax evasion. Perhaps you should consider using facts. Attorneys General believe that virtually all sales of cigarettes over the Internet are illegal because the sellers are violating one or more state and federal laws, including: (1) state age verification laws; (2) the federal Jenkins Act (which requires that such sales be reported to state authorities); (3) state laws prohibiting or regulating the direct shipment of cigarettes to consumers; (4) state and federal tax laws; (5) federal mail and wire fraud statutes; and (6) the federal RICO law. Many of the sales made by foreign websites also violate federal smuggling, cigarette labeling, money laundering and contraband product laws.
Even simple concepts are too onerous for a simple mind.Look how many posts it takes to explain a VERY SIMPLE concept.
And for your benefit I will type slowly so you may try to understand.Who said a plant fills out a tax form? Apparently that is your stupid fantasy.
Actually, the continuing to push that 'stupid fantasy' is you. Let me speak slowly here, so you might understand.
Wrong. I never stipulated income only, and neither did Obuma. Again, for your benefit, I repost a direct quote previously posted.1. You argued that Obama broke his campaign promise, which was to not raise federal income taxes on families making less than 250K or individuals making less than 200K.
He lied. Accept it.I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. - Barack Hussein Obama
That is correct. The Federal government raised taxes on tobacco products. Thus the tax is, in turn, paid by individuals who use tobacco.2. The example you used to make your case was that the federal government raised taxes on tobacco products.
Wrong again.3. In order for your argument to ring true, you would have to define tobacco products as a family making less than 250K or an individual making less than 200K. Which they are neither.
While it is true that anyone who chooses may quit smoking in order to avoid the tax increase, that's not really the point. People smoke, more to the point, a shitload of non-affluent people smoke.Not to mention, you don't have to pay the tax! You can quit smoking or get cigarettes from elsewhere.
Your needle just keeps skipping over that scratch on the LP record.So unless you want to define tobacco products as a family making less than 250K or an individual making less than 200K, shut the fuck up! Your example was for shit and you are wrong!
And it seems to me like he said, "I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase."Quote:
I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes. - Barack Hussein Obama
Sounds like all the taxes he was referring to were ones you pay when you fill out your 1040. I don't put cigarettes on my 1040. None of the taxes he was talking about have been raised. Promise kept, at least so far. Never good to trust a politician.
"I've got a hatchet with your dick's name on it."[youtube]pkC7dcxZ5_Q[/youtube]
Healthcare has become Obama's Iraq or Vietnam. He went in without an exit strategy and now it's a quagmire. I think they are playing a dangerous game this week with that stupid televised summit. If I were the R team I would do 2 things: first, encourage everyone to go on the internet and READ Obama's proposal that will be posted tomorrow. it will be about 2000 pages. .
His version of Iraq?
No, not at all.
He didnt LIE to the Congress and the American people to get us behind it.
You guys crack me up man. First you have Republican talking heads complaining about how long the bill is. Remember that months ago?
Then yesterday they complained that there was only 12 pages in the Obama document. So, is it too long or too short?
Kind of like how they all wail on about how the stimulus didn't work, they wouldn't take money etc.
Then of course away from reporters guess what they did? They submitted written requests for stimulus funding, posed w/ the giant check at the photo -op, and patted themselves on the back for all the jobs they got for their constituents.
Current Republican politics= Hypocrisy
By the way, Obama didn't "get us behind it" and he never will. The people are clearly opposed to Obamacare yet he is determined to govern against the will of the people.