The primary role of government?

The people that did that should be held accountable. The fact that they may or may not have home schooled is a logical fallacy as a causal effect and similar to the irrarationality of the "gateway theory" used by prohibitionists. Are you willing to say if a public schooled kid is starved by his parents that public schools CAUSED this ? I don't mean to insult you, but your argument is rather clueless and means very little from a logical stand point.

How you doing on that 10th plank of the Communist manifesto anyhow there Comrade ?

Try a different brand of tin foil for your headware
and you should stop subscribing to John Birch Society newsletters
We were told that the whole point of public school was to dumb down the children and turn them into compliant workers – to brainwash them and indoctrinate them into this godless way of thinking.” Garrison believes that homeschooling has become so popular with fundamentalist Christians because, “there is an atmosphere of real terror among some evangelicals. They are horrified by the fact that Obama is president, and they see the New Atheist movement as a vocal, in-your-face threat. Plus, they are obsessed with the End Times, and believe that the Apocalypse could happen any day now...They see a demon on every corner.
“We homeschooled because we wanted to protect our children from what we viewed as the total secularization of America. We listened to people like Rush Limbaugh, who told us that America was in the clutches of evil liberal feminist atheists.”
View attachment 2291215

Home schooled

Seized: A Superior Court has ruled that Heath and Deborah Campbell cannot take
back their children, including Adolf Hitler Campbell (centre)

View attachment 2291223

Never said you didn't have the definition of irrational down to a tee. Now work on your rational.

I would never get on the news for having my kids taken away. I'd kill every child services worker before that'd ever happen.
Never said you didn't have the definition of irrational down to a tee. Now work on your rational.

I would never get on the news for having my kids taken away. I'd kill every child services worker before that'd ever happen.

Well I for one wouldnt support your "rights" to abuse your kids by naming them after nazis and home schooling them in the lifestyle of white supremacism
Well I for one wouldnt support your "rights" to abuse your kids by naming them after nazis and home schooling them in the lifestyle of white supremacism

There are a lot of people who name their kids what they think are kool names but they are awful, Adolf Hitler is about as bad as it gets but I've heard some other winners too. I feel bad for these kids who will get picked on their entire life cause their parents were such losers. There are people I know who shouldn't get to have children. The problem is who gets to make that choice and where do they go with it ... you know where does it end.
Wasnt there jus a court case where the parent were being sued or some shit over naming the kid adolph hitler? So it would seem, you do not have the right to name your kid what you want, even that is under scrutiny. Im not for the naming of a child Adolph Hitler by the way, personally, ya, i think it shows bad form. and a general lack of respect for your kid, and its future.

*edit, I had a few posts to catch up on.. missed that one Canna..
None that you will listen to or even consider no matter how rational

Many of your arguments are contradictory. you seem to have no core philosophy. For instance mine relies on something called the non-initation of aggression principle....not sure what yours relies on.

Your debate techniques rely on insult, strawman diversions etc. You think Obama's gonna save the world with his secret pot liberation plan, that takes him two terms to implement, meanwhile he continues jailing people in record numbers.

I've heard your rationalizations, still waiting for the rational.
Many of your arguments are contradictory. you seem to have no core philosophy. For instance mine relies on something called the non-initation of aggression principle....not sure what yours relies on.

Your debate techniques rely on insult, strawman diversions etc. You think Obama's gonna save the world with his secret pot liberation plan, that takes him two terms to implement, meanwhile he continues jailing people in record numbers.

I've heard your rationalizations, still waiting for the rational.

I cannot know what is in Obamas mind I wont pretend to
But if Obama is the prohibitionist you say he is
Then why are there hundreds of dispensaries that are still open AND advertising there product?
And jailing people in record numbers?
Only core philosphy you hold is hyperbole and angst
I certainly hope my 12 year old daughter doesnt go thru the emotional distress you display when she eventually goes thru puberty
BTW, South Africa has social workers that will talk with parents about the kids name. They can use whatever they want, but the social workers will try to discourage crazy spellings like La-a for Ladasha or naming your kid Adolph. They can't stop you though, if you insist, but they do their best to change your mind.

I cannot know what is in Obamas mind I wont pretend to
But if Obama is the prohibitionist you say he is
Then why are there hundreds of dispensaries that are still open AND advertising there product?
And jailing people in record numbers?
Only core philosphy you hold is hyperbole and angst
I certainly hope my 12 year old daughter doesnt go thru the emotional distress you display when she eventually goes thru puberty

Hey lets face it theres a problem there. Maybe he doesn't want to be known as the pothead president, or maybe he just doesn't think it's a big enough issue, or just doesn't care about that group of people enough to act on the subject. A lot of us did however expect him to be different on the subject than he has and maybe he will before it's all over. Lets also face it that Romney will not make this better - he seems like the guy who would rather build more jails than help the little guy to me.
Hey lets face it theres a problem there. Maybe he doesn't want to be known as the pothead president, or maybe he just doesn't think it's a big enough issue, or just doesn't care about that group of people enough to act on the subject. A lot of us did however expect him to be different on the subject than he has and maybe he will before it's all over. Lets also face it that Romney will not make this better - he seems like the guy who would rather build more jails than help the little guy to me.

Close election
If anything we know 2 things
Romney will be worse
Ron Paul doesnt have a chance in hell

New dispensaries are opening up weekly
A few got busted mabye they were out of compliance
maybe they didnt pay off the right local officials

How many do you think will be around with Romney as president?