The Problems With Biden

Trump was the worst candidate in the history of the US. I agree with you. But apparently he either has magical abilities or political brilliance to be where he is now.
He had National Enquier and Men's Journal on secret retainer illegally pulling negative stories with secret hush money and promises of being on the cover to keep him in the hunt. And at least one countries military attacking our electorate with nonstop propaganda.

Not to mention he has been running for President since the 80's and hopped on the Racist/Evangelical train hard since 2010, which just so happens to be around the time that the online propaganda really started hitting heavily.

No, you're the lying, dog-faced pony soldier. lol Biden has had a fork in his back for several months now. But who knows, some people like forks.
Apparently it is some John Wayne quote, stupid, but still beats Trump's not actually taking questions, and his language.

You should hear Carville and all the other non-relevants..Socialism is bullshit! No one wants it!:lol: How come he wouldn't say the impeachment trial was bullshit?

The bugs are crawling out into the cleansing sunlight..
The man spoke truth.

It wasn't just about Bernie although I'm sure that's what you heard. It was about Democrats ripping up the 2018 playbook that was so successful for mostly arguing about things that are non-starters and repugnant to most people in this country. 150 million people would be forced from a health care plan they like for an undefined promise. Carville spoke truth when he said that's a gift to Republikkkans. He also spoke truth that Democrats have the opportunity to win it all, the House, Senate and WH but we are fumbling it away arguing about free college tuition. Free college tuition can't happen if Republikkkans hold the majority in the Senate. We need to focus on issues and policies that enable winning the whole thing,

You: BBBBBut he badded talked Sanders.

No, Carville did not single out Sanders although your sensitive little hide was hurted by anything remotely critical of what Sanders is doing.
He had National Enquier and Men's Journal on secret retainer illegally pulling negative stories with secret hush money and promises of being on the cover to keep him in the hunt. And at least one countries military attacking our electorate with nonstop propaganda.

Not to mention he has been running for President since the 80's and hopped on the Racist/Evangelical train hard since 2010, which just so happens to be around the time that the online propaganda really started hitting heavily.

Apparently it is some John Wayne quote, stupid, but still beats Trump's not actually taking questions, and his language.

They don't want to believe their savior not only was the worst candidate ever but won with massive outside illegal help.
He had National Enquier and Men's Journal on secret retainer illegally pulling negative stories with secret hush money and promises of being on the cover to keep him in the hunt. And at least one countries military attacking our electorate with nonstop propaganda.

Not to mention he has been running for President since the 80's and hopped on the Racist/Evangelical train hard since 2010, which just so happens to be around the time that the online propaganda really started hitting heavily.

Apparently it is some John Wayne quote, stupid, but still beats Trump's not actually taking questions, and his language.

He spoke about women letting him grab them by the pussy, and he still won! That's how bad Hillary was.
They don't want to believe their savior not only was the worst candidate ever but won with massive outside illegal help.
Conceded your first point that Trump was worst candidate ever, perhaps only second to Hillary. Interested in a citation that shows how many votes were changed by the massive outside illegal help you are referring to. Must be something other than Russia.
He spoke about women letting him grab them by the pussy, and he still won! That's how bad Hillary was.
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He didn't win the popular vote. He lost that by 3 million votes. I get that Republikkkans no longer even think about majority rule, so how about rule of law? Trump won with massive illegal interference in our election. You brag about that.

Insert gangster beat the rap legalese here.
He spoke about women letting him grab them by the pussy, and he still won! That's how bad Hillary was.
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Well at the time he had Russia dump the DNC emails they hacked on a massive scale to bury the story.

It's ok, he got away with it (for now), and he has an actual record now in politics that he has to run on.

I can't wait until he has a opponent focused on him. The ads will be great I am sure.
Conceded your first point that Trump was worst candidate ever, perhaps only second to Hillary. Interested in a citation that shows how many votes were changed by the massive outside illegal help you are referring to. Must be something other than Russia.
I submit to the forum an example of bugeye mis-characterizing what others say in order to feel better about being wrong.
He didn't win the popular vote. He lost that by 3 million votes. I get that Republikkkans no longer even think about majority rule, so how about rule of law? Trump won with massive illegal interference in our election. You brag about that.

Insert gangster beat the rap legalese here.
Oh, you don't understand that we use the electoral college to determine a president. Sad. Study up for this one.
Oh, you don't understand that we use the electoral college to determine a president. Sad. Study up for this one.
The topic was whether or not Trump was a good candidate or a bad one. You lost that argument. You may concede now.
Trump needed all the help Putin and comey could give him and did about as well as Dukakis did

Hillary was the second most popular candidate of all time, only Obama was more popular

Bugeye is an insecure, fragile racist
trump has been under Putin for more than a few years, money laundering will be shown as Putin’s hook in trump and others. Unexplained cash deals to foreign entities etc. trump is just rotten through and through and does not love the USA or anything else other than his utterly empty self.
Electoral Collage was one of the worst ideas in the Constitution and was a concession to small agrarian states. Pretty much a deal with Slavers like the 2nd Amendment.
Even a broken clocks right twice a day.

I understand that the insurance is replaced with government healthcare, but the scary part is that it is a legitimate industry in our economy just wiped out overnight and fingers crossed that the Republicans don't take power and strip us of it in a future election.

I think of all those people kicked out to live on the streets when Reagan and the Republicans shut down the Mental Health facilities, it was back when they were also trying to strip Americans of SS and Medicare.

It is scary shit for people to change something that like it or not is working for at the vast majority of the country, especially when they could just step up and get the final 9% on Obamacare (if the states they are in would allow it) without tearing everything down that they have built up over the last hundred years.
Even a broken clocks right twice a day.

I understand that the insurance is replaced with government healthcare, but the scary part is that it is a legitimate industry in our economy just wiped out overnight and fingers crossed that the Republicans don't take power and strip us of it in a future election.

I think of all those people kicked out to live on the streets when Reagan and the Republicans shut down the Mental Health facilities, it was back when they were also trying to strip Americans of SS and Medicare.

It is scary shit for people to change something that like it or not is working for at the vast majority of the country, especially when they could just step up and get the final 9% on Obamacare (if the states they are in would allow it) without tearing everything down that they have built up over the last hundred years.
Nothing is replaced with "government healthcare". The government becomes the single payer, the for profit middleman gets eliminated, and US taxpayers save 20% of healthcare costs over the course of four years

There has never been a single instance of a country switching from a for profit system to a universal system of healthcare, then switching back because people support it once it's implemented. In places like the UK, it's considered political suicide to try to eliminate the NHS

Here's Boris Johnson, leader of the conservative party promoting it before his campaign;
