The Producer Round 4


Active Member
it actually sounds like root rot to me. one good way to find out is to temp ur res before u put in ice. 60s are optimal. 70s are oookkkk. and 80s unacceptable. root rot is brown and slimy. nice looking cat btw. is it urs?


Well-Known Member
Lol yes he is his name is trouble he is my bestest buddy he got hit by a car cost me 2k to get "repaired" was partially paralized but is back to his old self and an "indoor" cat now. I will post the pics and will wonder if I should add some hydrogen peroxide to the mix to clear this up, I will pick some up just in case. Would explain why my roots are not nice and any event what do u recommend to combat it other then hp if this is the case?

I really, really apprecite your help and your posts....I am going to do my best to pick something up to measure my res temps. tomorrow.



Active Member
yep that would definitely explain it(the short roots). hydrogen peroxide works to combat it. its just one of those things, prevention is key. put in the ice and i think it will help


Well-Known Member
Okay so I contacted bcnl and asked about the feeding schedule as I was confused now that I received my big blood liquid. On the schedule for flowering week 4 it says 80ml of big blood liquid "and" also 17grams of big blood powder? I did not get a definate answer from bcnl they said well keep it simple use the powder, then after I told them I had all ready added the liquid on top of the powder and asked about any damage they said no no no if the leaves don't turn yellow no problem. I am actually more confused by the answer then my question sighhhhhhhhhh.

So simple question for you producer users do you use both or just one and why?

Thanks :)
Whats up HG...lookin good....i think its saying how much to use regarding one or the other...some prefer liquid some prefer myself i prefer liquid...i never put powder directly in my res or nuts....if you do some have said to do a tea bomb...let the powder sit in a nylon sock or a teabad and then add it keeps you from having issues with clogging...i know i am a little late but im in from here on out...later


Well-Known Member
You were 100% right, here are the pics to show it. To make matters worse one plant (pictured) is starting to show the effects but the rest look fine, had it not been caught I am sure it would have slowly wiped everything out.

I put two 1.5 litre bottles of frozen water in the rez just now, I have two more in the freezer ready to replace them in the morning.

I will swap out my nutes tomorrow to make sure the res is as clean as I can get it. Do you recomend that I add some hp if so how much do I add? I picked up a 450ml bottle of 3% hp. Also do I clip the roots back or leave them be I really can't afford to ruin this crop :( . Now I am using advanced nutrients so I am really hoping the chemicals I use do not have an adverse effect when combined or do I just add the hp to ph balanced water? Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh

Does anyone know where to buy something I can plug in and place in the res to keep my water temps in check?

The other pics are of my second pump I bought as I wanted more air movement and my ph nanny which really helps me keep a balance.

In any event thanks in advance and "HAPPY NEW YEAR"




Active Member
oh and what did the temp come out to be? kinda curious. before and after ice. and that link says to add an airstone. I would definitely do that, if u dont have one already


Well-Known Member
I just got off an online chat session with Jordan at bcnl a very patience man I might add lol. He says to add 1 tsp of hp to a gallon of water and I can mix it with my nutes tomorrow so I am feeling a "bit" better.


Active Member
cool, just try to get rid of as much of the affected roots as u can. pull em off, they should come off easily. and they will take off growing again. just make sure your water is cool. I dont use peroxide as a preventative measure, only if it happens. The cool water will keep it away


Well-Known Member
Thank you sooooooo much! I have an extra pump which I hooked up to 4 extra airstones 8 in total so I have plently of pretty bubbles under each plant. :) The problem was the brown slime would cover them and cut the airflow down by at least 50%

It was 79 now it is 10 degrees lower at last check, what a cheap cost effective way of dealing with the res temp go figure I never would have figured that out on my own.

The link was very very helpful it explains a lot and no worries we all have to puff away good for u.

Okay so one tsp per gallon roughly 2ml for 5 liters, 50 Liters of water I think 20 ml should do the trick. I think I will also add a touch of root stimulator to give them as much help as I can.

Okay off to get hammered I will update tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
Okay so I flunked math 1tsp=5ml, 4l per gallon soooooooooooooooo 50 gallon res = 12.5, 12.5 times 5ml = 62.5ml total this sound right? My head hurts!!!!!!!!!! I need a f'ing drink...............


Active Member
oh yea, 79 isnt a good res temp, but thats awesome you got it under 70!!! good luck and im staying tuned.


Well-Known Member
Okay that was a lot of work! I took off the yuckified brown roots and cleaned out the whole res not 100% but I got at least 90%. When mixing my nutes I added 70ml of 3%hp and some root enhancer on top of the week 5 nutes. I took out the unfrozen 1.5l water bottles and put new ones in, once my ph nanny hits 5.6 I am ready to water. The rockwool is very dry but I wanted to hold off watering until I changed out the nutes and I got a chance to add the hp. The plants look fine starting to droop but okay under the circumstances, if this was not brought to my attention I would have just carried on like nothing was wrong while my crop slowly suffocated to death. I don't have the ability to change the water bottles 4 times a day but I will change them first thing when I get up in the morning and again when I get home from work. I am very very very concerned about this crop I hope they pull through the rot rot was very bad. :(

Looking back I did not lose plant "ten" to the ac it was because of root rot. It folded like a tent from lack of oxygen just like it explains in hg's link above.



Well-Known Member
Okay a little yellowing of a few lower leaves but nothing major in fact the plants look pretty good under the circumstances.

The bad....root rot is bad, I have been adding hp daily not much but a bit to try to clear it up. The major clumping has not returned but the roots look not so good and the res now stinks.

The ugly I have a brown not film but ummmm like froth built up I assume that is from the hp eating the dead plant matter.

The good is the flowers are getting bigger however the plants are not growing much anymore.

Here's my plan let me know if I am wayyyyyyy off base I could use some input. I have not used c02 in a week I will have a new tank tommorow. I figure I hook it up which will help my plants get co2. I will diligently keep the airstones clean all 8 to give what roots I have oxygen. Lastly when swapping out my nutes I will up the root stimulator. I am changing the frozen water bottles twice a day!

I don't want to change out the nutes but if I have to I have to any ideas or input would sincerely be welcomed.




Active Member
The plants still look very healthy so that is a plus. And considering how far you are into flower, I wouldnt expect a lot more growth anywhere except for the flowers. At least you know now for the next go around to keep the res temp down. As long as you do that, you shouldnt ever see root rot again.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that co2 cannisters came in different materials, the first one they delivered must have weighed 200 pounds try humping that up two flights of stairs! The new one is a lot lighter, still heavy mind you but much easier to move around, I have them delivered to my work as I don't want them delivered to my home.....that would look really bad! Co2 is hooked back up I think you are right hgk I think they are pretty much maxed out in height, a cluster of white flowers is starting to form together at the top of the plants just like the plant specs said. I am really hoping they get nice and big and fluffy they are about the length of a pop can so lets hope they fill out. Tomorrow I am taking more cuttings yes I know it's late but I want to make sure I have more then enough in the cloner just in case. The res is a swamp but I am continuing to put the ice bottles in twice a day and I also clean the airstones every night, I do have an airstone under each plant so I am doing what I can to get them oxygen I am hoping hooking up the co2 again also helps me. I have a come a long way with this grow so I am doing my best to baby them through the home stretch about 3 1/2 weeks to go depending on how they look. The lights are out so now I am not opening the doors to take pics I am hoping to post some tomorrow. I ran out of c02 at the worst possible time with flowering and the Xmas holidays, I now have a spare tank which I will have refilled and on standby for when I run out again! You have been a great help hgk the frozen water bottles is a great tip!

Question...should I be taking the big fan leaves off or leave them be? I have enough light as I spaced my plants out so it's not a huge issue just curious is all.


Active Member
I have seen much debate about whether or not to remove the fan leaves. I personally do not mess with them. I feel that they will fall off on their own when the plant is done getting what it wants out of them. And I would ask for aluminum tanks, and ask them not to send steel ones LOL