raiderman I need some advice on buying seeds.I never bought them before.
i'm pulling the room air out of the house to cool the light and exchange the air to keep co2 levels good and fresh air coming in,keeps molds and bacterias from building up in the soils.,a 10,000 btu ac in the window keeps the temps where i want them.i keep a fan also oscillating to keep it moved around.its real airy and pleasant in there .....i've got the light 24 inches now from the plants to bulk them up.You couldn,t exhaust out the top ? How's it working?
,wats up rebel,attitude is good.but bcseedking is the best overall for consistancy and reliable germination. Cash orders only, go to .for a 165.00 ireceived 15 godbud fems and 15 purps fems.all germed and always get high yields.i pulled 2 pounds off 2 lights last time.thier in canada.18 orders in a row all fast and consistant.
pics didnt loadon my last grow i was able to cool 2 lights,heres wat it looked like.