The Rate The Song Above You Thread


Well-Known Member
^^thats actually a relly good song 8.5/10

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^^thats actually a relly good song 8.5/10

<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>
didnt get to check out your song post it again

EDIT *6/10 i dont like pharell very much
Why? The whole song sounds the same lol... JK I did listen to it all.. Just not a big Techno fan.. I quit a DJ job at a club one time because they wanted me to play techno, lol.
That's my friend's roommates band! They play in my town every couple weeks! F'ing crazy!
haha I know John ( there DJ ) via the web. I met him on a DJ website..We trade emails / tracks etc..He's developing a new fader technology.. Its called the "fretless fader".. Its midi.. You can control the pitch/tone of w/e you put through it by sliding the fader.. It has multiple axis'..Check it out ..

Check out :50 secs +
Here he is using the new fader hes developing and a loop pedal and more..

When used in conjunction w/ software or with the Vestax Controller one MIDI turntable alot of stuff is possible.

Heres an older vid of him using the Vestax Controller One Turntable and a loop pedal ( he's not using the prototype fretless fader in this one )...



Well-Known Member
haha I know John ( there DJ ) via the web. I met him on a DJ website..We trade emails / tracks etc..He's developing a new fader technology.. Its called the "fretless fader".. Its midi.. You can control the pitch/tone of w/e you put through it by sliding the fader.. It has multiple axis'..Check it out ..

Check out :50 secs +
Here he is using the new fader hes developing and a loop pedal and more..

When used in conjunction w/ software or with the Vestax Controller one MIDI turntable alot of stuff is possible.

Heres an older vid of him using the Vestax Controller One Turntable and a loop pedal ( he's not using the prototype fretless fader in this one )...

8/10 for the mixing