I wanted to clear something up about comparing a few of the most popular brands of LED lights. The Blackstar 240 advertises 240w, even though it only pushes ~120w. This is due to the fact that the Blackstar uses 80x3w LED's (and I actually think the 2 white ones are 2w). The GLH Spectra 180, however, advertises their true wattage. So even though there are 100x3w LED's (presumably 300 advertis-able watts), they opt to only advertise the true power draw. The AdvancedLED is similar to GLH, in that they advertise close to the "true" wattage, but they are not spot on.
The point of this post was not to question the quality of the Blackstar, but to clear up the advertising discrepancies between the companies. When you match up the true wattage, the price, and efficiency of the 4-5 most popular brands are actually much closer than they seem.
Food for thought at least, if you are looking to do a side-by-side, or if you are wondering why the Blackstar500 and the Spectra180 are around the same price. They are actually much closer to each other than it might appear at first glance.
Like I said, I'm not questioning the Blackstar lights in any way. They're proven. The way they market their product is peculiar is all. Also, I think it might be a popular mis-conception that Blackstar lights perform inferior to other lights the "same" wattage, when really the comparison may not have been fair in the first place. Thanks for reading!