The real racists.

It's easier just to admit you are a real racist.

I received an invite. I accepted out of courtesy.

Vouchers to for profit education corporations that actually get to pick their students leaving the least able to the public schools?
the best solution is of course Equal Failure For All.

if outcomes arent equal, then clearly something must be done to stop those evil smart kids from getting ahead, leaving the dumb kids, hooligans and shitheels behind.

hell, why not take every child as soon as it is born, and raise it in a government creche, thus ensuring the every child is raised in the same sterile, loveless hopeless environment, with no access to any facts or opinions which might call the Official Positions into question.

that will produce the best quality drones
Farrakhan and the black Muslims run schools.
Are the vouchers good there?
muzzie runs schools can never be accredited since their religion is 100% contrary to fact, reality and logic.

a moslem COULD run a school, but the local imams and mullahs would declare him an apostate if he actually taught real history, science or social studies.

Social Justice Warriors like you always forget the moslem society that you defend so hard is the most unjust on the planet
Vouchers to for profit education corporations that actually get to pick their students leaving the least able to the public schools?

From an article by Jeff Deist

Perhaps the greatest legacy of the online revolution will be the demise of state education systems. Teacher unions, lousy and compulsory schools, huge administrative bureaucracies, outlandish pensions, and crushing student loan debt clearly are unsustainable.

Liberty is not possible in a society filled with ill-educated, state-indoctrinated people. So the need for separation of education and state has never been greater, and it’s at our doorstep. The online education revolution, still in its infancy, will make learning cheaper, easier, more efficient, and — most importantly — accountable. Market-based education will produce actual results — the antithesis of government education. We should all be happy to witness the state’s education model crumbling.
the best solution is of course Equal Failure For All.

if outcomes arent equal, then clearly something must be done to stop those evil smart kids from getting ahead, leaving the dumb kids, hooligans and shitheels behind.

hell, why not take every child as soon as it is born, and raise it in a government creche, thus ensuring the every child is raised in the same sterile, loveless hopeless environment, with no access to any facts or opinions which might call the Official Positions into question.

that will produce the best quality drones

Good point about the drones.

Quality drones was the original intention of the "Public" school system. When Kaiser Wilhelm's Prussian School system came to the USA in the mid 1800s it was intended to create obedient, unthinking mill workers and cannon fodder.

Getting rid of the indoctrination system will be a good thing.
I'm brainwashed am I?
Your going to name a single democrat who's dead, who was a racists,
Let's count most of white America in the last 230 years then. So let's see your calling Climton, carter, Kennedy, Johnson, racists? I vote both ways or a swing voter my friend but you are obviously a hardcore right wing voter who wouldn't vote democrat if his life depended on it, I can't reason with that sort of logic sorry and by the way Nixon was a racists.

""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One"

Johnson was racist, but he knew how to get votes. He said this about signing the civil rights bill into law. Even a racist will do the right thing occasionally if it benefits him.
""I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One"

Johnson was racist, but he knew how to get votes. He said this about signing the civil rights bill into law. Even a racist will do the right thing occasionally if it benefits him.
So what did he say about all those southern whites if he passed Civil rights?
I remember when I was a kid. All the warnings about malnoutrition and rickets.
Dont hear about that anymore. Why is that?
So what did he say about all those southern whites if he passed Civil rights?

Die hard southern Democrats will always vote Dem no matter what. I worked with an old school Southern Democrat. He would tout the advantages of being democrat while using the n word when referring to Afro Ams. and speak disparagingly of them. He grudgingly voted for Obama because in his words, "I'll never vote for a Republican no matter what". He was one of those people that was convinced the Democrat party was all about the little guy. He hated "Big Bussiness" yet, after working for the company as a TIG welder (worldwide company[ non union in our state though]) for 40 years, he retired with a nice pension and we figured (I helped him figure it out, he wasn't too good in math) about $50,000 in various bonuses because the company was going through some changes and the longer you were there the bigger the bonus. Those "Big Bussinesses" sure screw people don't they?