The Real Reason White People Say...

The problem with racism is that we haven't talked about it. Another is that most white people, even if they don't agree with it, won't call out other white people on being racist or step up and help someone who is the target of racism.

Kids/generations follow our lead and learn by example. So standing by while someone is being targeted (verbally, mentally, physically), regardless of the reason is just teaching the next generation that it's Ok. It will carry on until it's just not accepted and enough whites have the balls to call out white racists.

To be truly non-racist you would look at people as people, not the colour of their skin, where they were born, what their religion is, how much they make, what their job is, who gives a f*k. They are just people, they eat, sleep, and crap like everyone else, the only difference is the colour of their skin, and typically some customs associated with where they were born. We should embrace our differences and celebrate them as positive, not allow small percentages of the population to win with hateful acts of racism. More importantly, whites need to call out other whites who perpetuate this hateful practice.

Unfortunately, US society has large pockets of acceptance of this behaviour, possibly enough to keep the madness going for many generations. Cross the border to Canada, spend some time in a big city like Toronto or Montreal and you'll see what society can be like when people just treat people as people. Not judge them with uneducated old school attitudes passed down from generation to generation. Do we have racists? Of course we do, but they're few and far between compared to the US. They're also much more likely to be called out here. I've spent more than enough time in the US to gage the difference and it's huge. Some areas in the south are like stepping back 40-50 years for me, it's disgusting. Until you fix that, there's not much hope for your country or anyone in a visible minority group to be treated like an equal human being. Yes, racism and white supremacism is primarily a US issue, Americans do know that right?. I've travelled the world and never experienced what I've seen/experienced in the US when it comes to this subject.
If I was victimized by blue people repeatedly I would be racist, and feel it towards blue people. If others I knew were also victims of blue people repeatedly I would tend to believe that blue people are inferior to others=racist
I wonder how or why anyone would not be with that experience.

thank Shiva there are no more blue people