the real reason why cannabis is illegal?

You think those little brown swag bottom leaves don't have much THC? They do, my friend, they do and some of us have to make those do 'cause we aint got no sun or nothing much else do to the tight wad establishment.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
The cotton manufacturers of america have just as much vested interest as tobacco, alcohol and government combined probably. If pot is legal than HEMP is legal, if hemp is legal than more rope, more clothes more everything is made from hemp, if pots illegal so is hemp is pots legal hemp is legal, the government do not differentiant between non the hemp and kind bud!!!

edit: stupid spell check!!!

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Tobacco, alcohol, cotton, timber, and pharmacy, those big buisnesses are keeping it illegal. Im sure there are many more. but it would affect profits for them. So they campaign with billions to keep the laws the same. But we are getting smarter about it as a nation and heading in the right direction. we just need to stay strong and keep tokin.

Get out and grow!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Womens groups are mainly responsible for prohibition, gambling in some circumstances illegal, mj and other drugs illegal etc.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Some people bore arms to relieve themselves of alcohol prohibition imposed apon them by womens church groups.


Well-Known Member
Cause people are assholes. My theory on pot being illegal is that it can make some people unconcerned about making a lot of money, free thinking such as socialism... A fear of unproductive citizens spending their time getting high. There was never any good scientific basis for outlawing it and is none today.

It is as harmless a drug as there is, if not the least harmful of all. The US led all this drug hysteria and the world followed.


Active Member
The politicians who would support legalizing marijuana don't because no one wants to take on the problem of what to do with all the people already in jail for marijuana related crimes. They'd look like were responsible for setting "criminals" free, or keeping innocent people incarcerated. Could you imagine the flood of appeals the courts would see if it was legalized?

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
What to how backwards America is? OK I get banning a substance that makes people feel good, happy people won't need as much alcohol, but check this out Pinball was illegal for 30 yearst!!

One of those silly facts I keep in the back of my mind, I didn't write this though:
Pinball was banned from the early 1940s to the mid-1970s in most of America's big cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, where the game was born and where virtually all of its manufacturers have historically been located. The stated reason for the bans: Pinball was a game of chance, not skill, and so it was a form of gambling. To be fair, pinball really did involve a lot less skill in the early years of the game, largely because the flipper wasn't invented until 1947, five years after most of the bans were implemented. Up until then, players would bump and tilt the machines in order to sway the ball's gravity. Many lawmakers also believed pinball to be a mafia-run racket and a time- and dime-waster for impressionable youth. (The machines robbed the "pockets of schoolchildren in the form of nickels and dimes given them as lunch money," New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia wrote in a Supreme Court affidavit.)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I opened a pinball pool and grill about 1yr after it became decriminalized. They were considered gambling machines because you could win a free game etc.


Well-Known Member
Wow... A pinball pool being illegal... Thatz about as insane as cannabis being illegal... I have read about a period of time in the late 1700's here in America, when it was illegal if one DIDN'T grow hemp... Too bad that law didn'y remain in effect, and spread to a larger portion of the, then growing country...


Well-Known Member
IT expands the mind and the controllers want us dumbed down. IT also has healing properties and concentrated can kill cancer. That goes against their policy of slow killing us with toxins. Mercury etc.
the real question is does it matter that its illegal,anyone who smokes it can get it or the equipment to grow it.

i think they cannot go back on the law now because so many people have been locked up for smoking a joint ya know the stupid little things


Honestly...there needs to be a strike. Like everyone stop buys cigs and alcohol. There needs to be a huge change, sonething that would be on the news or make front page. There are thousands of people on this forum, why can't we gather up some people to help with the cause. The answer is because all we do is smoke weed and look at our plants and get online and talk about our plants.

The reason why freedom was given to black people is because some people steped up and said enough is enough. The only way freedom will be given to pot smokers is if some of us step up. We don't want it badly enough. Its not the alcohol companies or the tabaco companies or even the goverment its on us.

Rosa parks was willing to go to jail for what she believed in. Untill any o us reach the point, where were willing to go to jail for pot, then we will never have that personal freedom we claim to want.