The real story on Mexican Marijuana

Awesome job. Did they strech alot? I assume so being sativa dominant

My grow report was abbreviated; I didn't really set out to do a report, so I didn't take pictures of veg, how I trained the plants, etc.

But yes, they stretched quite a bit during that first three weeks of flowering, finishing probably at 3x the pre-flower height. Total final plant LENGTH was probably about 3 feet, but I reduced the height by about a foot with training.

What I did was first top the plant while it was small, then tie down the two tops during early veg for some "spiral" training. Then I put the plant into a SCROG for late veg and when I got some decent coverage switched to 12/12. The natural branching made multiple tops under the SCROG which turned into nice colas. Then even with the SCROG, I had to tie down at least one of the tops to optimize light exposure.

If you look at the bottom of this picture (especially bottom right) you can see the wire SCROG grid and get some sense of what's going on. Square distance is probably about 1.5".


I wonder how LST would do on yields. I have some old mexi bag weed seeds somewhere....

Depends exactly on what you do, but I think with something like this, you will do better yieldwise creating multiple tops, if you have the ability to do that. I strongly doubt I would have gotten the same kind of yield if I had just let this thing have only one top.

In terms of whether or not this is worth the effort, I think that depends. There probably are better commercial sativas out there you could grow, but for a sativa, this wasn't too bad. Again, didn't get hermies, the plant was tough, heat resistant, and grew pretty fast. The final product here was good if not top-shelf. Worth a "nostalgia" grow, I think, or just to learn how to grow sativas, considering the ceeds are effectively free.
My grow report was abbreviated; I didn't really set out to do a report, so I didn't take pictures of veg, how I trained the plants, etc.

But yes, they stretched quite a bit during that first three weeks of flowering, finishing probably at 3x the pre-flower height. Total final plant LENGTH was probably about 3 feet, but I reduced the height by about a foot with training.

What I did was first top the plant while it was small, then tie down the two tops during early veg for some "spiral" training. Then I put the plant into a SCROG for late veg and when I got some decent coverage switched to 12/12. The natural branching made multiple tops under the SCROG which turned into nice colas. Then even with the SCROG, I had to tie down at least one of the tops to optimize light exposure.

If you look at the bottom of this picture (especially bottom right) you can see the wire SCROG grid and get some sense of what's going on. Square distance is probably about 1.5".


Depends exactly on what you do, but I think with something like this, you will do better yieldwise creating multiple tops, if you have the ability to do that. I strongly doubt I would have gotten the same kind of yield if I had just let this thing have only one top.

In terms of whether or not this is worth the effort, I think that depends. There probably are better commercial sativas out there you could grow, but for a sativa, this wasn't too bad. Again, didn't get hermies, the plant was tough, heat resistant, and grew pretty fast. The final product here was good if not top-shelf. Worth a "nostalgia" grow, I think, or just to learn how to grow sativas, considering the ceeds are effectively free.

SWEET man! Great post & thanks for sharing! Good info & great for people with large amounts of "free" seed stock to see that they can produce an end product with the right care & love even if they don't have the $ or huevos to order seeds from Europe. +Rep
SWEET man! Great post & thanks for sharing! Good info & great for people with large amounts of "free" seed stock to see that they can produce an end product with the right care & love even if they don't have the $ or huevos to order seeds from Europe. +Rep

This is true, but let me add a few things.

Its been well covered elsewhere, but if you're careful, the risk in ordering ceeds via mail is pretty small. You can also get genetics from Canada, so they don't "have to" come from Europe. In fact, I think you can even buy them over the counter in Colorado now.

Again, if you do your homework, cost for a pack of top notch genetics shipped to you from abroad could be as low as $40. So if you really want to get commercial ceeds, you can probably do so, even on a pretty tight budget. If you're going to be growing indoors, cost of ceeds isn't much compared to cost of setup, electricity, your time, and the value of the finished product.

In terms of growing out the schwagg ceeds, my understanding is that there is a pretty wide variety of stuff coming out of Mexico in brick form, and you can end up with a fairly wide variety of plants depending on what you've got. Again, the grow above was from 12 year old ceeds and I ended up with some sativa-dominant plants. While the same genetics that I grew are probably still around in Mexico in some form or another, your ceeds may or may not share them.

I've heard of people growing out "brick" ceeds and ending up with sativa heavy plants, hybrid plants, near pure indica plants, and in some cases a variety of phenos from the same ceeds. I've even heard that some of the cartels have gone to autoflowering genetics. Never heard of it happening to anyone, but I think it would be a trip to grow some schwagg ceeds and end up with autoflowers!

Anyway, the point is, that doing this is a crap shoot. While most of these schwagg ceeds are probably sativa-heavy, you can't really know what their growth characteristics will be until you try. Still, if you like smoking the brick that the ceeds came out of, I think you'll really like the same grown, harvested, and cured properly.
Mexican Cartel always adds water before shipping and sometimes rocks and other foreign objects for weight . I remember seeing this in bricks time after time :( I also recall bricks back in the 90's that required a damn saw to cut and distribute . One could chisel pieces off and carry an ounce in each shoe with comfort and room for more lmao ..

I've got a buddy who dabbles in brick. I've seen him dig out some crazy shit out of the middle of his bundles... Someone threw a ball of seeds turned out to be 2 oz in the middle of his brick... also saw a rotted bird of some kind ( hummingbird was my guess)... The weed was normal on the outside but in the middle it smell like rotting animal and there was no green or brown left just red and copper color yuck
I've pulled all kinds of shit out of the bricks I used to get back in 99" before I got busted. I've found dead birds, grasshoppers, a shoe, a baseball, and all kinds of other shit that I can't think of off hand. That was when I was buying at least 5 lbs. every time I reupped. It wasn't an every day occurence though. Every now and then I will run into some really good compressed weed that will have a skunky smell to it, or just have a good look and smell to it. And for the price of about $100 an oz., you just can't beat it. For the most part though, mexican, compressed, reggie, or whatever you want to call it just tastes like shit! As for the prices of mexican, I used to pay around $900-$950 a pound back in 1999. I have a friend who is giving about $600 for a half lb now a days. I imagine that he would get it cheaper than $1200 for a whole one, so it looks like it is a little more expensive than it was some years back, but isn't everything. Alot of this depends on who you know too. I have been out of that game for some time now, and I try my best to stay far far away.
Great thread. Especially for those of us who had to score this type of stuff growing up. I'm growing out two seedlings right now from seeds sourced from michoacan. They're 2-3 years old from a brick of half decent Mexican. Theyre there to fi'll up space but I'm hoping I get something like the old Mexican weed not the hybrids of today.
I'm 60 years old and remember GOOD Mexican herb. Haven't seen any in about 12 years. My son knows some youngsters growing out schwag seeds indoors under decent conditions. Buds look nice, a little soft, but much to my surprise...smells like schwag, tastes like schwag and barely gets you high! Little fuckers are still trying to charge $20 a gram!!! Kids!
lol iv grown schwag out doors and gotten some decent herb.. and have gotten some basically like you stated.. looks like swag taste like it.. with its just a harsh grassy pineish... but it will get you high. the really sativa has a that euphoria feel that I used to feel as a kid smoking shwagg. like your in a video game feel.
im growing some shwagg seeds that I get from some good shwagg im down south down down south.. so we get the good shwagg every October - December
any one that smokes SWAG MEXICANT WEED is retarded.. theres good weed all over the country that's the same price as swag .. and better quality.. mainly CALI OUTS.. iunno I wont smoke anything that's not grown by some1 I know that grows good buds.. or its mine .. LATELY out here in the northeast.. its hard to find TopSHelf quality buds honestly. I ran out a month or so ago .. of my homegrown. and I was searchin for great buds.. it took me 30 different PEOPLE.. and about 40 different kinds of buds.. to find 2 STRAINS worth buying and smoking.. I was smoking my SUGARLEAF and getting higher then buds going for 240-330 a OZ.. THATS PATHETIC
any one that smokes SWAG MEXICANT WEED is retarded.. theres good weed all over the country that's the same price as swag
How would you know? Have you purchased great weed in every State and every city in the USA as cheap as schwagg?

Somehow, I don't think so.

.. and better quality.. mainly CALI OUTS.. iunno I wont smoke anything that's not grown by some1 I know that grows good buds.. or its mine .. LATELY out here in the northeast.. its hard to find TopSHelf quality buds honestly. I ran out a month or so ago .. of my homegrown. and I was searchin for great buds.. it took me 30 different PEOPLE.. and about 40 different kinds of buds.. to find 2 STRAINS worth buying and smoking.. I was smoking my SUGARLEAF and getting higher then buds going for 240-330 a OZ.. THATS PATHETIC
Interesting how this contradicts what you posted above.

So, if in the heavily populated Northeast, you had to go through 30 different strains to find even one that's good, what hope is there for someone who lives in Bumblescrew Mississippi to do this?

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have some good homegrown or Cali grown over schwagg, but not everyone has that option available to them.
so are you saying that most people in Maryland, DC, VA, WV, MO and KY are smoking mexican weed?

The MD line isn't that far south.
Traditionally, the Mason-Dixon line was thought of as the dividing line between the "North" and "South", but you're absolutely right, the border states aren't that Southern. .

Anyway, the original poster of this article Nepaljam x Oaxaca isn't saying it, because he didn't write it. The original article (with awesome pictures) was posted in weedguru three years ago, and in the full article, the original author specifies that the best Mexican schwagg is found for sale in the Southeast. Here's the link:

Here's another good article about buying schwagg in Texas from 2009. Its a pretty good explanation of why people still buy it. In a nutshell its because its actually available in places where good stuff is not, its inexpensive, and it "works":
hey, from Houston. we get good shwagg every harverst season around October to feb nothing but basically dank or mids just pressed a lil bit the farther it goes the more its pressed and the the less quality it is... Iv been growing there shit for like 5 seasons all different vareietys and they are abviously hybridinzing theyre shit now and cullin theyre males cause they are not idioots but im sure the bs still makes it up north cause they have no choice in the underworld up there
Anyway, the original poster of this article Nepaljam x Oaxaca isn't saying it, because he didn't write it. The original article (with awesome pictures) was posted in weedguru three years ago, and in the full article, the original author specifies that the best Mexican schwagg is found for sale in the Southeast. Here's the link:

would have been nice if OP had cited the source.
any one that smokes SWAG MEXICANT WEED is retarded.. theres good weed all over the country that's the same price as swag .. and better quality.. mainly CALI OUTS.. iunno I wont smoke anything that's not grown by some1 I know that grows good buds.. or its mine .. LATELY out here in the northeast.. its hard to find TopSHelf quality buds honestly. I ran out a month or so ago .. of my homegrown. and I was searchin for great buds.. it took me 30 different PEOPLE.. and about 40 different kinds of buds.. to find 2 STRAINS worth buying and smoking.. I was smoking my SUGARLEAF and getting higher then buds going for 240-330 a OZ.. THATS PATHETIC
Sure in calli why don't you come on up to mass you wan't schwag you'll get an ounce for $100 sometimes less depends who you know now you want dank its 20-30 a gram 15 if its shitty indow. So who is the retard? street prices for indow in new england are insane why you think I grow? You could even get a pound of brick for $700-1,000 and you damn sure aint getting an ounce of indow for 240-330 unless its bottom line indow for dank shit try more like $500 all depends who you know one grower will go and sell it by the gram another will give someone a good deal sure some get it mailed from calli but they just charge more because of it. where a long way from calli prices you ask me your retarded for not moving east to make some real money we damn sure need the help indows always in high demand.
Everyone keeps saying Mexican weed is shit and most of it is! but once you get the hookup a world of weed opens to you! for example in Monterrey you can buy michoacan sativa spears those are like a foot long weighing almost an ounce, or Outdoor indicas one of the most potent from Jalisco . indoor and green house weed like OG, LA Confidential, Sweet island Skunk, Moby dick , plushberry, love potion #1 and a ton of others most of it for around 200us and ounce and the outdoor for around 80us an ounce.