The religion of peace!


Well-Known Member
Look atheist. If you got a problem with the history of your non religion, then how about you go blow it out your asshole? I'll post about whatever the hell I want to post about, just like everybody else seems to do? Oh you don't like that? Too bad cry baby.

I bet you deny evolution too...

Would Christ have spoken the way you spoke above?

Christians are so painfully dumb it actually hurts to read your posts.

But its ok if I offended you, I accept your forgiveness.


Well-Known Member
I bet you deny evolution too...

Would Christ have spoken the way you spoke above?

Christians are so painfully dumb it actually hurts to read your posts.

But its ok if I offended you, I accept your forgiveness.
What the hell are you talking about retard? When have I ever claimed to be Christian? Just because I don't hate something, doesn't make me a part of it. Further more, when have I ever denied the existence of evolution? What is with you creating these straw man arguments that don't exist?


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you talking about retard? When have I ever claimed to be Christian? Just because I don't hate something, doesn't make me a part of it. Further more, when have I ever denied the existence of evolution? What is with you creating these straw man arguments that don't exist?
So are you a Jew or a Musselman?


Well-Known Member
So are you a Jew or a Musselman?
I'm agnostic. You don't know if there is or was a god any more than I do. Try to keep an open mind and understand that to oppressed people, faith and hope can often times bring happiness. For that reason I have no argument with people who believe in god.


Well-Known Member
I'm agnostic. You don't know if there is or was a god any more than I do. Try to keep an open mind and understand that to oppressed people, faith and hope can often times bring happiness. For that reason I have no argument with people who believe in god.
You're retarded...

That is all.


Well-Known Member
Gay-Marriage-Freedom...Works is trying to hide his affection for Jesus.

Least he's starting to be honest with himself and come out. It's not his fault, he was probably raised with a Conservative background and was feeling self loathing.

Dont be scared FreedomWorks, come out of the closet.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
yeah yeah yeah.

anyone who disagrees with you must be a racist homophobic bible thumping moron.

liberalism has crafted a narrative where the more liberal positions you take, and the more extreme your liberal stance, the smarter, better looking, and more compassionate you must therefore be...

we have heard all your arguments and ad hominems before, you slap down the same tired crap in every thread you enter.

nobody bought it before, nobody is buying it now, thats why you have to IMPOSE your bullshit on everyone who doesnt accept it by implying any contrary position is founded in hate fear and stupidity.

you are a pointless jingoist turd.


Well-Known Member
yeah yeah yeah.

anyone who disagrees with you must be a racist homophobic bible thumping moron.
and anyone who doesn't hold the same racist beliefs as you must not be part of the REAL AMERICA, but rather the "multicultural wasteland of bullshit".

you've been posting a lot lately, did you get fired from your latest burger flipping gig for making racist remarks again?