The Republicans Presidential Candidate


Well-Known Member
But you are wrong to point that out as his stated goal. He would like to see it happen but he has stated his goal as something different. Good luck selling that to people who can actually comprehend what he actually does say.
let's look at "what he actually does say"...

"of course, we want to go in the direction of PRIVATIZING ALL SCHOOLS"

that is his stated goal. deal with it.


Well-Known Member
let's look at "what he actually does say"...

"of course, we want to go in the direction of PRIVATIZING ALL SCHOOLS"

that is his stated goal. deal with it.
He says that is the direction to go if you care about your childrens education since public schools are costly and ineffective. Gonna chow and get some work done.
I'll school you some more later. (get that part? school ;-)) watch the video I posted. The entire series is very good.


Well-Known Member
...There are no credible articles in various newspapers reporting this....
so 5 separate newspapers, including the houston chronicle, the dallas morning news, the austin american-statesman, the washington post, and roll call, are not enough?


reality sucks when it goes against your false beliefs, doesn't it? pretty hard to reconcile two irreconcilable thoughts, namely "i am a smart person" and "i hold false beliefs", isn't it now?

the essence of cognitive dissonance.

...not one slip up or false step.
keep denying it. i love watching you try to cope with the cognitive dissonance [/QUOTE]

Don't be jealous because your candidate stinks, uncleduke...
further evidence of the cognitive dissonance. you KNOW you are wrong, and so you try to turn it around.

too bad obama is not on trial here for writing racist newsletters, ron paul is. ones perfect...
except for ron paul, of course. :lol:

It's just that the others have failed policies so your only hope is to make things up.
there you go again, a pathetic attempt at deflection.

oh, parer. just admit it. ron paul admitted to writing those newsletters and is either lying now or was lying then. which is it?


Well-Known Member
He says that is the direction to go if you care about your childrens education since public schools are costly and ineffective. Gonna chow and get some work done.
I'll school you some more later. (get that part? school ;-)) watch the video I posted. The entire series is very good.
enjoy your meal, and keep deluding yourself into thinking that you are "schooling me" as you write off everything that is not in lockstep with your ronpaul worship as "pure fabrication".


Well-Known Member
so 5 separate newspapers, including the houston chronicle, the dallas morning news, the austin american-statesman, the washington post, and roll call, are not enough?
Nothing proving Ron Paul saying he wrote, nothing proving it was a Ron Paul spokesman.
You haven't answered my question about why hasn't Ron slipped once?

reality sucks when it goes against your false beliefs, doesn't it? pretty hard to reconcile two irreconcilable thoughts, namely "i am a smart person" and "i hold false beliefs", isn't it now?
The reality is you are too dumb to figure it out. The reality is you were caught making a stupid statement, can't back it up, so you are trying to make it about me. keep trying

the essence of cognitive dissonance.
LOL Why because you say so. You can't figure things out so you falsely label me. Don't blame me for your shortcomings.

keep denying it. i love watching you try to cope with the cognitive dissonance
ahh the new buzz word. junior thinks he can make something stick that obviously doesn't apply. Keep trying
further evidence of the cognitive dissonance. you KNOW you are wrong, and so you try to turn it around.
sorry sport Again because you say so means little. In the real word you need something to back it up.
too bad obama is not on trial here for writing racist newsletters, ron paul is.
too bad someone like you does not get to decide that because you ignore and deny the truth. You have no proof. Ron Pauls actions prove otherwise. You cannot discuss the policies of your candidate because they are failures and you are too ignorant.

except for ron paul, of course. :lol:
No one said he is. That is another false perception of yours. Because you get pounded on the failed policies of your candidate all you have left is to make things up. Quit acting like a child.
there you go again, a pathetic attempt at deflection.
You made another thing up. par for the course with you.
oh, parer. just admit it. ron paul admitted to writing those newsletters and is either lying now or was lying then. which is it?
You haven't proved anything. You don't believe in finding the truth. Ignore and deny are your only friends. Puppies don't even like you.


Well-Known Member
enjoy your meal, and keep deluding yourself into thinking that you are "schooling me" as you write off everything that is not in lockstep with your ronpaul worship as "pure fabrication".
The facts speak for themselves. It doesn't take much besides the facts to school you. You should try researching and taking the thought process to the next level princess. The world doesn't take the unfounded rantings of an imbecile as gospel. I can just imagine all the things you make up in order to try and make people think you are knowledgeable. Truth is treason to a post of lies.
Watch the video, you might learn something.


Active Member
The government has to keep pressure on Marijuana growers/users. It's a large contributor to the economy. If it becomes decriminalized or , the less it costs, the less contribution to the economy. The key is keeping the status quo. When Reagan began the war on drugs government agencies and companies were funded, it created an animal the government can't afford to put to sleep. The heads of the DEA know that marijuana is all but harmless, they have all the data to prove it, yet they feed their minions propaganda to keep their money train moving and their friends in work. I'm sure any president who gets elected no matter what his personal beliefs is sternly reminded by advisers, lobbyists, and economists that any major change in drug policy would hit America in it's wallet and create higher unemployment. Plus, they have to admit they're wrong....fat chance of that.