One week left before i flip these 2ladys to bloom
One week left before i flip these 2ladys to bloom

Whoa... now THAT'S what I was talking about with sculpting when I started this thread. First actual one i've seen though. That's pretty cool! A cork screw would be pretty awesome if you can pull it off.nothing spectacular but I bent this one all the way around itself out of boredome a while ago. Someday I want to do a cork screw or something
Other than the webbed leaves I've seen this sh*t before, in the eighties while I was doing all those worthless experiments. The stalk will root if part of it is buried in the medium. they do this naturally in the wild but it ususally happens with runners the plant sends out through lower branches that root and are still attached to the main plant. The skunk with the missing pinky is still my favourite.
I find worth in entertaining myself.
too much free time sometimes.
I have No idea what's going on here..... Just lollipopped/topped plants. Beautiful but... mutated? Perhaps this is a 'sculpted' contribution? Because while I suppose it technically is sculpted to a degree, it was more the "corkscrew" submission on the prior page is EXACTLY what I meant when I made the thread and put "sculpted". Either way, thanks. The beginning of the last page are 100% 'no clue why you posted this here' level. At least this I can assume is meant to be sculpted.Please reframe from using the " R " word here she is very sensitive, Lets just say physically challenged .
Can't say I fully understand what i'm seeing here... But did it basically top itself?Can't post pictures for some reason anymore...?? None of those editing buttons are there. http://i1367.photobucket.com/albums...F-4A0E-4CF1-A468-06C311BF77C5_zps8hdurxbx.jpg http://i1367.photobucket.com/albums...D-2115-4948-8491-FA5102571CB9_zpsgempzprq.jpg http://i1367.photobucket.com/albums...E-68DA-4DA0-A8AD-85D8940EBD32_zps0yio3ahl.jpg
Ok I'll shootSent from my LG-LS980 using Rollitup mobile app
Triploids are so last century
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Little freaky:
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