The Rich Have Gained $5.6 Trillion in the 'Recovery,' While the Rest of Us Have Lost

awww how cute! My very own RIU Stalker. My page has only had 15,687 visitors and one has finally chosen to follow me around and challenge every post I put down.
I guess the ignore feature really can be useful.

I was genuinely curious about whether you were riding metals up and down or whether you were investing in other things as well.
alot of people were born into money, so i dont understand how anyone has animosity over something someone cant control, and if these rich Americans have made amassed a great wealth unless it was by means that harm other people i dont see whats wrong with that, america is a country that is great because of its freedoms, and that includes pursuing great wealth if that is ones ambition, were not communist, honestly i havent delved to deep into communism but from what ive learned its principled on sharing wealth, i dont think thats right, not that i believe in economic Darwinism either, i honestly believe that any economic system goes against natural selection, you shouldnt be able to buy your way into survival, only intelligence and strength and genetics should determine survival, but non of this really matters on a weed growing site, i think this whole omg fuck the 1% thing is ignorent, i think the wrong things in america are big bissness and importing are whats making these people wealthy and the wrest of us poor, the only strings holding the middle and lower class from collapse is government funded programs, i mean we dont even make the products we use every day , america became notoriously great becuse of our indudtrial power which is now chinas,

Most of them have done it honestly, or as honestly as you can in this current system.

The very tip top however have mostly done it through fraud, theft, murder, graft, bribery, corruption and every other horrible thing you can think of.
Most of them have done it honestly, or as honestly as you can in this current system.

The very tip top however have mostly done it through fraud, theft, murder, graft, bribery, corruption and every other horrible thing you can think of.
Care to support ones ridiculous claim?