The Rise Of Hemp

We got a lot of hard times these days. A dying world, a corrupt government, no jobs, and a moral to suit them all. For a lack of a better word, our moral is shitty. However, a plant that stands out. A plant that does not belong with the rest. It's almost alien. Hemp. A simple plant with a solution in it to fix near all problems troubling all of us. We all know what it can do. Fuel, paper, biodegradable plastic, rope, cloths, ect. It would easily be #1 import export of the country and offer millions of jobs. No doubt a billion dollar industry. But we know how it is, the already rich invested in everything but hemp so they spend more money making hemp the devil to add on another few billion to all the money they already have. So now we gotta sit and watch the word die. Get arrested and fined for smoking something thats been around longer then fucking religion. I don't know about you people, but I'm done with that. I have a plan, and if your still reading my rant, you might be interested in this plan.

Plant your seeds. Anywhere. Everywhere. In your yards. In parks. Near a river. Behind a building. EVERYWHERE!! How many seeds do you get a in dirt bag of weed? I've seen people with buckets full just sitting in their apartment. Plant them! Make pot grow everywhere. not for smoking or for harvesting. Put it back where it belongs. Make pot so abundant that the government has to spend more money then they want to get rid of it. They call it weed, make it a weed. 100 people plant 100 seeds, see what happens. Don't wait for the government to give you permission to grow or smoke. This country was built by rebellion, I say we bring back the good 'ol days.

plant your seeds.


Well-Known Member
I just came bak to check on this site for a while. Havnt been here in weeks. Click new posts and this Is what I like to see. Im sure someone will come along and blast you and your idea. But fuck em. Every penny makes your million. And thats why I pick them up. Im going to plant a bunch of bagseed in a few areas this spring just for this, and I hope at least a few others will do so as well.


Well-Known Member
I unfortunatley can no longer score ganja locally, so am on an unwanted break. Bagseed is not available for me, but I like the idea of buying some sacks of hemp bird seeds and driving across country, launching cup after cup of them out of the window onto the road side of every lane and carriageway covered. I once germinated a single bird seed (hemp) and it grew quite fine.

To make ourselves richer, we make every natural resource 'poorer'. Humanity is ready to jump to another level, technologically, socially, it can go either way. I will do my part to make sure the herbal helper is an accepted part of it.