I didn't watch the video, but I am aware of how wealth is owned by a few....few. MUCH less than 1% of the population owns all the wealth.
Actually, the word "conspiracy theory" was devised in attempt to discredit, ridicule, or devalue information discovered -- which wasn't privy to the parties not involved in the so-called "conspiracy." By labeling people with valid points "conspiracy theorists," the notion is subconsciously passed that such information is "ludicrous" or "a false claim." Therefore, most people will never take the notion seriously, and if something is truly a problem, it will go overlooked. This is how governments take over and we lose our natural, human rights to such tyrannical idiocy such as "The Patriot Act."
There's no such thing as a "conspiracy theory" -- only a conspiracy that has potentially been uncovered by the WRONG person. We can go into many "scandals" that were previously known as conspiracy theories. Guess it's just a: conspiracy theory from a nutcase -- until too many people learn and investigations/prosecution/fallout occurs. Then it becomes a "scandal." Lol.
The Rothchilds among other families and unknown "elites," are among those few that have "purchased" the US., via lobbying, corporate laws, Wall Street greed, Congress passing laws unwanted by the people, etc, etc. These people are pulling the strings of the politicians, including those elected as our presidents. That's where the real power lies, and they depend on people blowing off these [truths] as just conspiracy theories. That's how the emperor stays clothed.
The Internet is a place to pass info without the propaganda, and "they" wanted to put a legal kill switch on the Internet too, to stop free speech. Not a coincidence. We shouldn't ridicule people posting information, because as information spreads, regardless how crazy it may seem, more tidbits of truth are discovered. The people can disseminate what is false and fiction.