The second impeachment of Donald trump*

I want Joe to have a fighting chance of getting his people approved. If they send the papers to the Senate right away, that is going to be a challenge. Plus the longer they wait, the more stuff will be uncovered. Everyday more info is coming to light.
Interesting. And since it is the same House (and remembering about the 3 times the house sent new impeachment articles to the senate with the civil war era POTUS who was impeached), once Biden's team can declassify all the things Trump and the Republicans kept hidden from public they could simply keep adding articles maybe.
The house is dem and the senate is 50/50 with Harris the tiebreaker- how hard can it be?
I may not have the exact times, but once it's received in the Senate, I think they have to start at 1300 and run for 6 hours, 6 days a week. I don't think much else will get done.
Interesting. And since it is the same House (and remembering about the 3 times the house sent new impeachment articles to the senate with the civil war era POTUS who was impeached), once Biden's team can declassify all the things Trump and the Republicans kept hidden from public they could simply keep adding articles maybe.
The one will be plenty. But I would like them to lay out all the evidence where it's easy to follow. Starting well before the election when he railed against the mail vote. Right up till his folks refused to send in the National Guard while the Capitol was occupied.
The one will be plenty. But I would like them to lay out all the evidence where it's easy to follow. Starting well before the election when he railed against the mail vote. Right up till his folks refused to send in the National Guard while the Capitol was occupied.
I wouldn't mind seeing if there is evidence he used the fed goons in DC to clear those lawful protestors as a campaign strategy.

so, cite something to bolster your point, Taco. You aren't convincing anybody with your self referential posts. I do believe that what you are saying is what people in old white circles are saying. I believe that. Aren't old white social circles in Georgia also saying the Nov 3 election was a fraudulent one? So, cite a reliable source and I'll read it.
Now, now: Social Circle is its own place, so let’s keep it together, eh?
This will be hilarious.

You can bet on it. He’s been missing all the attention.