The second impeachment of Donald trump*

The next year is going to be great......I can't wait.
The traitors are going to prison.
Trump's life is fucked........nobody wants him, he can't borrow money, his bank accounts and credit card accounts for the trump organization have been frozen, he lost the PGA tournament, he was impeached twice, he lost his contract with NYC, and he faces state and federal charges for a list of crimes.
I just read an article that javanka's future neighbors on their island aren't happy about them moving there.
The next year is going to be great......I can't wait.
The traitors are going to prison.
Trump's life is fucked........nobody wants him, he can't borrow money, his bank accounts and credit card accounts for the trump organization have been frozen, he lost the PGA tournament, he was impeached twice, he lost his contract with NYC, and he faces state and federal charges for a list of crimes.
I just read an article that javanka's future neighbors on their island aren't happy about them moving there.
6 days, 3 hours and 28 minutes before Trump leaves office. The damage he did will take decades to unwind.

It's too bad that you aren't able to observe and report the sedition your disowned family will commit when the authorities do what you quite accurately say will do. Right now, we need informers, not fighters. Treasonous Retrumplicans are going to tell us it was our fault that they bombed our cities.
matt gaetz dribbling semen from his mouth on the House floor. The Biden crime family? Eric Holder? Give me a break. These things sicken me. They are doing their typical "Change the subject" nonsense. Nobody's buying their attempt to portray trump as a victim.
Stunt man. He's not going to get any ink unless he's throwing fire.
Donald trump is 1 impeachment short of a free sandwich at Subway....
He's out to lunch alright! I hear the WH is quiet as a tomb, nobody around and nobody want's to go near Donald, to be near him is to be a witness! Donald is radioactive :o I don't think the Pentagon is taking his calls anymore...

It's like the last days of the 3rd Reich, the first days of the 2nd impeachment!