The Secret Rant Thread!

Actually, menopause tends to make us crazier than PMS does. Especially when it's surgical rather than natural. :roll: :lol:

OK, these lazy idiots that keep posting the same questions over and over, that have been answered over and over, are driving me crazy.... and it ain't menopause! :mrgreen:

Just one example of many you've all seen: In the "Couldn't pay for Elite Membership" thread, I can't count how many people have asked how long it will take from payment to membership change. Each time it's been answered, which is basically that it varies, with some (like me) responding with how long it took for them. So last night someone posted, "i just payed how long does it take" and my response was, "Scroll up a few posts, on the same page as your post." I refuse to answer someone's question that was answered two or three posts ago! :mad: So three comments down this morning, you see, "Same here paid subscription with no elite.. Does it take a couple hours or something?"

Why don't people just fucking read?! :wall:

The reason I rarely ask questions (rhetorical ponderings aside, lol) on the boards is because first I look for the answers on my own. I know that if I can't find my answers, I can then ask for help. But research doesn't mean expecting others to spoon feed the info; that's just plain laziness!

And for those who whine that they "can't waste their valuable time" to read a very long thread.... well, if people would stop posting the same questions over and over and over (all too often questions that are already answered in the OP of the thread), then the post count would be exponentially lower. DUH!!! Using a little common sense would help them and everyone else as well; it's gardening, not rocket science! But no, reading info already provided is just too difficult.... it's easier to just expect others to spoon feed the answers than it is to learn not only how to do or fix something, but why so that they'll know how to prevent the problems in the future. A help site isn't just asking for help; it's more so about helping oneself, and those with answers helping them help themselves.

Of course, if I point out these tips to learning more quickly and effectively, I'm promptly reminded what a bitch I am. Yeah, I'm a bitch; what's your point? :lol:

If I start giving negative rep, it'll most likely be to those lazy twerps.

I had an "interesting" exchange with some asshole in UB's topping for two/four main colas thread about two weeks ago, about exactly this. He posted that he'll give rep to the first person who answered his question, and it was something that "common sense would dictate" (he said that to me later about something stupid) and he therefore didn't need to make such a huge deal out of it. Yes, I showed my annoyance albeit without "yelling" or name calling, though he called myself and others names throughout. I stated at one point that I'd never given negative rep before, but I sure was tempted that night. :mrgreen: The abuses (literally!) he posted have since been deleted, which ranged from him telling me that I'm "delusional" RE: being disabled and "showcasing" because I have a GJ and posted that response I'd made to that cop on a MMJ news article (i.e., trying to hurt my little feelings), to telling another member that he'll meet with him in person to "settle" it, etc. It was one of the rare occasions that I got pretty damn pissed in a forum.

Oh well, that's my rant for the morning.... logged on, checked my subbed threads, saw more questions that were already answered on the same page again, and GGGGGRRRRRRR!!!

Lemme dig up my videos about it, then I'll PM you with them.... I'd just post them here, but then I get reprimanded for showing my face on RIU. :lol: