The Secret

It's not the positive thinking, it's the actions.
Millions of positive thoughts die everyday.
Unanswered or forgotten a moment later.
It's when you self-affirm those positive thoughts.
And reinforce them with actions, regardless of any opposition.
That's the secret, and that's where hero's/legend's/role models are born.
I think it is the thoughts, followed by actions and belief..

  1. Know exactly and precisely what you want.
  2. Repeatedly ask the universe for it.
  3. Think, feel, behave, see, envision, and know and believe as if the object fo your desire is already yours (visualize).
  4. Be open to receive it.
The visualization is a large part of it.
Think about shooting pool, or lining up a golf putt. On a pool table, you can see a shot, see the possibility of making the shot, line it up, see it, visualize it, and beleive you can make it AND YOU CAN. But, what if you can NOT see the shot happening, and can NOT visualize it, NOT picture it, NOT line it up, NOT belevie ti can be made, CAN YOU MAKE IT THEN?
Heck NO, you can not.
So to open up those parking spaces do you ram the cars occupying them, or slip the car out of gear and just roll them out after the positive thinking phase?
It's a pseudo new age approach not unlike religion. You tend to only count the hits. When there is no parking spot... ur just not doing it right....u need to improve ur technique.

Like religion which points out any prayer which "seems" to correspond with a medical recovery, the failures are quickly discounted.
Like religion which points out any prayer which "seems" to correspond with a medical recovery, the failures are quickly discounted.

thats the point isnt it? arent all failures in life supposed to be discounted? it just a broader sense. By not defining yourself with failure, youre not a failure.
i dont introduce people by my name followed by what i didnt accomplish in life.
thats the point isnt it? arent all failures in life supposed to be discounted? it just a broader sense. By not defining yourself with failure, youre not a failure.
i dont introduce people by my name followed by what i didnt accomplish in life.

Absolutely not!!! The most important lessons in life are with failure. Facing it....not discounting it.

Look, it is quite possible that you will fail many times at whatever you do. How you see urself through it all is up to you. If you are TRYING ur best ... giving it ur all.... you may still fail. Getting back up off ur back is one of the most empowering feelings you will ever experience.

Now everyone knows that at one time Donald Trump pretty much blew it and lost most of his money. Tons of bad loans were chasing him down. Now he turned that around through hard work and re tooling himself. I can guarantee you that if you asked him if he came out of that failure a better person.... he would say darn straight I did!

Recognize that you may fail. It's okay. You can do everything right...and it can still happen. It's all in the trying. It's all about knowing it's up to you.
Absolutely not!!! The most important lessons in life are with failure. Facing it....not discounting it.
Perhaps discount isnt the right word. Its never a failure if you learn from it of course.

The word 'failure' is a loaded word. It assumes that there was nothing to gain, therefore whatever it was that was failed, is considered a 'failure'.

If you are constantly learning from your mistakes, then you must be consistently making mistakes.

The problem with learning from your mistakes is that the learning you might receive from them is more often redundant and not in perspective with the whole picture.

The idea behind The Secret is an attempt to shape a responsibility to the mistake, as to ensure it doesn't, along with any other potential and related mistakes, happen again. This is through a change of mindset.

If YOU are trying your best and you still fail, then you were doing just that.
You were trying; you weren't succeeding.
Owning ur failures does make u a better person. Dwelling on them does not, and it usually takes a lot positive reenforcememnt to get past a defeat. Some ppl are stronger than others and can dust themselves off. Some ppl need help. All I can say is that I grew up with a bad attitude, (the usual crap), now I'm 28 and have finally figured out that my negativity was only hurting me!! Positivity, be it corny or elementary, has helped me change my life, and I'm happier because of it.
( and no, I don't always get a good spot, but I'm lucky enough to not get angry when I don't )
Nothing wrong with thinking positively.... but don't expect good things to happen because of good thoughts.... nothing replaces hard work and determination.

Reasonable ppl tow the line.... make do....don't rock the boat.

Unreasonable ppl do the opposite.

All of mans progress has occurred because of unreasonable ppl.

unreasonable ppl do fail, but they get right back up again.
Your mind thinks thoughts, and those thoughts are broadcast back to you as your life experience. you not only create your life with your thoughts, but your thoughts add powerfully to the creation of the world. If you thought that you were insignificant and had no power in this world, think again. Your mind is actually shaping the world around you
Your mind thinks thoughts, and those thoughts are broadcast back to you as your life experience. you not only create your life with your thoughts, but your thoughts add powerfully to the creation of the world. If you thought that you were insignificant and had no power in this world, think again. Your mind is actually shaping the world around you

Yep, our thoughts actually shape our reality.

I 've read it in hundred of books, THOUGHTS ARE THINGS.