The secretive loneliness of our art.


Well-Known Member
So i joined this site to be around people who share the same interest as me.
When i was younger i did some runs with my friends.
No one seems to share the passion though. Everyone i know sees marijuana as a product.
I see each of my girls as an individual life. We all know our girls have their own personalities, tastes, and a way they like to do things.
My mentor left me almost year ago.
Now all i have is my GF who im lucky to have found. How many girls send you updates while your at work, troubleshoot environmental issues, and feed the girls for you.
Now Without breaking the #1 rule how do you guys break out of the lonley bubble of the underground artist


start by not telling anyone, and then keep it to yourself :) push those feeling deep inside, it will keep you out of deep inside a jail :D


Well-Known Member
lol ive been suppressing these feeling for a long time.
I think i hate my location and the ignorance that surrounds me lol
I should honestly feel lucky that i have a girl so involved and supportive
but damn
a dude could use a few friends lol
but the government tries to push us into this hole of solitude.
to suppress something so natural and beautiful.



Well-Known Member
lol its on the todo list. My girl is gonna try to get her master at unc boulder i think or denver.
and i want to pursue a career in plant physiology


like kinetic said growers become family when your around it long enough...long enough isnt 5 years, im in the game a little over 10 years, live in non MMJ state and my closest friends (family) are growers, if i lived in a mmj state i prob wouldnt have a non grower friend. good luck


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I should honestly feel lucky that i have a girl so involved and supportive
but damn
a dude could use a few friends lol......snip.....
One secret to happiness in life is being grateful for what we have and letting the rest go. I keep working on walking that path. It's not easy. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
put this picture in your brain and pull it up each time you feel the loneliness. orange isn't my color so i keep quiet about my hobby IRL :eyesmoke:
the alternative.jpg


yep,life's a bitch.Then you marry one,eventually piss her off and end up in jail
or after you marry her you find out that you cant keep your dick in your pants anyways and she will fuck any black dude in a red lobster parking lot, yeah, welcome to 'merica bitch..