The Seed Collectors Thread

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Well where is it bcuz I'm dry until harvest in 7 weeks, then 2 more weeks for a dry and SOME cure !! lol

Who has some Mosca C99 x OTM to cough up ?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
We all gonna pretty much have the same after a while. lol
I gotta show love back when it's shown to me.
Can't stand a seed hoarder !
I've sat on them GG's long enough, so off they went to others like you who will do them justice and continue to spread them around.
Gonna have more to pass out when this current grow is done, plus I broke out the GG pollen to dust on them tonight !!
lol no doubt!

i been like santa since harvest sense in keeping em all. did you happen to check the date those went out? i did it on outa you or my brother..whoever finds that spec cut will have to be the "420" cut. I got fucked on my polen this round....male hermie in the Chocolate ...fuckin Thai lol....i read another had one to. Those mlaes were nice you just cut.

Well where is it bcuz I'm dry until harvest in 7 weeks, then 2 more weeks for a dry and SOME cure !! lol

Who has some Mosca C99 x OTM to cough up ?
Haha...i want some OTM ! ill make my own lol

I think you finally scared him off Flo or either that his mommy came home and sent him to his room. And if you need a home for some of those GG I am also a cool dude from the Sunshine State. heh

Girls went out today and I was home alone and decided to do a bunch of smoke reports on all the jars in my stash. thread

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Those are tight Hemp !

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I think you finally scared him off Flo or either that his mommy came home and sent him to his room.
It's hard to maintain that trolling behavior when so many ppl are telling you to STFU and stop being a lil bitch ! lol
Makes'em feel all alone after a while, and the human psyche can only be alone for so long.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Just dusted the grow with my last and entire pack of Gorilla Grape pollen !
May we be blessed with plenty of viable seeds in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
flow gro you are so lame posting that off topic shit lol i could careless about your weak ass seed collection..y the hell you buying seeds living in cali anyways "gangster"?? you aint got a plug on some good cali genetics? if i didnt think you were a snitch i'd maybe consider taking a little youngster like yourself under my wing and introducing you to the big boss's down south..and aye u need to take a break of RIU and go outside, i noticed u been posting ALL day...u try to hard to make friends online, its kinda sad.
flow gro you are so lame posting that off topic shit lol i could careless about your weak ass seed collection..y the hell you buying seeds living in cali anyways "gangster"?? you aint got a plug on some good cali genetics? if i didnt think you were a snitch i'd maybe consider taking a little youngster like yourself under my wing and introducing you to the big boss's down south..and aye u need to take a break of RIU and go outside, i noticed u been posting ALL day...u try to hard to make friends online, its kinda sad.
Here this guy goes again...LAME


Well-Known Member
Please, Mr. Cali Grown Greater Than 408 (!?!?!) - No one here is interested in anything you have to say, really.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
flow gro you are so lame posting that off topic shit lol i could careless about your weak ass seed collection..y the hell you buying seeds living in cali anyways "gangster"?? you aint got a plug on some good cali genetics? if i didnt think you were a snitch i'd maybe consider taking a little youngster like yourself under my wing and introducing you to the big boss's down south..and aye u need to take a break of RIU and go outside, i noticed u been posting ALL day...u try to hard to make friends online, its kinda sad.
Somebody has a case of envy ...LAME


Well-Known Member
stfu fool ya'll talking shit ima talk right back..your just kids so i guess i should give the kids a break since they think they know it all


Well-Known Member
I got your fucking kid right here dickhead.If you call 45 a kid,then you are even more fucking retarded than most of us thought.


Well-Known Member
He said he is 26 (-10 years is my guess of his real age) and I am pretty sure most of us who post in here are married with children and 30+. He can not count very well either because he posts in numerous threads and he still claims only 2-3 people are complaining about the Attitude fiasco when from my count in the many threads it is up in the 100s just on RIU alone. And Attitude even replied to most of us admitting there is a problem and they are trying to figure it out. Maybe his mom will come home again soon and give him his ritalin and thorzine so he can go drool in the corner and leave us alone for the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
He said he is 26 (-10 years is my guess of his real age) and I am pretty sure most of us who post in here are married with children and 30+. He can not count very well either because he posts in numerous threads and he still claims only 2-3 people are complaining about the Attitude fiasco when from my count in the many threads it is up in the 100s just on RIU alone. And Attitude even replied to most of us admitting there is a problem and they are trying to figure it out. Maybe his mom will come home again soon and give him his ritalin and thorzine so he can go drool in the corner and leave us alone for the rest of the day.
you sound like one of those kids bitching about his ps3 and how they keep talking about the hacker this and the hacker that...enough with the attitude thing I WAS RIGHT and YOU WERE WRONG..i've read about atleast 20 people saying they got there seeds & nothing is wrong with their credit cards and i'll tell u the same thing..and attitude aint taking the rap for it so as usual i was right


Well-Known Member
act your age then old fukin geezer..what the hell are u on RIU for? no life? dont even answer i know your type ye bum
And 45 isn't what most would consider a geezer, maybe a 16 year old would.
And the man is not a bum and neither am I or any of the other 1000s of disabled/handicapped mmj patients who are members to this site. He and I were bothe injured at work. Yup work, you know that thing you do not do or else you would not be at home posting on a message board at noontime while most are still working.

you sound like one of those kids bitching about his ps3 and how they keep talking about the hacker this and the hacker that...enough with the attitude thing I WAS RIGHT and YOU WERE WRONG..i've read about atleast 20 people saying they got there seeds & nothing is wrong with their credit cards and i'll tell u the same thing..and attitude aint taking the rap for it so as usual i was right
OOOOh he learned to count to 20. If you go back a couple pages I am the one who told you it is not a problem with credit cards, yup that was me.

And here is my email from The Attitude acknowledging the problem and trying to figure it out by creating 300 emails to test if it is from the newsletter subscriptions.

Hi There,
We are aware of some of our newsletter subscribers have been emailed by this company. We are looking into this matter with the utmost urgency and have already contacted the who sent this email on behalf of highlife.

Our email newsletter and addresses are not held on the same data base, so if these emails have been stolen, please be aware that there has not been a breach of any other sensitive information other than email addresses.

We have previously implemented 300 specific emails in the newsletter email data base, this will verify if the email addresses have been stolen. If it happens to be the case this is an illegal action and there will be a case for the 2 companies ‘Highlife’ and the mailing company to be taken to court for damages, theft, and unethical business practice. If the email data base has been stolen this would be very easy to prove, hence helping us discipline and Take action against them.

Attitude Apologies profusely for any concern this may have caused you, and we would like to stress again that we are doing everything we can to resolve this and we are not taking this matter lightly.

Many Thanks,
Have a great day,
Jodie @ The Attitude

And again
Thank you please drive thru.

(I keep saying this to you so you feel like you have your job back at Wendy's)


Well-Known Member
i saw that..their basically saying "were not sure wtf happend" lol its whatever bro i aint trying to keep going back and forth cuz we can do this shit all day..i'll be the bigger man and just walk away..and for your info. im 26 got a 5 year old and i am also on workman's im a volunteer at a medical co-op in my area..most the time im on this site im at the co-op weighing sacks, rolling J's and watering the clones.