Bad Karma
Well-Known Member
Maybe some GS BX2 in the future though, who knows.
I had heard something of the sort here on the board, and it was suppose to drop in the summer, so we're getting closer to finding out.
Maybe some GS BX2 in the future though, who knows.
i couldnt handle the presure man!!!!!!!!!!!! i had to come back to see if it was fixed ... fuckin crackYea he is. He's been in prison most of my life so I really didn't get a chance to get to know him till a few years ago. That whole law about man slaughter and it's repercussions. Oh well such is life.
I have so much dysfunction going on at any time I can deal with it. But yo yea Diz.. you couldn't do it. It's your fix. You need it. Hitting the MyRollitup tab is intoxicating. Those likes and newly subscribed threads are like some of the best dope ever to hit the spoon. Cmon Diz.. you know I'm right?.... Right? lol
Posted this in another thread.. just for fun.
my grinder screen always clogs before I get any collection.. i didn't know they even worked.. good for you!! fuck'n A man, blunt that shit up!
@SCAR - nice meng, keep us posted on how shes turns for ya. I'd like to ship MOB all over the country (but i won't) lol its time its grandness left the confines of maine
and for the rumor mill & like i said :
e$ko got mad new releases ==========> IN REGS
real soon. real real soon.
cause my shit is on the way !!! hells yes !
& here's "lisa" ....e$ko's seed fridge
I think BCS is a clone only strain at the moment. Eskobar is working his magic and getting us seeds. I would prefer pure and crosses.