The Seed Collectors Thread

What happened to attitude? all the prices say 0.00

lol, no, we were talking about this in another thread the other day, and what mr bricktop concluded, and i think he maybe correct, is that they are changing the exchange rates for all of the other currencies that aren't the british pound sterling, and haven't gotten them back up yet..
at first, it was just the us $ that was saying $o, but now it's everything but the pound sterling.. just go ahead and pay using the pound, and if you want to figure out how much it will cost you in us $'s, just go to google and put your amount in and do an exchange from pounds to dollars.. i sometimes don't even bother looking at what the us price is... just knowing that you're going to pay about 1.5x's or more the price of the pound price should get you in the ball park for the $$ amounts.. if you want to get it dead on, just do the google conversion like i said earlier, that way you'll know exactly what it's going to cost you..
What he said.......

no, really, what ever mr mindmelted said, it's dead right.. in fact, it may have been quoted as truth when ever mr mindmelted even opens his mouth, lol..

how was the weekend mm?? doobs come down?? she said she did, sounds like she had a nice time.. i was just talking to her two seconds ago on my phone, well texting at least.. she quit her job, but said she's looking to get a new one in a tat shop, that would be pretty sweet..
Yeah she and kt came down and got me high...
The guy was making her to shady shit!! She does not need to be doing that.
Set up my pool sunday and just been eating lots of freah veggies.
sweet.. we set up a lil pond in my moms yard and got a few comet fish for it as well.. looks pretty nice if i do say so.. my sister did all of the work herself pretty much..

i just went and got a weed whacker and went to town in the backyard today so that i can get ready to put the garden in.. had to whack a bunch of taller grass as it is hard to get the lawnmower back to where the garden is, so the grass tends to get a lil out of hand back there.. i bought a lil rototiller for the garden, so i've got to pull up the plastic that i put down first to keep the weeds out, than till it all, then get some nice soil from the hydro store and a few bags of worm castings as well, then till it one more time, put the plastic back down, and put the plants in finally.. i'm hoping to have it all done by this weekend, if it would ever decide to stop raining that is.. it's been raining here almost all week, off and on.. got a lil break in the rain today that allowed me to go out and weed whack a bunch of crap that needed it..
i love having the plastic down as it almost completely cuts out the need to do any form of weeding after i get the plants in.. once in awhile, i will get a few small weeds that will crop up close to the plants where i cut the hole to put the plants in, but that's about it, and i can surely handle pulling those few out when needed..
the plants i started from seeds are doing great.. i have like four or five pineapple tomato plants that look great, and a few giant peppers that i started from seeds that are doing good too.. i just germed them in the soil, and have had them under a couple of cfl's, and they have been doing great, its pretty awesome how well they did.. probably could have started them maybe three or so weeks earlier, but they will be fine..
I am sure they will do great.I habe been loving the fresh green beans and texas sweet onions.Got some brussel sprouts that are starting to show and had some fresh broccoli too.
What thread?

i hear that all of those new mods have been chased out of here already, especially the one that wrote the thread in the link, although i'm not sure how true that is..
but yah, a lot of peps have definitely abandoned ship, that is for sure, that much i do know.. i know a lot of them headed over to riddlem3's new site..
Wow, that was the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. Well, I do have to give the mods credit, they made however many thousands of people laugh out loud simultaneously. Of course this is off topic and I'm sure I'll get an in fracture so I'll save them the time. Write your rules down on a piece of paper, wad it up, and shove it in your pee hole. All up in there. Just shove it.

My grandfather killed Nazi's, my dad killed Commies, and I killed terrorists. I'll be damned if some euro rash little freak is going to censor me.
Wow, that was the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. Well, I do have to give the mods credit, they made however many thousands of people laugh out loud simultaneously. Of course this is off topic and I'm sure I'll get an in fracture so I'll save them the time. Write your rules down on a piece of paper, wad it up, and shove it in your pee hole. All up in there. Just shove it.

My grandfather killed Nazi's, my dad killed Commies, and I killed terrorists. I'll be damned if some euro rash little freak is going to censor me.

lol.. you should have seen the thread live max, they were deleting posts faster than people could post them, it was right crazy.. the only way you could really keep up with it was someone else would quote what got deleted, so the deletion was about pointless, lol..
this is the one thing that i always hated about the ignore function as well.. you put someone on ignore, and then someone always comes along and quotes the person that you have on ignore, and you end up seeing what the ignored person said anyhoo's.. god, that pisses me off, lol..
Yeah I was there when the thread was posted. Everybody and their mom was posting shit as fast as they could, I refreshed for about an hour just reading posts before they got deleted. They weren't prepared for the bombardment, they seemed to stop deleting stuff after a short time and didn't even bother responding. Then I assume they went and said take this job and shove it and then FDD had to come and clean up the mess. If it wasn't for the fact they were given posts and rep and were taking the rules too seriously it would have been different. Come on, they deleted a picture of a dog and were erasing small posts and too many smileys etc. I personally think it might have just been to prove a point. Everybody pisses and moans about FDD and then new mods come and it's even worse. People need to get over everything and just chillax....:bong:
Yeah I was there when the thread was posted. Everybody and their mom was posting shit as fast as they could, I refreshed for about an hour just reading posts before they got deleted. They weren't prepared for the bombardment, they seemed to stop deleting stuff after a short time and didn't even bother responding. Then I assume they went and said take this job and shove it and then FDD had to come and clean up the mess. If it wasn't for the fact they were given posts and rep and were taking the rules too seriously it would have been different. Come on, they deleted a picture of a dog and were erasing small posts and too many smileys etc. I personally think it might have just been to prove a point. Everybody pisses and moans about FDD and then new mods come and it's even worse. People need to get over everything and just chillax....:bong:

lol, i had thought the same thing about it being to prove a point.. like trying to say you think fdd'ed is so bad, look at what it could be if we really wanted it to be kind of thing..
but i think a lot of people are beyond the chillax thing and are done with this site for realz, and i think it's a real shame as only the site will be worse for it.. there were a lot of knowledgeable peps who either got banned again, like effing brick top got banned from what i hear... and love him or hate him, brick top is super knowledgeable.. he can come off like a super cocky dick at times, don't get me wrong, but you can't deny the dude knew his shit.. and i'm not sure if he's coming back here or not tbh..
a lot of other people were banned too, some of them are trolls, don't get me wrong, but there are definitely a lot of good peps that just got sick of it, and walked.. i feel bad for the whole deal.. this site was great at one time, but things here are definitely going through some trying times for sure..
Yeah max you just saw the censored version!! I had like 5 posts deleted in the first 4 pages and my likes yanked!! The shit was funny as hell. Prolly one of the most epic threads since I been here!!
yet here we are...There are tons of sites and we are members to many but I like it here because it's usually not so serious and it passes the time. I know a lot of people are trolls but truth be told I love em for that and i accept them. They always have some smart ass comment to say that makes me literally LOL but whether some of them provide any good relevant information on top of that is debatable. They all literally asked to be banned, I don't feel they were wrongly punished. If they could just swallow their pride and admit they made a mistake they could still be here. BT was super spamming, and that is kind of a kick in the nuts to everyone here. I definately don't want to end up at a place were every single link to another site is censored or strains must be from them only specific breeders they carry, but other forums is another issue entirely, I'm sure riddle was pleased though.
nah, he said he wasn't pleased, as i don't think anyone who has dedicated any amount of time to this site is with some of the shit that has unfolded lately.. i'm sure it doesn't really make him feel good to sit and watch what he was a big part of dry up and slip away in his eyes..
on the other hand, i'm sure all of the new traffic on his site isn't exactly making him feel bad if you know what i mean..
and yah, i know what you mean about some of the people not bringing any useful info to this site other than entertainment purposes, lol.. but yah, i've asked myself more than once why someone would join a site that is pretty much dedicated to growing only to not contribute anything, or be here to learn how to grow.. i do understand that not everyone maybe in a position to be able to grow atm, and may just be here cuz they like weed or what have you, but some of these people who just sit in toke and talk and not venture much further outside of that one section of the forum have really made me wonder what they are doing here..
there is one person in particular who i am thinking about whom i have never seen contribute one thing to the site other than thread after thread after thread after thread about some political bullshit.. i'm sure many of you will know exactly who i'm talking about if you think about it.. dude hasn't been here but a couple of months at the most, and must have a couple of thousand posts already, but each and everyone is about some odd political views to say the least.. people like that really make me wonder why they would join a grow site just to put out thread after thread about nothing pertaining to growing or even smoking bud.. idk, who am i i guess.. my opinion surely doesn't matter, i've learned at least this much in my time here, and it does take all kinds to make the world go round indeed, even if i don't agree with most of them..
I just generally find politics boing. It's all a puppet show and until they are eld accountable for their actions or forced to follow through wit their campaign retoric, we can argue till we are blue in the face and it doesn't really change anything. I doubt people in power mke it so mundayne and dreary on accident.

Anyways, have you seen the new attitude promo? They are laying it on pretty thick this month.:lol:
i updated my avater just incase lol

im thinkin about taking cannacopia up on thier offer ....3 packs gets you a pack of blowfish x deepchunk....since i bought the chocolate chunks im pretty happy with thses genes
I just generally find politics boing. It's all a puppet show and until they are eld accountable for their actions or forced to follow through wit their campaign retoric, we can argue till we are blue in the face and it doesn't really change anything. I doubt people in power mke it so mundayne and dreary on accident.

Anyways, have you seen the new attitude promo? They are laying it on pretty thick this month.:lol:
very thick indeed...if the woman was included with the bike, i would order lol.