The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member
LOL Hovering.. that's kinda what I said too. But it was free.. haha. I don't know much about it. Google is giving me mixed results/information. Oh well.. here it goes.


Active Member
LOL Hovering.. that's kinda what I said too. But it was free.. haha. I don't know much about it. Google is giving me mixed results/information. Oh well.. here it goes.
LOL. Salvia is a short intense scene, so report back asap. Never heard of the concentrate but it makes sense.

Happy Trails..


Well-Known Member
From watching friends use it to get the full salvia experience you have to pack a bowl with it and finish the bowl in one hit. When i've seen people just take small hits or roll it up they said it was more of a mild weed buzz than the trip it can produce.

have fun tho lol


Well-Known Member
My buddy and I did like IDK the whole bag (looked like a O) we bought of that when we were like .......drrrr 17 maybe. We smoked the whole bag (out of my 6footer I had at the time) I didn't feel a thing he ended up going home and later that night got arrested for laying down nude in the middle of the road. so, IDK I was like yup not trying that again.... but who knows maybe that could be fun? LOL! Id just pitch it IMHO tho


Active Member
From watching friends use it to get the full salvia experience you have to pack a bowl with it and finish the bowl in one hit. When i've seen people just take small hits or roll it up they said it was more of a mild weed buzz than the trip it can produce.
For sure. Half way is not the way to go.


New Member
Well I just smoked a joint, half a gram.. mellow buzz... it's no Jack the Ripper that's for sure!! haha

This video convinced me to try it


I was definitely not reacting like him tho lol


Well-Known Member
These two always gave me a good laugh


When my step brother did it he thought he was a lego, and believed he was being stacked by a large baby. He sat entirely still the entire time and when it was over I asked if he remember not moving at all and he said he didn't want to fuck up the house the baby was building and piss it off. haha not for me