The Seed Collectors Thread

U can have a paternity test all day.
400watts is just sayin whatever it takes to make him feel justified for the way he acts. He has no job, lives off his 82 year old disabled grandmother, all he talks about all day is the plants, never about the baby that HE wanted in the first place. He doesn't come to bed at night because he's on this forum all day n night. I've taken to sleeping on the couch so I'm not heartbroken when I wake up at 5 am and he's nowhere around. Ive been making up for that shit in the beginning of our relationship ( I didn't take it seriously and I messed up ) and if he truly thought I was still messing around, then why did he purposely get me pregnant?
I told him we could do a paternity test now, since the docs want to check the plasma anyway, despite the dangers, we can do both. But he knows I've been with him non stop, I don't talk to any of my friends, only my step mother and father. By the way my step mother has told me that she never said that to him about me. He's just trying to manipulate.
Forget the fact that he is a slob and I clean up after him all the time.... Do I bitch about it?? Indeed I do, all day, because he is an adult and there's no real good reason we have his trash an soda cans full of cig butts all over our room that I try to keep clean all day long with no avail. We do own ash trays, we are not Neanderthals.
Anyways I had to say my peace since 400 watts went on my Facebook last night and called several people and told them to stop talking to me.... Even though they don't.
400 watts, u don't want to buy your baby anything because u don't think it's yours.... Save your money. Because when we get the results of this test, we are gonna need a bassinet, a baby bath tub, lots of diapers and formula.... And I highly doubt your grandmother wants to buy all that and neither does my step mother considering she already bought everything the baby has.
Sad thing is that he has never mentioned anything about wanting a paternity test to me, and I have to go on a grow forum to find out what's really on his mind. No wonder you're always checking my phone and pc, you never find what you're looking for, but you do it because you're online talkin mad smack that ain't true about me, that you're worried I'm doing the same to u. Well, I wasn't airing our business before, but I will be now. 3 unemployed people in your home knows where I've been for the past year and none of them doubt the baby for a second. When do I go out? When I'm forced to take your grandmother out when it's way past my bedtime? Yea I'm really gettin my strange on at friendlys in my pajamas with grandma. Lmao!
Ps you're on the verge of getting kicked out of the house because of the way you treat everybody. And that's not me saying it.


i actually had to login & comment on such ridiculousness cause i cant believe my eyes.

22 years old, 400w?
no wonder i cant relate to half these internet dudes.

ready ... my comment ... here it goes :


better listen to capt. stickyfingers ...stay off forums until : a) you make your situation better , b) you learn to control your bitch , & c) you absolutely figure out how to password protect your god damn muthafucking p/c.

what if you had private data in your inbox?
what if your (pissed off) chick spites you & that stupid wall you created falls on someone here !!!

^ ask me how i know?
cause i do know. very very very well indeed.
however , i cut loose all my connex , alerted my homies , & trashed my phone before i'd let a bitch gnarko-nab even someone i cant stand.

can i tell you i lost $1000s upon $1000s in future biz with connex i had established for years... rather than give that bitch one shread of data on them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its the reason i get beat around here... cause i lost mad clients in a nasty divorce & am still re-grouping from that anal assault my (ex) bitch gave me.

^ you hear me?

but but but , you'll never catch my bitch (ex wife or any other) online commenting on my weed habits... bro major faux pas.

make sure you PROTECT your "flip buddies" they too get a taste of your girl's papmers & bassinet rage?

clue-less !!!

give you my icfag handle? never.

i swear.
these kids ;-) need to beat them like they my own.

hey bro what's that mark on your face?
oh that, funny you ask.

my internet buddy just slapped the shit outta me.


  • should-wives-be-spanked2.jpg
    30.9 KB · Views: 15
even tho im not a big fan of relationships and have no desire to open my home to any woman any time soon, with kids its different. if you knock her up i'm a firm believer that it's the mans duty to make sure that baby has everything it needs when it comes into this world. i'd quit growing before ever putting my childs well being at risk, by at risk being defined as a situation that could allow the pigs to come and take dad away from baby over some stupid fucking plants and weed. no way would i think of pulling off a grow when my life is full of conflict, its not smart.
a big pack of diapers and a can of formula is expensive and last less than a week. the kid will be needing all that and more for a long long time. my suggestion to 400wattsallday, get a job. that kid needs you. you can always pick up a bottle of nutes and some dirt and start fresh when you get your life in order. kids come first. always.
no matter a baby or lady... i totally relate to both sides.
well, sort of... maybe not.

i dont shoot my giff inside them... its on their chinny chin chin for a reason ;-)
gotta pull the ballgag outta the mouth first.

im totally safe ...cause the internet told me only certain species of fish can have mouth babbies.

still, if paternity is in question, get a test.
trust issues galore with those two.

and, baby doll if you reading this : why not come online & talk with dudes about that?
nothing wrong at all... he's a dude... its totally normal... maybe have some face to face vs. internet to internet ?

i got 40 year old friends talking mad shit on their wives, cheating every other day , hating them kids, and stocked up on sharp axes with a wood chipper in the back yard.

& they got zero trees to trim.

mulch ...its not just for the beds around the house.

shit i live in the city & got a shovel for digging... & got an extra in case the 1st one breaks.
even tho im not a big fan of relationships and have no desire to open my home to any woman any time soon, with kids its different. if you knock her up i'm a firm believer that it's the mans duty to make sure that baby has everything it needs when it comes into this world. i'd quit growing before ever putting my childs well being at risk, by at risk being defined as a situation that could allow the pigs to come and take dad away from baby over some stupid fucking plants and weed. no way would i think of pulling off a grow when my life is full of conflict, its not smart.
a big pack of diapers and a can of formula is expensive and last less than a week. the kid will be needing all that and more for a long long time. my suggestion to 400wattsallday, get a job. that kid needs you. you can always pick up a bottle of nutes and some dirt and start fresh when you get your life in order. kids come first. always.

Yep, 100% agreed. I first started growing in the late 80's. In 91' my daughter was born. I did grow for about 2 more years in a secluded place. At that point I stopped growing (I also sold during that time) and selling and left it alone until my daughter graduated from highschool. At which point I started growing again (but not selling, I am too old for the nonsense) for my own personal enjoyment.

however , i cut loose all my connex , alerted my homies , & trashed my phone before i'd let a bitch gnarko-nab even someone i cant stand.

can i tell you i lost $1000s upon $1000s in future biz with connex i had established for years... rather than give that bitch one shread of data on them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its the reason i get beat around here... cause i lost mad clients in a nasty divorce & am still re-grouping from that anal assault my (ex) bitch gave me.

^ you hear me?

but but but , you'll never catch my bitch (ex wife or any other) online commenting on my weed habits... bro major faux pas.

make sure you PROTECT your "flip buddies" they too get a taste of your girl's papmers & bassinet rage?

gud knows whats up, shhh is the number one priority.

dayumn, next time my old lady is cruising a gossip site i'm redirecting her to here, more drama than tmz
that's taboo... and generally not good... most chicks you tell about the "hobby" look puzzled enough.

i've yet to me a chick w/ kids i'd trust enough to bring here.
no way.

herb is my passion & kids gonna effect my flow.... just outta respect & safety.
drank said it best.

plus, gudkarma cant stand a chick with kids.

even though , i still need somebody to hold that video camera while in donkey punch mode.

;-) its good to be the king.

now go wake up your kid & tell him not so much on the zoom angles this time.
can i tell you : i worship'd that blackberry.

we had a "family plan" phone thing... they got the phone back in tiny tiny pieces.
i've yet to meet a chick with kids i'd trust enough to care meeting

mad respect single moms do your thing with your head high, just not me
Good morning!

Holy shit 400w.....gotta logout dude keep that browser closed when your not around.....that is, unless she knocked you out to get to the compter.....

Chopped down 3 plants(CSS,AoS,Skunk) a week early...... not about to pay another cent for some mediocre weed grown by some asshole.

Skunk - John Sinclair
Long spears of immature goodness

CriticalSensi star - Delicious & (2 nugs of AoS)
This stuff is funky for being early

Goji OG - Bodhi

Yo, No Joke! Those smaller nugs in the Goji picture are bigger than golf balls.....This bud is straight up amazing

Nice buds mate , Nice to see some goji been growing got some in the vault but ill be popping my sour flame og first . Well done .
Ha Ha that's the deal Fo Sho...Gud... Hey listen I got boys the same way hit em and quite em... Atleast u his know what u want and Dont front. That's cool... I was lucky in my book and it's a diamond I know. I can do what I want when I want and I make sacrifices when need be and so does she...

But anyway here comes a kick in the fuckin spleen with that bitch slap.. I knew you were one here all the time..there ain't no way... Got a kid on the way... Buying equipment building knew u didn't have much money with the talk of what u have and what you buy. I could see shit wasn't right and I didn't even have to talk to you to tell.

Then all ur trouble in the past with jail. Then punchin some ddude out. These are things I would not have anything to with you in the real world your the type of dude that gets in trouble plain and simple. Ur suppoosed to stay straight when u got a op straight up let alone have a kid.. Straight up what to fuck some bitches up over stupid $100 and dnt cause Ill make that shit back in 10 min. Fuck them they get theirs but they ain't gettin mines never!! So grow up get ur shit straight and we will be here and do it fuckin right for once cause jail ain't an option for this bitch! Would of thought you figured that out by now. Hope u get it right u seem alright just got allot tto learn yet.
there are single dads out there too that do it all. everything. and i mean everything. my kids havent seen mom in years.
dad does it all.always has since they was 1. mom developed mental illness, they say between the ages of 17 and 21, a person who has schizophrenia may not show the signs till that age. bitch was a danger to live with. she had to go. went from perfectly normal sweet girl to psycho crazy bitch smoking, drinking, wasted all day. telling stories that made no sense. nearly burned the house down once. tried to stab me too. fuck that i said. her shit went into boxes and delivered to her dads place.
life only got better.
I like my popcorn the old fashioned way. I have a special popcorn pot and thats the only thing that pots get used for other then as a water bowl for Magoo when I am not cooking corn.

A little salt n pepper and I am ready for the main event

Gudkarma vrs ALL the fucking thieves & liars , but i'd condemn 3/4 of the fakes in "the seed collector" thread.

U can have a paternity test all day.
400watts is just sayin whatever it takes to make him feel justified for the way he acts. He has no job, lives off his 82 year old disabled grandmother, all he talks about all day is the plants, never about the baby that HE wanted in the first place. He doesn't come to bed at night because he's on this forum all day n night. I've taken to sleeping on the couch so I'm not heartbroken when I wake up at 5 am and he's nowhere around. Ive been making up for that shit in the beginning of our relationship ( I didn't take it seriously and I messed up ) and if he truly thought I was still messing around, then why did he purposely get me pregnant?
I told him we could do a paternity test now, since the docs want to check the plasma anyway, despite the dangers, we can do both. But he knows I've been with him non stop, I don't talk to any of my friends, only my step mother and father. By the way my step mother has told me that she never said that to him about me. He's just trying to manipulate.
Forget the fact that he is a slob and I clean up after him all the time.... Do I bitch about it?? Indeed I do, all day, because he is an adult and there's no real good reason we have his trash an soda cans full of cig butts all over our room that I try to keep clean all day long with no avail. We do own ash trays, we are not Neanderthals.
Anyways I had to say my peace since 400 watts went on my Facebook last night and called several people and told them to stop talking to me.... Even though they don't.
400 watts, u don't want to buy your baby anything because u don't think it's yours.... Save your money. Because when we get the results of this test, we are gonna need a bassinet, a baby bath tub, lots of diapers and formula.... And I highly doubt your grandmother wants to buy all that and neither does my step mother considering she already bought everything the baby has.
Sad thing is that he has never mentioned anything about wanting a paternity test to me, and I have to go on a grow forum to find out what's really on his mind. No wonder you're always checking my phone and pc, you never find what you're looking for, but you do it because you're online talkin mad smack that ain't true about me, that you're worried I'm doing the same to u. Well, I wasn't airing our business before, but I will be now. 3 unemployed people in your home knows where I've been for the past year and none of them doubt the baby for a second. When do I go out? When I'm forced to take your grandmother out when it's way past my bedtime? Yea I'm really gettin my strange on at friendlys in my pajamas with grandma. Lmao!
Ps you're on the verge of getting kicked out of the house because of the way you treat everybody. And that's not me saying it.

I raised my son as well and the incubator never attended a bparty or Christmas, let alone pay court ordered child support (what a joke that was) I would have been locked up and forced to pay.

But I accept all the blame. I was all for putting my joystick in her happy place. Lots of sperm donors and incubators are not able to take care of themselves, let alone a child. Thats why they are called tadpole makers and incubators.

I feel for the kids. All this nonsense about two daddies and single moms is bad for kids but great for a few egos.

there are single dads out there too that do it all. everything. and i mean everything. my kids havent seen mom in years.
dad does it all.always has since they was 1. mom developed mental illness, they say between the ages of 17 and 21, a person who has schizophrenia may not show the signs till that age. bitch was a danger to live with. she had to go. went from perfectly normal sweet girl to psycho crazy bitch smoking, drinking, wasted all day. telling stories that made no sense. nearly burned the house down once. tried to stab me too. fuck that i said. her shit went into boxes and delivered to her dads place.
life only got better.
Funny thing about that is..... I never ever threatened to snitch him out. I know this is a hobby he loves with all his heart and I fully support him in it. I've even told him that over and over again when he threatens to cut all his plants down to make me happy. He doesn't realize that that's not what I'm asking him to do. I have also told him that I would like him to talk to me more about the baby, and help me make more preparations for the baby.... But he wants no part of it. He only talks about his grow and nothing else. If i try to talk to him about ANYTHING else ( including the baby) he changes the subject back to the grow. He doesn't have any money, but when he does get money he doesn't buy anything for this baby that's gonna be here in only 4 months and because of his behavior I'm freaking out man.
Anyways, I'm out of this forum, I just had a feeling he wasn't really talking about growing on here all the time and I was right.... And I was beside myself in disbelief when I read what he wrote about me. It's weird though, he's got it all backwards, he's suppose to talk to me about the baby, and to u guys about the grow, but it's the other way around.
Words cannot describe how I'm feeling right now. It's a big mess. :(