The Seed Collectors Thread

good to see ya racer, its been awhile. hope everything is good with ya.

i ordered a molino mad scientist v2, a molino 7 arm perc and octopus precooler for myself...and a black leaf percolator bong for my buddy as a house warming gift. all from grass city.
good to see ya racer, its been awhile. hope everything is good with ya.

i ordered a molino mad scientist v2, a molino 7 arm perc and octopus precooler for myself...and a black leaf percolator bong for my buddy as a house warming gift. all from grass city.

lol, yah it has.. i usually look to see who the last poster was in this thread and if it's someone i like i'll pop over to see watt's shaking.. i just happened to see it was you so you know how that goes, lol...

yah, all is well i guess.. i think i got a potassium def. going on with my sour 13 i'm trying to get straightened out... hey cmt, i'm sure you'd know, but do you think the effected leaves will bounce back or should i only keep an eye on the newer growth to make sure it is looking good?? i know some def's will effect a plant to the point that the leaves that are effected will always look that way.. just curious..

i'll have to check out those links in a few.. i've been wanting a new piece, but think i'm gonna get a new camera instead.. monster drank gave me a few good leads on one i like.. i also saw a really nice package deal at best buy the other night that was a really good price believe it or not.. :D
i know a lot of people on here have been wanting that bio diesel from 303 seeds, but has anyone of you gotten around to growing anything from them yet??
i'm thinking of getting their jet fuel, which pretty much sounds like a headband kind of deal with sour d x og genetics..
That was me with the snow goddess, the other two still in flower haven't shown anything herms yet but it is still early. I will check on them tonight and report back on what they are doing.
i think i got a potassium def. going on with my sour 13 i'm trying to get straightened out... hey cmt, i'm sure you'd know, but do you think the effected leaves will bounce back or should i only keep an eye on the newer growth to make sure it is looking good?? i know some def's will effect a plant to the point that the leaves that are effected will always look that way.. just curious..

The discolored leaves will stay that way. Watch the new growth.
lol, yah it has.. i usually look to see who the last poster was in this thread and if it's someone i like i'll pop over to see watt's shaking.. i just happened to see it was you so you know how that goes, lol...

yah, all is well i guess.. i think i got a potassium def. going on with my sour 13 i'm trying to get straightened out... hey cmt, i'm sure you'd know, but do you think the effected leaves will bounce back or should i only keep an eye on the newer growth to make sure it is looking good?? i know some def's will effect a plant to the point that the leaves that are effected will always look that way.. just curious..

i'll have to check out those links in a few.. i've been wanting a new piece, but think i'm gonna get a new camera instead.. monster drank gave me a few good leads on one i like.. i also saw a really nice package deal at best buy the other night that was a really good price believe it or not.. :D

lol thats funny, i usually just scan through the posts, lookin at the avatars to see who posted...i only read posts from a select few people here lol.

yeah it really depends on how far gone those leaves are, a few will come back, the bad ones will die off...but for sure the new growth will tell ya if its working. personally, i keep an eye on the leaves that are just starting to get the deficiency cuz 9 out of 10 times they will green right back up after a dose or two.

man, i'm really digging that first ash catcher you put up there. might have to pick one of those bad boys up for myself.. :D

thats sweet, i'm assuming since drank gave ya the recco, it will be a Nikon? the canon's are a bit cheaper. after reading reviews and watching nikon vs canon comparison videos, i decided the canon was good for me. just rented some lenses this morning to try out, i really want to get a good macro lens but there are a couple i wanna try to see which i like better before i spend a grand on one..

lol yeah dude, that octopus ash catcher looks bad ass...the reviews say it's real big. can't wait for it to get here...if it ever does...
Lemon Fizz is a F**kin' Giant

*courtesy of ~xO Kakalak Ox~
Hi Folks,

Got some information on the upcoming Drops from Calyx Bros. Seed Co. and Exotic Genetix on That which we Shall not Depict.

On Aug 15th @ 11:59 PM UK Time
Exotic Genetix will be making there first drop. The following will be up for grabs:

(GrapeGod x The Flav) - 50-56 Days
Essence (JillyBean x Flav) - 50-56 days
Ultimate Lav (The Ultimate x Lavender) - 56-63 days
Lazy Train (Qrazytrain x Lavender) - 56-63 days
Bluelavender (Blueberry x Lavender) - 50-60 days
Fire Alien Black (BlackWater x Fire Alien) - 56-63 days

On Aug 16th @ 11:59 PM UK Time
Calyx Bros. Seed Co. will be making their first drop. The following will up for grabs:

Kakalak Kush F2

Genetics: [(Abusive Kush x Sour D) x (Chem D x Sour D)]
Family: Sativa Dom
Flowering Time: 9 - 10 weeks
Sex: Regular
Plant Height: Tall
Environment: Indoor & Outdoor
Filial Generation: F2
Seeds Per Pack: 10
Testing Status: Tested
Price: $60

Smokey Mountain Magic F2

Genetics: Gravokado X Kakalak Kush
Strain Type: 50/50 Sativa/Indica
Flowering Time: 56 - 63 days
Sex: Regluar
Plant Height: Medium - Bushy
Environment: Indoor & Outdoor
Filial Generation: F2
Seeds Per Pack: 10
Testing Status: Tested
Price: $60

Lemon Fizz F2

Genetics: Super Lemon Haze x Kakalak Kush
Family: Sativa Dom
Flowering Time: 77 - 84 days
Sex: Regular
Plant Height: Tall
Environment: Indoor & Outdoor
Filial Generation: F2
Seeds Per Pack:10
Testing Status: Tested
Price: $60

Blue Spruceberry F2

Genetics: DJ Shorts Blue Moonshine x Kakalak Kush
Flowering Time: 63 - 70 days
Sex: Regular
Plant Height: Tall
Environment: Indoor & Ourdoor
Filial Generation: F2
Seeds Per Pack: 10
Testing Status: Tested
Price: $60

And that's it for now folks.


Thanks!! Dont know anything about exotic but it looks like he's working with some kill...
registering at TSD:leaf: so I can talk about when and whever beans be dropping:-P
this is a public service announcement for all of us seed whores of the world.. i just used my cc for the first time in awhile and made an order from the attitude seedbank yesterday.. well, long story short, i just got off of the phone with my bank and someone snagged my info, and i'm about 99% sure it stems from either the attitude or their sage pay...
you all know i've been a huge supporter of the tude over the years and am not just making this shit up, so i just wanted to get word out that this shit is going on with them again after hearing rumors around these boards for awhile about the attitude and possible cc fraud...

again, this was a public service announcement brought to you by racerboy.. have a nice day...
lol wait until the charge to tude goes through then claim that was a fraudulent charge as well... payback can be a bitch ;)

Thanks for the anxiety for the next few days though.... especially since I am dry. Thank goodness I am messy with it... found enough nugs on the carpet to load the glass a few times.
Racer it might not be a bad idea to back up all your media files and photos to disc and do a fresh install of windows. Make sure it wasn't a trojan virus or malware that snagged your info, because that's most likely how it happened.
To eliminate any risk that a scanner might not pick it up.
Besides most of the really difficult to remove pieces of malware are beyond the capability of most your average computer users. Not alot of people out there that feel capable of editing their registry.

You say "just for a trojan" like they are all that simple to eliminate. That is not so.
I guess... maybe I gave him the benefit of the doubt since he was intelligent enough to utilize a forum that he would be knowledgeable in software and removal... but I guess this day and age maybe not.