The Seed Collectors Thread

Jeez just spent 4 months reading his whole thread, on a phone... What a soap opera...

TSD rules IMO and it would suck if this thread gets censored it's what makes this site unique to other grow forums.

Anyway I'm back to lurking.., this thread seems to be member only
Jeez just spent 4 months reading his whole thread, on a phone... What a soap opera...

TSD rules IMO and it would suck if this thread gets censored it's what makes this site unique to other grow forums.

Anyway I'm back to lurking.., this thread seems to be member only

they let me in . . . . .
Hey guerilla growers
Mr brown-dirt warrior said his seeds are still available.
He had me email him off site for more info, I'm waiting on it still.
Good containers/jars to store beans. I keep them in the fridge to keep them cool.


My friend bought me the UV jar from 420science out of austin for my birthday along with a few other different kinds they have a lot of cool shit!
Gu, I can't speak for MD but fire alien has been crossed with everything and the majority of reports I saw on Blackwater showed mutated herms.
Hey bigbucks did you ever contact budpatch about the issues that you had with his gear? He seems like a very stand up dude. I'm getting the Biodiesel. Matter of fact. I'm ordering it now.
Should I pull the trigger on Blackwater x Fire Alien by Exotic Genetix? $70+

if he got his fire alien pollen or male from lemonhoko, and im pretty sure it is, its going to be good, as long as the blackwater is up to par

if you check my threads i have journals on a lot of them are with this fire alien, and i think they are the same

ok review is a little long, but my journals are always up for checking
predator is Aliendog V2 x Fire Alien
Reviewer name:TonyGreenHand
13 August, 2012
Time: 7:30 pm PST
Strain: Predator "I" pheno




Physical Examination

Visual appeal (visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing - excellent)
Visible trichomes (visible trichome content from 1-10 none - totally covered)
Colors present in the buds ( on a scale from 1- 10 light - dark)
Green: 3 Green: 4 Orange: 5
Bud density (Bud density on a scale from 1-10 airy - dense)
Aroma description: (on a scale from 1-10 upon freshly broken bud where 1 indicates subtle presence and 10 indicates pronounced presence )
Black Cherry: 6 Wine: 2 Grape: 2
Aroma appeal (Aroma from 1-10 repulsive - delightful)
Aroma intensity (Aroma intensity from 1-10 subtle - overwhelming)
Were there seeds present in the sample?(Y or N)
Did the flowers show inter-sex expression? (Y or N)
Overall appeal ( from 1-100 where 1 is frightening and 100 is majestic)
Additional comments:
The nuggets in this sample were about the size of a dime and were average in color. They were very frosty and the floral clusters were dense and gave a good crack when broken. The smell reminded me of fresh cut cherries on a slow inhale, smelling the bud quickly gave off two subtle flavors of pungent wine and sweet candy grape. I really enjoyed the smell and how complex it was. Once cracked the nuggets gave off a good odor that filled the surrounding area.

Smoke Test

Utensils - 8" steamroller
Taste description (use numbers from 1-10 that apply to the taste where 1 is a subtle presence and 10 is a pronounced presence)
Wine: 4 Cherry: 4 Wood: 3 Hash: 3
Taste pungency ( pungency of taste from 1-10 light - heavy)
Taste impression (impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant- scrumptious)
Moisture level (1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal)
Harshness (1-10 smooth-harsh)
Smoke expansion (smoke expansion in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explosive)
Smoke test comments:
This bud was pretty dry and was easy to smash into a powdery bowl. The pungent wine flavor really came out in the flavor of this smoke and really went good in combination with the cherry taste. At the end of each exhale my mouth was full of a woody/hashy taste that wasn't too bad. The expansion would get me sometimes because of how smooth this was, it was even smooth on the bigger hits.

Follow up Questions

- 0.3 grams
Effect onset ~5 minutes & about 10 minutes to Full Effect

Potency (from 1-10 none-devastating)
Effect length
~ 2 hours
Usability (from 1-10 where 1indicates the worst time of the day to consume this strain and 10 represents the ideal time of day)
Morning/wake up: 3 Day/work: 3 Evening/relax: 7 Night/sleep: 9

Effect (what effect did the strain have write P if it had a POSITIVE effect and N if if had a NEGATIVE effect, next to each selected area please rate the intensity of effect from 1-10 where 1 would be a subtle presence and 10 would be a pronounced presence)
P - 6 :Ability to rest or sit still
- :Anxiety relief
P - 5 :Appetite
P - 5 :Audio perception
- :Humor perception
P - 5 :Imagination/creativity
- :Memory
P - 4 :Mood
P - 7 :Ocular relief
P - 6 :Pain relief
- :Paranoia relief
N - 5 :Physical awareness
P - 4 :Sex drive
P - 7 :Sleep
- :Speech
- :Taste perception
N - 4 :Thought process
N - 4 :Visual perception

Overall rating from 1-100:
Final comment:
The high on this was heavily narcotic. I felt it in my shoulders and spine, the sensation was almost like I stood up to fast. As the high progressed it became harder to type. I could hear every noise around me no matter how small. My arms and shoulders started to get heavy. Time slowed down while my mind worked out each detail of whatever I was doing. My eyes were very relaxed which made it hard to focus my vision. Looking at things that were moving quickly made them blur in a cartoonish fashion and my eyes took a long time to adjust between close range and long range visual targets. Physically the effects of this weed wore off roughly an hour after effects had started. The high was mentally uplifting and put me in a great mood, I felt this way for a solid 2 hours before almost suddenly feeling sober again. I really found this high to be quality night time meds, and so did my girlfriend who fell asleep on this twice right after smoking.