Well-Known Member
Was that you he pulled that shit on at Canna Collective too? Somebody there asked for some Purple Suicide pics and he went off on them for asking about a strain that wasn't for sale there.... only, at the time, NO Socal Seed Co strains were listed at C.C. cuz they pulled 'em down to break them all down into 6pks instead of 12pks, so how the hell would they even know if it was for sale there or not? And why would it even matter... if I've got a forum on ANY site and someone asks about ANY of my strains, available there or not, I'd be glad to POLITELY and RESPECTFULLY answer any ?s they might have.
...then when a couple peeps (including one of his testers) told him he was overreacting, he said they were all just trying to start trouble and deleted posts by at least 3 people. Punk shit.
lol no that was me. The rep for SoCal Seeds is a total douche. I think a lot of what I reposted is still there in the thread. When he deleted my shit the first time it just pissed me off so I retyped most of it.