The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
I want some of those Hillbilly Blue Genes... MMMmmm MMMMmmm.. Sounds Like Good Smokin to Me.. Good Got Damn CMT..


(*i just remember u call urself hillbilly beanery, but i just got home from work nd smoked my first fat ass bowl.... and HillBilly Blue Genes, well it just rolls right off my Kentucky Tongue....)


New Member
i saw mention of SAGE a few pages ago.

th seeds is not the creator of the real deal sage he actually ripped it off & tried to remake it.

here is a real SAGE grow ...and as far as i know , im the only person in the usa with legit beans from the original parent stock.

real rare shit.

note plant uniformity & height.
sog-ers delight.

hennepdesk is a euro weed growing legend & breeder extraordinare ... and now you know too.

his style of grow using milk crates, reusing rockwool pieces, low ec, and ebb & flow is amazingly efficient.

i live to copy his method with my own tweaks & my lab is proof that less plant = more if you know wtf you're doing.

went from 24 cuts on a 3x2 (i run two like a 6x2) to 15 per tray & better yield... am i lying?

hennep (dutch for "herb") gets 1.3g a watt all day every day... not me... not yet... but soon.



Well-Known Member
wow he grew those in Mapito Flake, i give him credit, i always thought that shit was High Maintenance.... and those fuckers look perfect... I mean Poly-Urethane mixed with Rockwool pieces.. Sometimes recycled plastic too so its got oil and shit on it that you have to wash off, Hes a better man than me...


New Member
sick right?

its work... like anything else... but high maintenance is relative to your perspective.

i think making giant batches of supersoil is work... that i'd never do.

hydro to the core.
but knowing all, or several, medium(s) gives you an advantage in overall skill set.

his nute schedule is stupid simple & would not impress all these high ppm players... it involves reading ph like you would plants... especially weeks 1 to 3.

i'd tell you the secrets... but will save it for another time.

i have 18 plants (cuts mind you) in 1 gal containers in a 4x2 under 800w that should break me off one pound solid.

that's why those thrips really fucked up my flow.

was gonna trade off some of those beans a few weeks back... & no bites.

i wonder if pj on cannetics is breaking off even 1g per watt?


I just started learning to grow and I'm just growing some reg right now, I'm not doing so well, only 4 of my plants have survive germination and I'm not so sure how many will survive vegetation but was wondering do you buy your seeds with cash or do you actually use a card?


Well-Known Member
Just doin Hempy's with Coco on top of perilite will kick that grows ass.

And KISS it with maxibloom, with a little dry koolbloom to top her off.


New Member
hmmmm... i'm very snarky.
and sometimes a BIG dick.

so in the name of consistency, i'd say do your homework one poster.

read around.... cause i hate answering & seeing answers to "how to get bean" questions.

putting it out there may help you (a little reading & you can school yourself) but hurt guys like me & the rest of the seed buying freaks.


is that so blissfest... since hydro is already proven over shlep-ing bags of dirt ...let's see your photos?

hennep gets 6 harvest a year, and you?

in the spirit of snarkyness, i just reported your post for being "stupid ass".


Well-Known Member
I just started learning to grow and I'm just growing some reg right now, I'm not doing so well, only 4 of my plants have survive germination and I'm not so sure how many will survive vegetation but was wondering do you buy your seeds with cash or do you actually use a card?
GudKarma, im pretty sure that guys name is Limbo not HennepDesk, HennepDesk is the name of a Forum...
And when i ran hydro, i ran low ppm's.. Veg, 500-800, Flower 800-1000... With Dyna-Grow @ .7 Conversion...

Ohh and your right if that guy had too make super soil, hed need a cement mixer for sure....


Well-Known Member
hmmmm... i'm very snarky.
and sometimes a BIG dick.

so in the name of consistency, i'd say do your homework one poster.

read around.... cause i hate answering & seeing answers to "how to get beans" questions.

putting it out there may help you (a little reading & you can school yourself) but hurt guys like me & the rest of the seed buying freaks.


is that so blissfest... since hydro is already proven over shlep-ing bags of dirt ...let's see your photos?

hennep gets 6 harvest a year, and you?
Hempy's is hydro? What planet are you on? And I just reported you for being a dumbfuck that dont know what Hempy buckets are:)


New Member
the planet where hydro means using water to transport nutes & maintain medium ph.

coco is dirty hydro at best.
and i have faith 1g a watt for you is a wet dream.

i'll be a dumb fuck with a much fatter setup harvesting every three weeks like i have for YEARS.
way way fatter than you.

i've grown hempy buckets simpleton. can you say shitty?

have you grown hennep's way?
cause i do that too. fact.

hempy is for hobbits that grow in closets... not production. fact!

bet you cant even take cuts, am i right?

please i beg you us your stuff.

what is it asshole day at RIU?



Well-Known Member
the planet where hydro means using water to transport nutes & maintain medium ph.

coco is dirty hydro at best.
and i have faith 1g a watt for you is a wet dream.

i'll be a dumb fuck with a much fatter setup than you. fact.

hempy is for hobbits that grow in closets... not production.

please i beg you us your stuff.
I grow big plants dude, I dont fuck around with that gay ass ebb&blow shit, LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
I run up to 8K in my flower room with fuckin trees bitch, and dont fuck around with milk crates, dumbass, LOL!!!!!!

Sorry for calling you a bitch and a dumbass, the thought just came to me.


Well-Known Member
Hey RACERBOY will you take care of bitchfesst for us?

His welcome is officially "worn out"
What? I did nothing? I just said Hempys would kill that milk crate grow? He called names 1st, LOL!!!!

Ever heard of Hempy,Heath Robinson,DoubleD,Jalico kid,ect? they dont run that shit, GudK has a big fuckin mouth;)


New Member
"and i have faith 1g a watt for you is a wet dream."

nuff said.


hennep = legend & creator of a method copied by people who i respect & people who make seeds from huge selections & grow herb for coffee shops in a'dam.

my people harvest tons ...not pounds.
one huge room every 3 days.

plus he made sage & worked on amnesia haze.


you = looser with huge stupid root balls soon to be ignored



Well-Known Member
Yeah well we all know what noobs look like

And when one comes into the best thread on riu, and in a few hours starts an arguement, which there hasn't been 1 arguement in the 350 pgs I been on this thread, then you are not welcome here.