The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
Shadders wifi has gotta be the white widow of today. Or the frostiest since white widow. I would love to get his pheno. When his wifi s1 comes out it get cutsys to the front of the line.

Man you can tell all the breeders are really turnin it up for x-mas. Everything is dropping or restocking.

There kinda like trading cards.


Well-Known Member
I was chattin to Shadders (Top fella btw) and he was saying that the WiFi S1's & Casey S1's were very near ready for harvesting and will then be goin off to the Cannetics testers before goin on for sale. No doubt they'll offer the same pre-release too ;-).
I just put 2 FireStarters into flower myself :bigjoint:
Bring on that frosty firey goodness :fire:


Well-Known Member
Bodhiseeds on suer also has a The White x Malawi Gold....

*ohh and sorry Batman i have no info for you.... But i like the sound of it.....


Well-Known Member
Im just waiting for the drop........
The price has gone up $20.... all these people bidding with 7 days left are just screwing themselves over......


Well-Known Member
Yeah it'll be 200+ bucks before the auction ends. Mr nice seeds come with a free 10 pack of c99 right now too...I already won a critical mass, now I'm goin for shark shock and nevilles haze.

Wish those black haze weren't so pricey...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it'll be 200+ bucks before the auction ends. Mr nice seeds come with a free 10 pack of c99 right now too...I already won a critical mass, now I'm goin for shark shock and nevilles haze.

Wish those black haze weren't so pricey...
Just on seur or on Mr. Nice auctions....
nvmd i see you as the high bidder.... LoL (on seur)


Well-Known Member
yah i noticed that black haze like weeks ago (prob like a week i got no fuckin idea) it looked sick..... but its up to like $270 by now maybe higher.... Still sick though......


Well-Known Member
Yeah I meant on seur...guess I shoulda said that lol.

What's ur name over there? I'll stay away from auctions you're bidding on.

Yeah there has been 3 or 4 black haze auctions...I'm hoping that after a couple more the price will be cheap enough for me to win one :)

Like scarlet queen, a few auctions went for 100+ bucks and then I got 2 packs for under 50 bucks a piece a few weeks later...gotta let the crazies get out of the way lol....although sometimes I am one of those crazies...


Well-Known Member
2 of my plushberry x sour bubble are females, both in the same 16 oz cup, the other 3 haven't shown yet.

Nothin else is showin yet, but should be soon.

Can't wait to see how my romulans turn out. I have one that is so small, its like stunted, no idea why, but it has red stems, completely red, the whole stock, it looks weird. None of the others are like that. Don't know if its a deficiency or if its a pheno.