The Seed Collectors Thread

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Interesting rant batman. I know less than shit about tech stuff. ESP with my recent stint cause of the piece of shit rats. Mutherfuckers. So I admit I like apple cause it's easier for me to use. Plus I have an iPhone. So it's appealing cause of the obvious. Plus it was between that and a xbox360(girl got me one for Xmas) or an iPhone4s(^^). Not 100% if I'll keep it or sell it. I don't even have it yet. I don't want to be turned into a human centipad so there is that. I did just buy my girl a toshiba laptop for Xmas. So we really don't need a tablet. Not sure what I'll do. Either way it was a sweet bonus on top of my reg bonus this month. All just for doing my job. First job I've had in I think 9 yrs? Fuck the man and fuck rats. Lol

Edit: and I wasn't living off of welfare either! Lol


New Member
lol karma. diggin the southpark reference. that's great tho about your bonus. i bust my ass this time of year but with a declining economy the pay has been also declining over recent years.

i used to spend over a hundred a pack if i really wanted it bad enough. bodhiseeds purplemoonshine was way up there..$150 i think. outlaw seeds were also pricey. miss that dude. ohh well... hope the Zon becomes what Breedbay used to be for me. i miss the great deals and genetics.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yea some gear is just way to expensive..not that im a cheap bastard but i mean think about it. The breeder is cranking out 1000's of seeds each run if he wants, i dotn care how much research or time went into a strain , its just not worth that much to me. Breeding is dedication and never ending knowledge, the breeders who think they are soem type of god and charge acordingly arnt true breeders to me.....a guy who puts just as much work into his gear and sells it for around $50 is the real deal IMHO....fuck i prolly gave away 2 grand in C99 this year, but seeing soemone enjoy my gear is worth more than the $75-100 people want for a pack :)

jus my 2 cents
yea some gear is just way to expensive..not that im a cheap bastard but i mean think about it. The breeder is cranking out 1000's of seeds each run if he wants, i dotn care how much research or time went into a strain , its just not worth that much to me. Breeding is dedication and never ending knowledge, the breeders who think they are soem type of god and charge acordingly arnt true breeders to me.....a guy who puts just as much work into his gear and sells it for around $50 is the real deal IMHO....fuck i prolly gave away 2 grand in C99 this year, but seeing soemone enjoy my gear is worth more than the $75-100 people want for a pack :)

jus my 2 cents
I agree with you 1000 percent on all accounts.


Rebel From The North
I got a 10 pack of the sun madian but il wait to get burgandy and another sun pack from the cz just dont want to miss
The cz drop


Well-Known Member
Gage Green Sun Maden and burgundy are in stock!!!! I Got mine did you get yours?
just saw that myself. grabbed burgandy, and TGA Plushberry. wanted the Sun Maden, Kaliman Cheese, more mosca gear, and others, but you know... christmas

it's so damned hard not to get all buck wild and order a ton of beans. would have gotten the Sun Maden if Plushberry was soldout. was so upset that i missed the leia OG drops that i couldnt risk missing this.

good luck pals!


Well-Known Member
I dont have a journal going prolly post it in the connoisseur thread... I know its a purple indica but as soon as i get this p.m ill get back to you on lineage.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Shweeeet ;) more purple in blue dream couldn't be bad lol I'm gonna do a sour Cross with mine either using a male from DNAs sour d or one from a pack of super sour dawgs ;) lots of awesome diesel in there ;)