I went into another shop like two weeks ago. They had magnum hoods for 279! Lol. I paid 160 at plh. And the funny thing is these stores are like maybe 40 min apart. Plh is always dead as shit inside. This other store was super busy. The owner came up and was like can I help u? I started laughing. Was like hell no I'm outta here
i used to run a couple of those ocho's.. i hate them. i traded them straight up for crappy vertzons/parabolic open air hoods and things got 10x better.. kcuf esoht seciep fo tihs <-
wake and bake with some white russian super melt bubble and everything goes sdrawkcab
I really want to try revs TLO and Subcools supersoil. Way more likely I run those than the cx.
dont do subs super soil, its junk. i made some up, cured it did my ting yield and shit was OK, so i took some a had left and brought it to two nurseries around me and had them do a soil test, give me its reading (how hot it is) both nursery directors came out to talk to me and one was laughing.. later i took the reads to a friend that has her master gardeners cert and she laughed and said the bet thing i could do was cut this 50/50 with spagnum or coco and feed with aact's.. i have gone now to my own recepie and its still way in the being changed regularly stage..
super soil is just loaded with everything some one could think of but not in any plant science fashion.. me and sub went round and round on this maybe a year+ ago.. your grow, your time, your money, my suggestion.. :/