Smoking Green Crack tested at 22.1% right now. Holy shit this makes me want to germ the Green Pythons. I love the "heavy eye" stone. Sweet sativa smell, but makes me mute. Thought provoking, Not couchlock. I wouldn't smoke too much of this before work but it would be great for a drive w/ loud music.
Batman - What about:
-A13xA11 x Eisbaer: Call it Space Race, Cold War, or Russian Moon Gorilla
Sketchy - Sucks about shite Plush luck today. I am hoping the 20 day old Plush I have turns out to be something great. I keep gifting my Plush beans out to med patient friends i know, and not restocking...and I think I am giving out the pink/purple pheno every time.
LilB- How are the Leia ladies doing?
Hell- Good karma your way on any/all packages. Met a Traeger rep last night...i will send you a pm tomorrow when i can see straight
My A13xA11 easily germed in paper towel, 26 hours, 1 cm tail...planted...26 hours later it has already shed it's shell and almost an inch above ground. Tiny seed with early growth that fast. /Buddhabow Bodhi. DirtyGirl is taking her slutty time.