The Seed Collectors Thread

Well I was told to come say hello in this thread soo... Hello!! A lot on this thread maybe will catch up one day but highly doubt it considering my brain can't focus on all of this info at once! Maybe it's to many dirty sanchez's :hump:dirty-sancheztn.jpg Gnight!


Well-Known Member
lol it the dude from ancient aliens!!
LoL... Yah
Georgio A. Tsoukalis
I think i actually spelled that right, I can't believe how many episodes of that show I've seen...LoL

He's always tryin to say 'Aliens Did IT!!!!', but sound smart and objective at the same time...
Now we don't know it was Aliens for sure, but with the knowledge and tools that these people had afforded to them at the time the only Logical conclusion one can conclude is..
Fucking Aliens did it!!bongsmilie

And im almost positive that the Bodhi drop wlll happen in 3-5 days, at least a small one if not for the "Big" one that was supposed to happen...

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

Kevin instigated a series of pioneering experiments involving the neuro-surgical implantation of a device (Utah Array/BrainGate) into the median nerves of his left arm in order to link his nervous system directly to a computer to assess the latest technology for use with the disabled. The development of the implant technology was carried out by a team of researchers headed by Dr Mark Gasson who, along with Kevin, used it to perform the ground-breaking research. Kevin was successful with the first extra-sensory (ultrasonic) input for a human and with the first purely electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans. His research has been discussed by the US White House Presidential Council on BioEthics, The European Commission FTP and led to him being widely referenced and featured in academic circles as well as appearing as cover stories in several magazines – e.g. Wired (USA), The Week (India)


Well-Known Member
Well.... I normally would just keep this to my self but, it's kind of useful info imo. I ordered from ThseedDepot on 4/02 I just today got my package now I spent around $450 something on these and this is how it was packaged and shipped...(out of respect I'll leave out the envelope picture).. a sheet of folded printer paper and some scottch tape.. not impressed and will most likely not order from agin.. (will post in proper thread as well).. just thought I would share. I would like to add that nothing was danaged at all. just very unprofessional and dirty =/



Well-Known Member

Kevin instigated a series of pioneering experiments involving the neuro-surgical implantation of a device (Utah Array/BrainGate) into the median nerves of his left arm in order to link his nervous system directly to a computer to assess the latest technology for use with the disabled. The development of the implant technology was carried out by a team of researchers headed by Dr Mark Gasson who, along with Kevin, used it to perform the ground-breaking research. Kevin was successful with the first extra-sensory (ultrasonic) input for a human and with the first purely electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans. His research has been discussed by the US White House Presidential Council on BioEthics, The European Commission FTP and led to him being widely referenced and featured in academic circles as well as appearing as cover stories in several magazines – e.g. Wired (USA), The Week (India)
First comes the Cybernetic Hand...


Man I recommend "imidacloprid" from Bayer.
One application systemic synthetic tobacco juice.
One or 2 watering with it an nothing will eat yor ladies
Very safe for people an animals, but kills bugs in parts per BILLION
It even stopped the big ass grasshopper hordes that can strip a plant to stalk on a day out here.
Uncle Ben told me about it, called the silver bullet against bugs.....
Couldn't you get the same effect from soaking tobacco in water, and using that as a spray. It would probably have a much higher concentration of nicotine, which is causing the paralysis to the insects in the first place...


Well-Known Member
Couldn't you get tmv from using tobacco products? Idk but I always wash my hands now before I do anything cuz I smoke cigs............ its funny I was thinking the same thing about skynet lol.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't you get tmv from using tobacco products? Idk but I always wash my hands now before I do anything cuz I smoke cigs............ its funny I was thinking the same thing about skynet lol.
The DOD computer is actually called skynet....

Now its just a matter of time....

Duh, Dah-Duh--d-d-d-d-d-d--d.......


Well-Known Member
TMV dies above 104 degrees (F)...

So once you start to smoke all TMV in the cig is gone.. But i guess before then it had a chance to transfer onto you as a host.. If i still smoked i would wash my hands too...LoL
(especially after just reading 10 pages on the TMV..)
Well.... I normally would just keep this to my self but, it's kind of useful info imo. I ordered from ThseedDepot on 4/02 I just today got my package now I spent around $450 something on these and this is how it was packaged and shipped...(out of respect I'll leave out the envelope picture).. a sheet of folded printer paper and some scottch tape.. not impressed and will most likely not order from agin.. (will post in proper thread as well).. just thought I would share. I would like to add that nothing was danaged at all. just very unprofessional and dirty =/
Couldn't agree more. I had 3 Green Python seeds crushed this way from SDepot. Was going to forget about it but mentioned it politely in a message to them. A few days pass, RD promo ends and instead of asking for replacements, I asked if they would extend the RD promo for me ( i never ask anybody for anything but thought this was fair). Lady at help desk said JB says its ok. So I order Rugburn OG and put GTH8 as the freebie in a seperate help desk request. I got the order a few days ago, packed shitty again, with RugBurn that I ordered plus some freebies labeled only as G13 Haze with no breeder or info. Lost my buisness.

Good to see you back Jkahn

Got my Tude stuff today. CV Blue Magoo and Hazeman Breakout, Grape13, and the 88HP freebies. If I get bits of blue plastic from the grinder into my joint, that's good right? j/k "Hanging nugs from lanyards since 1994." lol


Well-Known Member
gonna take a chance and keep the 20 plush berry I planted the other day.... seems kind of pointless with the pink/purple pheno being the hermi magnet but, seeing as it's the only strain I know of that has such a good ratio of color to non... yea, anyhow I'll keep you guys posted on the "Purple bitch not a hermie" pheno hunt